March 05, 2005

What A Sucky Way To End A Week

SadFace.jpgThe first part of this week was pretty sweet for me. It was my Birthday, had a great time with my girlfriend, saw a movie that was surprisingly funny (Hitch) and landed a couple of FANTASTIC job interviews (that I'll discuss more later when I'm permitted).

However... all that joy went right down the toilet. In the second part of this week I endured 2 crappy movies (Cursed and Be Cool), my girlfriend summarily dumped my ass (which was probably a smart thing for her to do, but it still has me exceedingly bummed), and now I'm being told that the latest installment of The Audio Edition sucks. Man, when it rains it pours.

Oh well, a bunch of new screener DVD's showed up so I think I'll just barricade myself in the house with my box of Oreo Ice Cream and watch them all weekend... and pray that Monday is better. Sending me random amounts of money would probably cheer me up if you were wondering. :P

Posted by John Campea at March 5, 2005 01:48 AM


That's bad John. :( Sucks a lot. :-/ Get some good DVDs to get your mood up, Simpsons or Futurama could help - I usually watch those when I'm in really bad mood.

BTW I like the the latest Audio Edition... enjoyed it a lot... ;)

Posted by: Raven at March 5, 2005 02:04 AM

just think of it this way, ur still a good lookin guy, u dont have testicular cancer, ur karma will be awesome cool and its better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 5, 2005 02:21 AM

I'm with Marla. We all have our low points, don't let it get to you too much. :)

Posted by: Arethusa at March 5, 2005 02:26 AM

I got canned today. I feel your pain.

Posted by: Mike Browne at March 5, 2005 03:41 AM

Which account should the money be sent to John? *winks*

Cheer up, do a Star Wars marathon this weekend!

Posted by: Simone at March 5, 2005 06:20 AM

So sorry for your bad week. And Happy Birthday. When one door closes.....try to find the nearest window to jump out of. ;) You'll be fine. You have us. What more can one guy want?
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at March 5, 2005 08:22 AM

Dude - It does suck - as someone who got dumped before Thanksgiving and went through the Holidays alone - it sucks - but know what? Like you said - you will be better for it and it will get better!! Take some time to get back on track, catch a couple killer DVD's and someone will find you that deserves you and you can be better with!!! It will work out - have to know some pain to appreciate the good - Later!!

Posted by: Tim at March 5, 2005 08:41 AM

sorry about your girlfriend, dude. i know that sucks. but you probably already know that things will look back up in no time.

Posted by: sam at March 5, 2005 10:45 AM

Just for the record, the Audio Edition Vol 13 did not suck... it was quite entertaining.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at March 5, 2005 10:55 AM

I haven't listened to the Audio Edition, so I can't comment on that, but I will, and I'm sure it will be just as cool as they always have been.

Advice for getting on with things? Here's a good regime I followed before I fell for the right one.

1. Throw yourself into what you love doing:
a) MovieBlog (look at all my emails!)
b) Work
c) Friends
2. Get yourself to the gym
3. Veg - DVD\Movie yourself out
4. Unless you're friends, think of her as dead. All my ex's are!
5. Things just ramp up in life, if you look back the next thing has always been better than the last. Try and look ahead.
6. Once you're through the initial veg state, latch onto a friend who goes out a lot and go out a lot too. Rediscover that fun single life and go mad.
7. There is no seven.
8. Although "virtual" there are a lot of friends on here, just remember the real world and sunlight.
9. Start a new book.
10. Eat. Do not underestimate the power of pizza. Just remember point 2.
11. Take a holiday. Scotland's nice!

There's always the last option.

Stalk her, wait for the court injunction, break it, get thrown in jail and I'll run the blog for you until you get out.

Nah, stick to the first bunch!

Posted by: Richard at March 5, 2005 11:39 AM

Great list Rich! I'll keep this handy in case I need to refer to it in the future!

Being in the Movie Blog is like being surrounded with friends, keep us company John and youll soon forget about her.

What phase are you in now by the way?

Posted by: Simone at March 5, 2005 12:39 PM

You'll be alright!

Sorry to hear things are rough....It always can get better though....I had a shitty week too (work-related)

Posted by: CrzyDJM at March 5, 2005 12:42 PM

I can beat that. My crazy ex-wife asked me out on Valentine's Day. I'll take dumping over that any day.

Go out on the town with Nagy and round yourselves up some hobos.

Posted by: Todd at March 5, 2005 12:44 PM

Actually, we have a rather lovely single friend...if only we could persuade her to emigrate. ;)

Posted by: Richard at March 5, 2005 01:01 PM

Oh not a rebound relationship boys, give John time to heal!

Posted by: Simone at March 5, 2005 01:02 PM

Rubbish, rebound sex based relationships are what heals men! (My girlfriend just hit me!)

Posted by: Richard at March 5, 2005 01:06 PM

Donna, Simone, Marla: Anyone want to come comfort me?

