April 05, 2005

3-D Star Wars will be Delayed

The net was all abuzz when new came out a while back that George Lucas was planning on releasing all the Star Wars films in 3-D next year. However... perhaps George didn't think about that fact that this could take a little bit of time.

The good folks over at Variety are reporting that things will probably get pushed back quite a bit. Here's the scoop:

Producer Rick MacCallum is skeptical that they will be ready anytime soon.

"No, we don't have any real plans," "Star Wars" producer Rick McCallum says. "George had never seen the footage of the first six minutes of 'Episode IV' until a week before ShoWest." He goes on to say that although Lucas wants it really badly, they "can't implement it until the industry gets its act together and pushes digital cinema forward."

I can't wait to see this... even if it's just for the sake of novelty.

Posted by John Campea at April 5, 2005 06:38 AM


John, have you noticed that you have already made like 10 different topics on Star Wars for the last quarter alone, not much of a big fan eh? LOL

Ho matter how long it takes, I am on board about a 3D version, we have IMAX-London so I dont mind my first IMAX experience be Star Wars! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 12:07 PM

In a word - YAY! This is like milking the teat for every last force-filled drop. I've seen two 3-D films in recent memory - Jaws 3-D and Spy Kids 3-D, and they both sucked. George, for the love of all that is holy, just quit while you're ahead.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 03:54 PM

Well, what if it turns out alright?

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 04:32 PM

Yes, but what if it DOESN'T. Hasn't George soiled his legacy enough? Let me answer - yes!

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 04:47 PM

Then dont watch it, you are not being forced to do anything should it be done.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 04:49 PM

Ah, a stoic defender of the George! Brainwashed by the Dark Side! Don't watch it is the lamest thing to say when someone offers criticism, it says you're not open to any other points of view, which, by your other angry posts, seems to be the truth.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 05:14 PM

Oh yes I am angry, I am seething in anger because I cant argue objectively.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 05:39 PM

Using the ol' "don't see it then" rebuttle misses the point. Seeing Star Wars 3D isn't at the heart of the issue- milking the franchise and making suckers of all Star Wars fans is.

So really, no one has to see it, just like no one HAS to respond to an opinion they don't like. But yet Simone did-- just like Fredo can't resist pointing out the obvious in George's missteps and teat-squeezing (can you blame him?).

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 5, 2005 06:32 PM

Picture this -

The theater darkens. The previews roll. After the previews, a cow teat appears and a little nubby hand reaches out to grab the teat. As it grasps the teat, the THX music begins and peaks at the end when the hand squeezes one single drop of milk to the waiting mouth of George Lucas (Rick McCallum is seen panting in the background). When the drop hits his tongue we hear the sound of a cash register - CHACHING!

George Lucas: Milkin' the Star Wars Teat for almost 28 years.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 06:48 PM

Did Fredo call for help? I hope the two of you arent ganging up on me or anything?

My point here is nobody is asking you or anybody to watch the 3D version, and so what if the fans watch the 3D version, its not your money theyre using, plain and simple.

And no, if I want to reply, why would anybody stop me, why cant I disagree with an opinion and not voice it here, this is a site to do just that. I hate to point the obvious.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 06:49 PM

See! See! That's my point! I am a fan. I have Star Wars toys, I have posters, I have t-shirts. I have eveloped myself in complete Geekdom (although I have yet to dress in full Stormtrooper armor or give myself my own Jedi name). I think, as a fan, I have a right to feel slighted by 'ol George. I'm not saying the 3-D films will be stupid or crappy, I'm just using it as an example to say - as of late - George doesn't seem to know when to leave well-enough alone.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 06:55 PM

I realised you were a fan after finding out you bought your kids merchandise and that you even have some to yourself when you were younger, you know what I think happened? You grew up, its alright to say it, the child inside aint there anymore. See, if I were to allow that to happen, I will probably be doing the same things the others did, nitpick on EVERY little thing about it, but I didnt. I could even say to hell with it George, why even make the prequels, but no, that child in me was still there, waiting to be transported to this galaxy that Lucas created. But youre right, you are a fan and you can talk about how the films made you feel.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 07:14 PM

Fredo did call for help. On the "Hurry Simone is beating my @$$ with his/her impenetrable logic" hotline. Looks like I got here just in time.

Simone, nobody is stopping you from responding, I was simply making a point.

I appreciate the "kid inside" analogy, but I think it's off base. Objectively, I watch the original trilogy and feel the elation and poignant moments-- they hold up 25 years later. The prequels don't hold up right out of the gate. In 20 years, those dumb lines, wooden delivery and missteps like stepping in piles of crap, farting and "Die Jedi Dog" will still be missteps of dumb lines and crap and fart jokes.

And contrarily, as a Star Wars geek, George IS asking me to watch the 3D movie. You think he's hyping it and charging people to see it for his own pleasure? Of course he's asking us to see it. He's got no money in his pocket and therefore no reason to make it if we don't. George the Huckster will continue to make suckers of the fans as reaps in the bucks. And that's the point.

