March 09, 2005

Wes Craven to hand over The Hills Have Eyes remake

I was reading a little article over at Moviehole about Wes Craven and some of his recent movies when I was struck by a little snippet of news that surprised me, Craven is...

...producing an anticipated remake of "The Hills Have Eyes", to be helmed by Alexandre Aja. It rolls in April.

I haven't seen anything about that, and haven't been able to find out much. Has anyone else heard anything? I'm quite surprised that this movie that was written, directed and even edited by Craven is something he's thinking of passing on to someone else to remake, however good the Director is.

Posted by at March 9, 2005 12:13 PM


I have yet to see the original.. But I have faith that this remake will be, at least, visually stunning and scary. Alexandre Aja directed the French film "Haute Tension" two years ago, and it is by far one of the goriest, most suspenseful horror films I've seen in a long time.

I have faith in this remake of "The Hills Have Eyes", as long as the MPAA and greedy movie executives don't water it down to get a wider audience. I'm sure Wes's bomb "Cursed" would've been so much better if it wasn't chopped to pieces and butchered by the MPAA.

Anyways. I need to find either a DVD copy or resort to an old VHS copy of this film, as I REALLY want to see it.

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at March 9, 2005 02:37 PM

Ditto on Andrews praise of High Tension...It was a great little horror pulled no punches in the R-Rating department...

Posted by: Triflic at March 9, 2005 04:15 PM

There's a script review for it over at Bloody Disgusting. Sounds promising.

Posted by: logster at March 10, 2005 02:07 AM

Yes it is true the movie is being remade. I don't know too much about it but Peter Locke is producing it

Posted by: x95 at March 21, 2005 08:22 PM