March 17, 2005

X-Men 3 characters with a twist

Gambit.jpgMore superhero movie revelations with the news from Ain't it cool through Rope of Silicon that not only is there going to be a Gambit in the movie, but Beast is going to feature as a prominent role, aye but there is a twist.

Gambit is going to be in the and AICN says to "expect them to cast a fairly big name in the role."

Along with Gambit, Beast is expected to have a role, and much larger than his earlier cameo and AICN says he is "going to serve the same role in these films that Morpheus did in The Matrix."


Finally, the controversy that is sure to have fanboys and geek addicts pissed the world-round Angel will be in the movie, but that isn't what is going to upset you, apparently he will be played by a she.

It's difficult to call this one, while I'm with Brad to an extent, in that a movie and Director can, and will, interpret the material differently, I couldn't bear to see that kind of thing happen to Watchmen for example.

What are your thoughts? Is this a crime against X-Men, a good and honest interpretation, or should we just wait and see before we start casting stones?

Posted by at March 17, 2005 08:30 PM


a she? bullshit. you know if they're not going to even pay as much attention to what sex a major x-men character is, that the rest of the movie isn't going to be that great either.

i always thought jean claude van damme would make a great gambit, even if he can't act. he's too old and hopped up on cocaine now though.

Posted by: bigwig at March 17, 2005 09:00 PM

I read somewhere tonight, I think it was Comics2Film that said that the Angel as a female rumor has turned out to be not true.

What was interesting, was that they also said that Cyclops would have a lesser part, which kind of puts a whole kabash on the Dark Phoenix arc.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 17, 2005 09:31 PM

Van Damme is off the white pony, and back to his amrtial arts training, I read that a while back, as for Gambit, why not collin Farrell or something...I think that would work well, as far as Angel being a girl...Could they pick a worse way to trash a movie..?

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 17, 2005 09:43 PM

Colin already tried his hand at comic characters, let somebody else have a shot. Like I don't know, somebody good.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 17, 2005 09:51 PM

Yeah, so basically to shake things up, they give the fans Gambit for the third XMen film (hope they hint that he is Scott's brother) and even decide to use Beast in a really pivitol role,(cool) but to make Angel a girl is just wrong. One of the things that made the XMen film so good was that it was so close to the comics, and true to the original characters (for the most part).

But you cant change the gender of one of the founding members of the XMen so they can put them in the film.

This is not MY Angel.

No word on a baddie, but Im voting for Apocalypse and Sinister. They were my fav comic book baddies (speaking of which, for you comic fans out there, the AGE OF APOCALPSE 10 year anniversary has spawned a new AOA miniseries. John, go buy it NOW)

JeanClaude is too old to play Gambit. Im sure they will find someone appropriate. Past casting choices seems to have gone well.

Posted by: Rodney at March 17, 2005 10:43 PM

If they want to add another female character, why not just expand upon Kitty Pride? If there's any truth to the rumor about Angel undergoing a sex change, I'm betting it was inspired by the "success" of the sex-change operation that Starbuck underwent for the new Galactica series.

Posted by: Mark at March 18, 2005 03:50 AM

The 2 X Men films didnt disappoint me. It actually got better by the second film, so yes, I wont say anything about this one and just wait.

What helps sometimes is not expecting too much. :-)

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 03:57 AM

hmmmm how about Gambit and the Morlocks.... you know The Marauders, those were the days .... Although Gambit never really appears in those comics and his storyline was added later. Those earlier comics have a certain nostalgic romantic side.

Although I'm getting fond of Whedon's X-men storyline as well.

Wouldn't it be romantic if Phoenix wanted to destroy the world.... yes that would be my favourite.

Posted by: cadrach at March 18, 2005 04:45 AM

Wow! Okay, so the comments really are showing that there's a big feeling against the change of sex for the role.

Good points made though, how can a concentration be made on the Dark Pheonix story with the introduction of two new major characters on top of those already there?

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 06:24 AM

Well, if they do add the characters of both Beast and Gambit, it might not be concentrated on them too much, the spin-offs can take care of that, if they will ever happen.

As for Dark Phoenix, another side plot to the 3rd film will even be more appropriate. I have said it before, make it look like the X Men are ready for a holiday with their guard down. Wolverine goes off to Japan, still thinking of Jean, Scott Summers aka Cyclops is still hurting and goes off somewhere for some time alone. That leaves you with Storm (chance for Berry to strut her stuff!) having to look after the young mutants, then enter Gambit, Beast and (if the rumours are to be believed) Angel for support.

From somewhere, Phoenix rises, Logan is recalled from Japan, Scott is badly shaken and who knows? I havent said anything about the villains yet either!