We're obviously all fans, but some are just a bit more objective about missteps (I bitch about it all day, but at the end of it, I still own the films)while others fall in line with some sense of obligation to George and his universe.

You don't owe George more than what you've paid with the price of admission to see his movie.

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 5, 2005 07:39 PM

"We're obviously all fans, but some are just a bit more objective about missteps (I bitch about it all day, but at the end of it, I still own the films)"

There it is, I was waiting for this to finally come out and it did. I guess what I dont like is the hypocrisy of it all. Okay we've established that you didnt like the prequels, fair enough, but do you have the DVDs of it too? And how many times have you seen it? Maybe 10 times or more? I dunno. I know of a lot of the disillusioned ones who just like you guys hated the prequels but still watched it over and over, I mean what is that all about? You bitch about it but still watch it over and over. I admit, I didnt particularly like TPM on first viewing either but I didnt realise I have paid to see it like 5 more times in the cinema, bought the DVD and watched it more, same applies to AoTC.

Of course I know I dont owe George anything, its just me when I am passionate about something, we can talk about anything else here that I feel passionate for and you will get the same thing. Since we are all fans I'll draw the line here and end the bickering. Let's just agree to disagree.

Boy I wont be able to sleep soundly tonight! LOL

Anyway, great to meet you here Dudeoreason and Fredo. And like I say to other SW fans, MTFBWY.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 07:56 PM

"Fredo did call for help. On the "Hurry Simone is beating my @$$ with his/her impenetrable logic" hotline."

Oh, I am a her guys. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 07:58 PM

I watch the films hoping and praying that I will latch on to George's Teat o' Force. And I just can't do it, Captain! Or, maybe it's me drifting back to my childhood wishing I could have cool lightsabers like the kids nowadays, instead of using a fishing rod or tree branch. Sniff.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 08:04 PM

It is George who owes us nottin´ to us. He gave birth Star Wars against all odds. The whole phenomenon. Even the whiners.

Posted by: Peter at April 6, 2005 02:14 PM

In defense, I own the DVDs because they've got Star Wars moments, not because they're good. I can honestly say I haven't watched either more than twice-- all subsequent viewing has been some hilights and deleted scenes. It's not so much hypocrisy (I'm not saying I hate them and then secretly loving them) as it is facing reality. Some moments worth owning, but the whole is a let-down.

So yeah, I suppose it's agree to disagree.

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 02:16 PM

In defense, I own the DVDs because they've got Star Wars moments, not because they're good. I can honestly say I haven't watched either more than twice-- all subsequent viewing has been some hilights and deleted scenes. It's not so much hypocrisy (I'm not saying I hate them and then secretly loving them) as it is facing reality. Some moments worth owning, but the whole is a let-down.

So yeah, I suppose it's agree to disagree.

But I'm still right.

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 02:16 PM

Sorry for the double post.


If stating the obvious is whining, then I'm a whiner. Nyah!

Yes, George does owe the fans of the original trilogy something. We made him succesful, not vice versa. Without George and Star Wars, we'd still be living life and enjoying movies. The phenom may have been his idea, but without the folks who forked over their money for his movies and all the additional shill he pumps out under the Star Wars banner, he wouldn't have the empire he does to make "his" movie.

Ultimately, it's simply entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just unfortunate the new films haven't held up as well as the original and fallen into the equivilent trap of mugging for the camera, that's all.

Posted by: dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 03:13 PM

That´s a matter of oppinion, ain´t it? Ultimately, all goes to that. When I go to see a movie, I don´t think in the movie earned by the directors and stars... I enjoy it.

I enjoy this new trilogy, maybe even more than the old one. A Star Wars film is an experience to me always. We both agree, though, the two trilogies are very different!


Posted by: Peter at April 6, 2005 03:26 PM

Peter says, "He gave birth Star Wars against all odds. The whole phenomenon. Even the whiners".

I think this is the BEST post of all in this discussion.

Posted by: Simone at April 6, 2005 04:59 PM

I think not, Simone. I will not relent!

Like your Star Wars love, my reason is bulletproof.

Posted by: dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 05:36 PM


Well you have got to laugh sometimes you know. Looking back on what happened here yesterday with all these exchange of posts I actually had fun you guys.

Shall we dispense with the formalities and let our hair down, pleasure to meet you both, Simone here form London btw, and MTFBWY. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 6, 2005 05:43 PM

Nobody's arguing George Lucas' ability to make money or his right to make "his" movies, just the amount of talent Baron Papanoida has in his Ticonderoga pencils. Based on his track record - "Howard the Duck" and "Willow" - it's no wonder he goes back to his bread and butter (and cash cow). I'm glad he made the Star Wars universe, I really am, but that doesn't change the fact that both previous prequels simply aren't up to snuff. Like I said, I'm praying ROTS will heal my wounds.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 6, 2005 05:56 PM

I'm Fredo Teabaggins, from Clamcavia. I stay at the Inn of the Snapping Crotch Cricket and wake every morning to lembas and the brown dawn.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 6, 2005 05:58 PM

Yeah, you can't let these topics get too serious.

