March 31, 2005

Want to be in a western?

Do you want to be in a movie? Well, just fit yourself into the following basic requirements and you could be:

Live in the UK
Can use a lasso
Say "whoa Cowboy" like a Cowboy

Do you fit that? The BBC have printed the news about this very need on a Tartan Shorts film currently underway in Glasgow:

They have been trying to find someone in the UK who can use a lasso in a fight scene in the Tartan Short film 'At the End of the Sentence'.

The bid to snare a budding western star has turned into a race against time as shooting on the set starts in less than two weeks' time...

...Producer Susan Nickalls, of company Brazen Hussies, said: "We're on a shoestring - these things usually are. But we can promise lots of fun and fame - but not a fortune. "The final climax of the film is a scene in a pub where a rather pathetic fight breaks out and just as someone's about to clock somebody else on the head with a chair a cowboy whips his lasso round a chair and says whoa cowboy!"

Damn...I gave up the lasso years ago, but there's hope for me yet:

Susan said she had found a "few people who can use a bull whip" but she has been holding out for that special person who can use a lasso with style.

...Oh, I was thinking of something else.

If you fit the bill and are game, then give the Production team a call. The number is on the BBC site. If you do, let us know how you get on.

Posted by at March 31, 2005 06:52 AM


I libe in the Uk but what is a lasso

Posted by: Chris Rushworth at March 31, 2005 08:40 AM

I live in the Uk but what is a lasso

Posted by: Chris Rushworth at March 31, 2005 08:43 AM


Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 1, 2005 02:37 AM

LOL @ Richard.

Sorry I cant help it. *laughs*

Posted by: Simone at April 1, 2005 04:31 PM

A lasso is a specially weighted rope traditionally used to throw around the neck of a cow or steer to control them. Traditionally used by cowboy's.

I have no idea why the hell I'm talking about this...I'm a Scotsman!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 1, 2005 05:34 PM

One tip. Keep your hand at the level of your eye.

Posted by: Simone at April 1, 2005 05:48 PM

*Laughs at Simone... and then laughs at Richard* Although, I do protest to the obvious chauvanistic imagery in this... it should be "Whoa, cowperson-of-a-non-specific-gender"

Posted by: Lilla at April 5, 2005 06:43 AM

Oh come on. Let's face it, there were no cowgirls, they stayed home and cooked the beef and beans!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 5, 2005 02:08 PM