Brad, Raven: Thanks for the thumbs up

CrzyDJM: Sorry about your job dude

Mike: Damn man... sorry about your job too!

Todd: Ok, you win. :P

Rich: I'd be interested in meeting this young woman provided she meets the following requirements. She must be:

1) Cheap
2) Easy
3) Of questionable moral values

If this is your girl, sign me up. :P

Ok, seriously folks... thanks for all the input... and thanks for just letting me vent. Cheers!

Posted by: John Campea at March 5, 2005 01:09 PM

LOL And you deserve it too! *giggles*

I hope John will not take our discussion of his lovelife the wrong way.

If only John lived closer, I would have asked you guys out for a pint. As if Richard in Scotland was any nearer!

Posted by: Simone at March 5, 2005 01:12 PM

Well without insulting my girlfriends friend, she is all of the above, but in an exceedingly nice way.

Posted by: Richard at March 5, 2005 01:13 PM

Deal! I'm booking my ticket to Scotland now! Rich, pick me up at the air port and prepare a cot! :P

Posted by: John Campea at March 5, 2005 01:19 PM

We have a spare room, the girlfriend says it's fine (don't take too much luggage, the car can't carry much). Take warm clothes.

Posted by: Richard at March 5, 2005 01:23 PM

Just so I'm clear and not misunderstood: I'm just kidding about wanting "comfort" or going to Scotland to meet Rich's female friend.

Joking around is theraputic for me. So is Star Wars. So is Ice Cream. If I could find me a bowl of Star Wars Ice Cream I'd be a happy man living in denial-ville.

Posted by: John Campea at March 5, 2005 04:23 PM


Sorry to hear about the girlfriend. As to the big picture, maybe the universe is just knocking you back a notch to keep your head from getting overinflated with the recent blog publicity and all. ;-)

Posted by: Screen Rant at March 5, 2005 04:35 PM

This is so charming John. You too Rich, I cant stop giggling here. I am telling you John, consider a press junket for your book that will come out in April! Rich and I will host it!

Star Wars is indeed very therapeutic, when you find the ice cream can you get me 2 gallons of the Yoda flavor please?

Posted by: Simone at March 5, 2005 05:32 PM

Whoever told you The Audio Edition wasn't good this week is full of shit. I listened AT WORK - with CO-WORKER who doesn't even like movies - he laughed his ASS off. NUFF SAID.

Sorry to hear about the gf JC - I sympathize.

Posted by: mediamelt at March 5, 2005 11:20 PM

Hey John - an old friend here. Happy Birthday, and I hope things look up for you very soon.

I enjoyed the audio edition, but I have not caught them all, so I don't have too much to compare it to. But if this is the worst of the bunch, I'd say you're doing alright.

I'm not in the Hammer too much, but if you're ever in TO let's hook up for lunch. Ice cream's on me.


Posted by: Brendan at March 5, 2005 11:38 PM

Ahh John... I feel your pain, I got kicked out of three schools in three weeks's actually kind of should try it..if at all possible lol...and not I'm watching some weird show where a guy is getting intimite with a robot... any way...ahh when it rains it poars, but the suns always beyond the clouds...keeep your head up dude...later.


Posted by: Xun Shin at March 6, 2005 12:20 AM

Keep things in perspective. There are far more depressing things going on around you, John. The Pacifier took #1 at the box office, for example.

Posted by: Franklin at March 6, 2005 04:27 PM

well, here's to ex girlfriends... mine can burn in hell, while you sound like you are actually keeping a HEALTHY outlook with yours. I can tell you, love is a rose of many thorns. We want it , but when we get it, we realize we're stuck. oh well. enough crappy levity. It's sickening of me, i know. But i am basically writing to , on one hand, agree that this audio edition DID indeed suck.. but not because of the material or preformances... but because they were about the OSCARS. (for me, ) snore snore bore snore. But i thought you guys were on the top of your game and still can't wait for next week's.

keep the faith, man, and keep that movie train a chugging.
now, i will proceed to eat aerosol cheese spread to match the cheese factor of this post.

Posted by: mogulus at March 7, 2005 12:09 AM

I can't stop laughing at this comment of yours mogulus, "well, here's to ex girlfriends... mine can burn in hell".

What a terrific support system you got here John.

Posted by: Simone at March 7, 2005 05:41 AM

Well, to be totally honest - mine wasn't any better as my two best friends decided to dump me exactly on Feb 14. But I survived, think you did too, so get up and get going.

On Be Cool. I specially watched Get Shorty recently to do a review on both of them and what strikes me is the product placement thing in second movie. I'm pretty far from LA (in NY), but I would doubt that every one would carry Sidekick2 for no apparent reason, when a cell phone will suffice. I understand that it's The Investors (btw, good title for a bad movie to mimick Producers), but come on!

Posted by: Vlad at March 7, 2005 12:45 PM