Nice to "meet" you. We're the Dudes from www.thedudeblog.com, USA.

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 06:00 PM

You guys must be both thinking, this girl is a real FREAK not backing down. We had fun though didnt we? LOL

So, you have your own blog eh, dont mind me looking at it boys? I'll be nice though. So what are your plans for Episode III, are you watching it on the first day or what?

Posted by: Simone at April 6, 2005 06:07 PM

I most certainly will be standing in line on May 19th, wearing my Vader chaps, Leia bra and Stormtrooper helmet. I do lika da Star Wars. I do. And feel free to peruse The Dude Blog!


Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 6, 2005 06:15 PM

And, because I like explosions, space ships and think Storm/Clonetropers are the coolest looking movie dudes ever, I will be in line on the 19th with Fredo.

Only, I'll be wearing the Leia bra on my head and the helmet strapped around my loins with a picket sign reading "I told you so".

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 06:50 PM

I changed my mind. I'll be wearing that fishnet potato sack and g-string that Jabba's blue dancer wears in the original ROTJ. I don't think the Twi'lek get enough credit. Which also begs the question - how many fanboys will cry when Aayla Secura eats it in ROTS? I'll answer for you: A sh**load.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 6, 2005 06:58 PM

Great thread - I don't remember many posts as intense as this one. Nothing like us passionate Star Wars fans, eh?

I thought 3D Star Wars so soon was a bit ambitious - I don't know how the technology works but I bet it will be cool when it finally hits screens.

The speeder bike chase alone from Return of the Jedi would be amazing. But 3D Jar Jar? Not so much LOL.

Posted by: trysop at April 6, 2005 09:06 PM

Fredo, Lucas track record is actually larger than that, and U know it. There´s American Graffiti and THX1138, who are quite good films. He has a lot of credit on Indiana Jones saga... don´t forget that. Interesting to note that it was American Graffitti what convinced Alan Ladd Jr. to allow Lucas to do whatever he wanted, I mean, Star Wars.

About digital cinema and 3D-cinema... that´s where Spielberg is wiser than Lucas or Cameron for that matters... celuloid has still a long future, and 3D cinemas are anecdotic, talking in worldwide diffusion.

Posted by: Peter at April 7, 2005 12:11 PM

David aka Trysop says, "Great thread - I don't remember many posts as intense as this one. Nothing like us passionate Star Wars fans, eh?"

Passionate, yes that's what some of us have become. And yes David, you missed it all, you could have given me a hand in here! Where were you when I needed you? LOL Anyway, I realised from this exchange of posts that Star Wars fans are always FANS regardless of what they all thought of the films. There's that margin for air where you soften up and yield, well at least I can say that about me now. Its no different from a family that bickers but ends up still wanting to be a part of that family. *winks*

I suppose next year will be too quick to release the 3D version, why not do in in 2007, for the Star Wars 30th year anniversary? And make a marathon of the 6 films? Now if that happens, count me in!

Posted by: Simone at April 7, 2005 01:05 PM

Here's the real question: Who is going to direct Episodes 7,8 and 9? I realize Lucas has said he's not going to make them, but we're talking about The Green Age of Hollywood and money talks, even to George. You heard it here first from Fredo Teabaggins - Star Wars will continue with different writers and directors, but under the tutor of Lucasfilm.

And Peter, I know George did well with AG (not THX-1138 though, that's a cult classic, nothing more) and Indiana Jones. He is a visionary and an excellent filmmaker. I just think he's made some bad decisions on the prequels, most of which stems from his screenplays.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 7, 2005 02:12 PM

Hey Andy! You've got mail mate. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 7, 2005 02:17 PM

Bad news for whiners... Midichlorians appear again in episode III (I really laugh hardly while writing this folks).

It is true... ohhh man life can be hard for Lucasfilm haters. The mention to midichlorians is so subtle. I am glad Lucas did not abandon the idea, which disliked so much people.

I am glad a creator makes films HIS way, not anyother´s way.

Anyway... Ben Burtt is a terrible editor, and a boring DVD commentator... really boring muahahaha...

Posted by: Peter at April 7, 2005 03:04 PM

I'm glad he's bringing up midichlorians again. If I'm not mistaken, this is when Palpy is telling Ani that Darth - ahem - Plagueius (eeeeeee! he's evil! he's like a...a..a plague!) found a way to command midichlorians to make life. Those whacky Sith, what will they think of next?!

And I don't know about you folks, but the Sith names are what scares me the most. Tyranus! Sidious! Maul! Ass'ke'ker! Nootpuncher! Very scary!

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 7, 2005 03:30 PM

I loved the midichlorians theory. My other SW friends thought it demystified the Force.

What do you guys think?

Posted by: Simone at April 8, 2005 10:49 AM