April 03, 2005

Alpha Dog has run out of cash

BruceWillisHostage.jpgAfter the good news of Hostage for Bruce Willis as well as the promising early reports for Sin City and the anticipation surrounding Die Hard 4.0, you'd think that he was on a good run of luck.

Well not according to Variety through Coming Soon. Appears that the production of Alpha Dog has run out of money and everyone's arguing about who to pay.

...[Nick] Cassavetes ran out of money while trying to complete the project. A feud has erupted between the film's distributor New Line and producer Sidney Kimmel about who should pay to finish the film.

In the meantime, the real Jesse James Hollywood was captured in Brazil and goes on trial soon. Not only does this mean that Cassavetes may have to do some rewriting and reshoots for the movie, but that New Line may not even be able to release the movie until after the trial is over.

Not such good news, especially if they're arguing over who's going to pay to finish the project. You'd think that with Willis' record just now they would be keen to capitalise on it, plus if it's a good movie with potential for good returns...

As Variety say, looks doubtful for a release this year at this rate.

Posted by at April 3, 2005 02:20 PM