April 28, 2005

Alpha Dog is back on

BruceWillisHostage.jpgSmile Bruce, looks like you're working again. I meant to write this ages ago when Jay Dalton kindly dropped us an email, but I'm getting there now.

You know we said Alpha Dog was out of cash, well apparently they've found some, or perhaps it was never true. Whatever the reason, Jay spotted some commotion down the street in his hometown. Trucks rolled in noon on a Friday and were gone by the morning.

Security guards told me Alpha Dog, and there were some dash board stickers on cars on the street. Definately Alpha Dog. The trucks were all independents...no big studios. At least 4 trailers for talent. Catering for about 50 under a tent.

Cheers for that Jay. Looks like the movie is still on the go then. We stand corrected. Unfortunately they were in and out so fast he couldn't get hold of any snaps. Timberlake and Willis together, on one level it spells disaster, on another the entire casting looks strong, which way is this going to go?

Posted by at April 28, 2005 12:10 PM


Willis in a flick always has my attention, but Timberlake on the big screen? *sigh* It dampens my excitement. The boy annoys me to no end.

Posted by: Meli at April 28, 2005 04:36 PM

its ok

Posted by: Jessica at May 5, 2005 07:56 AM