I have to stop, this is just the X Men movie in my mind.

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 06:51 AM

there is just no good reason to change the angel .
I just dont understand why you would change it when there are so many other mutant women to include from the books.
Mostly it will be a distraction.
It also distances the huge fan base from getting excited to just getting skeptical.
This is just stupid.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at March 18, 2005 09:33 AM

The rumor of Angel's sex change is incorrect. Check out the full story at the link above.

Posted by: Greg at March 18, 2005 09:51 AM

Well IGN's "secret source" is contradicting AICN's "secret source".

My "secret source" says wait for the announcement! ;)

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 10:23 AM

Hey Rich, ever thought of becoming a politician? LOL

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 10:52 AM

I am in my job. It drives me crazy!

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 11:01 AM

Rich, I can imagine how you either charm or drive them away with your words! LOL

Anywho, Angel as a she is just NO GOOD. NO WAY! I mean this is just gonna be so not a good move. And if indeed Angel will not be a she, let's explore the possibility of who will make a perfect Angel in the film. Awwwwwww....dont make me blush!!!

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 11:09 AM

Let's put it this way..

Gambit is the absolute shit, best ever. And if Colin Farrel or whatever plays him, I am going to eat my throat from the inside.

Posted by: Ryan at March 18, 2005 11:12 AM

"I am going to eat my throat from the inside."


Who do you have in mind as Gambit then Ryan?

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 11:15 AM

Forgive me, as I'm not that much into comics anymore, but Gambit's, like, Cajun, sorta, right? At least, he was in the cartoon....

So, why not get a French actor? Vincent Cassel would be the greatest choice, IMHO.

Posted by: ranemaka13 at March 18, 2005 11:24 AM

This is the French actor from "Ocean's Twelve" right?

I was just thinking of him as Gambit when I asked that question earlier. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 11:37 AM

I do like the idea of Cassel. Great actor, he is French, and not too hard on the eyes. Granted he is about to be 40. Meh..

I saw somewhere someone mentioning Brad Pitt, mm. I think that would be interesting. He could do a great accent and he has that Gambit look in the eyes.

But really.. I am not 100% sure who I would want to see try it. I mean if you asked me if Hugh Jackman would make a good Wolverine before the movie came out I would have laughed. I liked how he pulled it off though.. to think they were considering Glenn Danzig for a while. He looks it but... come on he is Danzig. Anyway..

I have no idea. On another note, I want to see Paul Bettany get more roles that do not suck. He is awesome.

Posted by: Ryan at March 18, 2005 04:13 PM

It is really a catch 22 here with casting. You don't want to bring in too many high priced actors, because then you get this whole Halle Berry thing going on, but if Berry goes and Jackman moves to spin offs, you might need some big names. I would stick to casting like they did for NightCrawler. Cummings is a known actor, but won't break the bank and he will sign for sequels.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 18, 2005 04:30 PM

Oh my God. I just watched X-Men 2 for the first time. It rocks! It really is an excellent movie!

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 05:45 PM

Thinking upon the role of gambit...hmm Christian Bale, I mean accent was pretty convicing in reign of Fire...whos with me?


Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 06:05 PM

Well what accent did he have in "Reign of Fire"? He is Welsh by the way.

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 06:10 PM

He had a british type accent lol, Gambit can pass of as a british typee Cajun? lol Any way, if you look at Bale withs licked back hair, admit it he has some Gambit like quality.

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 06:19 PM

LOL @ Xun Shin. He didnt sound very Welsh to me either in that film either. But after playing Batman, wouldnt playing Gambit be like a step back for him? I mean no offense, Gambit is a kewl character but Batman is just so much of a bigger character than Gambit, and of course if "Batman Begins" does well, we will see more of Bale playing Bruce Wayne.

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 06:26 PM

It's pretty funny NO ONE here can pronounce my name..lmfao any way, But still wasn't halle barry in a bunch of leading roles, but opted to play storm...after monsters ball... Oh well It was just a little suggestion? lol

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 06:51 PM

So how do you pronounce it, I will even try it with an accent? LOL

Berry hasnt been in too many leading roles, and she did "Monster's Ball" after the first X-Men movie right?

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 06:55 PM

I'm not of full chinese dissent, no accent needed lol I'm mostyle Irish, but I'm 25 asian, any way it's Zoon Shin =)

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 07:01 PM

My mother is half Chinese. I am from the Philippines originally, and moved to Britain 6 years ago. Pleasure to meet you Zoon, there! *winks*

Vincent Cassel is now burned in my brain as the perfect Gambit.

