April 15, 2005

'American Pie' Star Chris Klein Arrested for Drunk Driving

Chris Klein, best known for his work in the highly overrated American Pie films, has been arrested for drunk driving. Stupid fricking idiot.

As you can tell, I have VERY little patience or understanding for anyone who drinks and drives. To me, it's the embodiment of selfishness, stupidity and a total disregard for the safety of other people. Basically it the exact same thing as saying "Yeah, I might kill someone tonight if I do this... but fuck them, I'm more important".

I hope he goes to jail for a year and looses his licence for 5. It'll never happen, but until it does people are just gonna keep doing it and keep killing people.

Here's the hilarious part! This is how screwed up the American justice system is. If you drink and drive, putting the lives of people at risk, you will get nothing more than a warning and a small fine. HOWEVER... if you download a movie from the internet... you could get 9 years. How totally screwed up is that?

Posted by John Campea at April 15, 2005 07:44 AM


American Pie is up there with My Big Fat Greek Wedding as the most overrated comedy in the last decade.

I don't know how these two pieces of crap made so much money, while movies like Adaptation and Shaun of Dead are virtually ignored by the mainstream audience. It sickens me.

In pathetic atempt to defend Chris Klein though, I think he's still depressed over losing Katie Holmes.

Posted by: Jose at April 15, 2005 09:06 AM

Mandatory minimums of loss of license, and probation plus fines. You are right that most don't consider how horrible things can turn out when drinking and driving occurs. My thoughts are that people should recieve treatment IN ADDITION to punishment.

Chris Klein is an actor that I really couldn't care less for. How does he get movie deals anyway?

Posted by: Ben at April 15, 2005 10:09 AM

You know, I never thought much of him as an actor because of the crap he plays normally, but he did an intense turn in The United States of Leland. I was a bit surprised he did so well and wasn't offered more serious stuff after that. But, then again, we are talking about shitty Hellywood, now aren't we?

As for the drinking and driving, John, from my comments on other posts on the same topic, you will recall we see eye to eye on the punishments and the reasons why people do what they do drunk. 'Nuff said. CK is but another social retard in a long line who thinks their life if far more important than Suzie Q. Public's or John B. Doe's are. Fuck, just thinking about that level of arrogance is making me queasy as I type this.


Posted by: Lilly at April 15, 2005 10:48 AM

Man, can't these rich actors afford a cab.I don't get it

Posted by: Simon at April 15, 2005 11:21 AM

Excellent point, Simon. Well stated.

Posted by: Lilly at April 15, 2005 11:46 AM

Back off the Star & Stripes, dude! I'll be the only one ripping the USA a new asshole! Spicoli...OUT!

Posted by: Sean Penn at April 15, 2005 03:28 PM

John, you should really get off your high horse. Drunk drivers, drug users, etc. You live in a glass house or something? Should you really be throwing all these rocks?

Posted by: Skull Nine at April 16, 2005 04:42 PM

Hey Skull.

Well... I guess saying "Hitler shouldn't have killed all those Jews" means I'm on a high horse huh?

I guess I should never say "Don't rape children" cause that would just be throwing rocks.

I suppose if I say "Terrorists destroying the twin towers was wrong" I'm living in a glass house.

I guess I'm just nieve to think that basic common sense like "don't drink and drive" should be ok to say.

Honestly Skull... I'm open to different points of view... but what is yours? All you've done here is cowardly thrown a couple of personal insults at me without making a point of your own. So what would your point be?

Posted by: John Campea at April 16, 2005 04:50 PM

Yeah Skull, put it up or shut it up. Don't be messing with the Campster or I'll be forced to put a "State of Grace" beating on your ass!

Posted by: Sean Penn at April 16, 2005 10:57 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at April 17, 2005 03:43 AM

While I agree that driving drunk is a selfish act....I have seen over the year Ive been watching you post that you have views that dont have a place on a movie blog....case in point....when you were talking about the Mounties that were shot. Everyone that reads your blog are from all over and i read your blog more than i read the news paper(I hate bad news).....I would just say....keep it on the movie news....not the sleeze......I certainly dont care abotu a second rate actor that got a DUI.....Screw Him.

Posted by: jason at April 17, 2005 11:03 AM

amen, brotha!

Posted by: our momma at April 18, 2005 08:37 PM

Umm..Chris Klien second rate actor. Hes an AWESOME fucking actor and hes fucken hot, (* just so you fuckers all know that one *), this is to post on how you feel about him being arrested not how good of an actor he is so go fuck yourselfs.

- HaiLeY

Posted by: Hailey at April 24, 2005 04:11 PM

Haily, I totally agree he is a pretty good actor and hes handsome ;) but just because hes an good actor & handsome doesnt mean he can get away with drunk driving..now thats whats fucked up. But yeah..hes still hott.

Posted by: Kelsea at April 24, 2005 04:22 PM


Posted by: bam at April 24, 2005 04:31 PM

Y'all crack me up..your making in fun of an actor, who makes more than you do! No Affence or anything, but hes probably better looking then all of you..& anyway it's about what you think about him drunk-driving not about his looks or his movies or how much he makes. It's wrong. But everybody makes mistakes, also him an Katie like just broke up right? You dont even know him..so I dont understand WHY you people do these things anyways.