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 07:05 PM

hmm I'm Irish, German, Czechs, Chinese, and Japanese =) lol Hmm I'm still shooting for Christian, becuase if they WANT to pull a spin off, he would be perfect, the spinoff might not be a step down from batman.

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 07:08 PM

Correctionnn When I said 25 asian, that was 25%

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 07:15 PM

if they're going with the phoenix storyline, the most likely villains are of course the hellfire club. so i'm more interested in who would be cast as the white queen than gambit, who's character is bound to be cheesily written, and performed horribly.

Posted by: bigwig at March 18, 2005 10:59 PM

I really hope they don't make angel a woman. That would just be weird. It would be cool if they used arch angel with the metal wings. He was awesome like that.

Posted by: Joe at March 20, 2005 02:57 PM

maybe i'm being silly,. but didn't angel have a lil cameo in one ofthe previous fiilms. i'm sure i saw him, or a younger him in passing...
as for gambit & beast, i'm gld to hear they're going to be in the film. makes things complete for the finale. as for who's playing them, i assume beast will be played by the same person as in the 2nd film... gambit, i think vincent cassel would be a great choice, has anyone seen la haine? and there's a matrix link up there, in that he's married to monica belluci, the lucky guy.

also, isn't havok scott's brother?

sadly, the more i think bout it, the less i believe that they can be in it, let alone front and centre. already it's been mentioned that there's major difficulties in giving screentime to the expanded cast, and that since the dark phoenix story is pretty much locked (unless it's a huge misdirection ploy) i don't see how they can add therse two characters and still maintain focus on jean.

the only way it could work, is if they throw all of this in, and why not, add apocolypse and mr sinister to the concoction as well, they can be the bad guys tryin got control phoenix...
then do a kill bill ,and chop it up into 3 films instead :)
it's a recipe for ultimate fulfillment, and success people.

any thoughts?

Posted by: psych at March 21, 2005 10:46 AM

Gambit should have a bigger role then what is being reported, he could add that certain something that could make X-men as big as Spiderman.... Anyways whoever they pick is going to suit Gambit's Style....and P.S Angel sounds like a girls name anyway lol

Posted by: Ray at March 21, 2005 10:46 AM

Everyone, they said "He will be played by a she." This would create more of an angelique property to him. This does not mean he is a she. Check out the arc angel Gabriel in "Constantine", you'll see what I mean.

Posted by: jagamar at March 21, 2005 03:37 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if the Phoenix story was either greatly changed from the comics, or deleted altogether. It would be impossible to fit the real story into a two hour movie without totally gutting it.
Also keep in mind that these movies are written to attract mass audiences, not just comic fans. I find it ridiculous that comic fans scream bloody murder whenever a change is made to characters and storylines for movies. There's too much "Organic webshooters suck!", "That guy doesn't look anything like Frank Castle!", and "Wolverine needs a mask!", when we should all be glad that these movies are even being made. Especially since all of the recent comic films, with the exception of The Hulk have been pretty great movies.

Posted by: Henry at March 26, 2005 10:27 AM

About Gambit, well he is my altime fav X-men and i think he should get a big part role in the movie in X-men 3 and he would be good in X-men 4 if there is one. Also the role of Gambit should be sly sort of like someone with an attitude that never gets envolved and gets what he wants so yeah

Posted by: Sam at March 27, 2005 04:57 AM

Well, i believe Cassel is not good handsome enough to be Gambit.Gambit is handsome,cool and rocks.

Posted by: MaSkEd_MeNaCe at April 14, 2005 12:52 PM

All your idea's are good, But that french guy Cassel now he's no good for Gambit maybe was 50 years ago but not now. Vinni Jones as Juggy HA no way even though they might because in all fareness they want this movie to fail. Angel as a women why not have xavier running with his legs after his team screaming i can help too you know. I mean theres certin rules you have to follow to make a great film and one of the rules is try not bend the original too much. The Dark Pheniox saga hum is there really any point are they just gonna cut out at the end with a big "TO BE CONTINUED" If they do then that would just be, man i don't know how to put it. Guys the comments we make hopefully who evers a part of the making can add them in or even make it much better. Juggy and the Hellfire club seem like good idea to add (But remember they have a budgt but don't worry if you build it good we will come and fill those seats and pay back that money). So guys relly think long and hard i have seen a lot of trilogy's fail from the last film (Evil Dead 1,2 great 3 shit).


Posted by: Garret at April 19, 2005 05:29 AM

Your all fkn nerds get a fkn life..............NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDdddddddddddddddddSsssssssssssssssss

Posted by: Matte at June 9, 2005 08:37 AM