Im not saying hes not a bad person..but im not saying he is either. I dont know who he is, never met him, never will.

& Haha right on Bam, American Pie was pretty good.

Posted by: Sammie Leigh<33 at April 24, 2005 07:15 PM

Y'all crack me up..your making in fun of an actor, who makes more than you do! No Affence or anything, but hes probably better looking then all of you..& anyway it's about what you think about him drunk-driving not about his looks or his movies or how much he makes. It's wrong. But everybody makes mistakes, also him and Katie like just broke up right? You dont even know him..so I dont understand WHY you people do these things anyways.

Im not saying hes not a bad person..but im not saying he is either. I dont know who he is, never met him, never will.

& Haha right on Bam, American Pie was pretty good.

Posted by: Sammie Leigh at April 24, 2005 07:16 PM


Posted by: Tayla at April 25, 2005 01:53 PM

I rarely get this passionate about most issues, but I feel I must unload on this one.

You people make me sick. Though I agree that this post doesn't belong on a movie site, I must say it is an important issue. First of all, to you people defending Klein, there is no excuse for his actions. People DIE at the hands of drunk drivers. This isn't like Winnona Ryder shoplifting, or Brad Pitt philandering. THIS IS A CRIME THAT KILLS. Trust me, I've seen it happen, though luckily not in my own personal life, people I know have lost friends and loved ones to drunk drivers. When you get behind the wheel, in any condition you hold, not only your own life, but also the lives of anyone else in the car and on the road.

I agree that it is ludicrous that there is a greater punishment for copying movies illegally than there is for putting lives at risk. I live in America and it disturbs me to think how much we put the financial well-being of large corporations above the safety of our citizens. Here's my idea for reforming the system:

1st offense: $5000-$10,000 fine and loss of licence for five years, or until age 21 (for underage drinkers obviously)

2nd offense: $10,000-$25,000 fine, plus loss of licence for ten years and six months to a year in prison

3rd offense: $25,000-$50,000 fine, plus loss of licence for life and five to ten years in prison

4th offense: death

Okay, so the last one may seem a little overboard, but it makes sense. Think about it, in most areas of the US, the punishment for pointing an UNLOADED gun at someone...that is, a gun that cannot possibly hurt anyone unless you throw it really hard...is harsher than the punishment for driving drunk, which can and does hurt people every day. I heard some country in Europe the punishment for a first offense is death. The first year it was in effect they put to death 33 people. In the next thirty years they only put 3 people to death. . . .Three people. Now that's an effective law.

And to all of you people out there who think my plan is "unfair" or "ridiculous," you clearly have no concern for human life. And don't think I'm some 2 beer queer, "I can't drink it cuz it burns" alcohol-hater. I've been known to get pretty wasted on occasion, but I actually have a brain...I DON'T DRIVE.

Finally (cue sigh of relief), I have to say Simon, you've hit the nail on the head. These actors make at least hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, if not tens of millions. Call an effin' cab! Or a limo. Or a private jet, or something.

Save a life, it may be your own. Don't drink and drive.

Posted by: Justin at April 26, 2005 09:13 PM

i think he is fine. people make mistakes.

Posted by: Jaclyn at May 11, 2005 10:31 AM

ozzie my man, i think you stupid fucks need your balls reattached, just because you fuckers aint got dicks dont mean you can post in here you know! you guys just gotta realize that things were gonna be different after high school, okay, now we got our own party to go to dont we? YYYEEESSSS SSSSIIIIRRRR. BOUT TIME. SHIBBY DUDES. HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE. I THINK SOME OF YOU GEEKS NEED TO FIND A GIRL. WITH LITTLE HEARTS ON HER PANTIES. I MEAN WHAT AM I GONNA BE A PROFESSIONAL LACROSSE PLAYER?


Posted by: Ozzie at June 3, 2005 05:41 PM

Thank you Ozzie, that was pointless and degrading. I hope you didn't hurt your index finger typing all of those capital "S"es in your profound statement: "YYYEEESSSS SSSSIIIIRRRR." BTW, "Shibby" is not happening. It was a bad chatch-phrase from a bad movie that came out 5 years ago, and contrary to what you may believe, no, it didn't win an Oscar for Best Picture.

I'm not going to go off again on my opions of drunk driving, suffice to say that recently I almost lost one of my friends to drunk driving a couple of weeks ago. I will say that you people are entitled to your opinions, however, for the sake of everyone reading these blogs, if you are going to express your opinion, do so intelligently and maturely. I get so sick of reading posts resembling the above example.

This site used to be my favorite place to go to discuss, and read others' discussions about movie-related topics. Now I just get frustrated by all the ignorant, narrow-minded, self-righteous people who feel the need to verbally assult anyone who may have a different opinion. Let's keep it polite and intelligent folks. It makes things better for all of us.

Posted by: Justin at June 16, 2005 12:13 PM