March 02, 2005

Vin Diesel working to reduce budget for Hannibal

VinDiesel.jpgBig Vin Diesel fan here I'm afraid. I can't help it. Arnie, Stallone, Rock, Willis, they are all great fun and I love watching them on screen, actually if it wasn't for Arnie and Stallone I'd say the connection was bald, muscles and black and white, kind of how I'm described! Anyway, back to the point of the post!

Diesel is in soft pre-production, a term that probably means pre-pre-production, for Hannibal, a project he has been trying to get going for some time. It appears he got a budget returned from a studio quoting something like $217million...perhaps they were actually thinking of dropping Elephants by helicopter onto the top of the Alps? Diesel is having none of it. From Moviehole:

"I'm going to direct it as a multilingual film," he admits, the decision having been made "after I got a budget back from a studio that said it would cost $217 million over the line. So I said, huh. I know I'm not the smartest guy in the world but $217m, doesn't that mean that this film will never get made? There's no way in the world that this film will be made at $217m, and I am already committed to this character, channelling this guy. So I'll go into soft pre-production, and think about sequences, and think about ways to shoot sequences that would have the same story about it but cost a lot less. So I went into soft pre-production and I got the budget down to $50 million."

Pretty sensible guy, sounds like he's taking his soft pre-production pretty seriously and looking to the long term. It's also quite refreshing to hear this kind of talk from a big screen blockbuster kind of guy. Rob Cohen waxed lyrical about him and his talents during the XXX DVD, and I think this might just start to come out through this project.

Posted by at March 2, 2005 03:55 AM


Eh?! I have no idea what you're talking about.

You know mate, I think you just love stirring it up and trying to cause arguements. Incitement is your middle well as a few others.

Vin has bag loads of charisma, he's a fantastic on screen action hero, and I would certainly beg to differ on that strength part. Being an ex-hobbiest body builder myself I do know a thing or two about muscle groups, ranges, etc and he has a pretty impressive physique, one which is not just for show like many others. Big respect to him for that.

Also, bags of respect for the way he throws himself into roles and learns and does as much as he can. You should check out some of Rob Cohen's commentaries on his DVD's about him. He's a director, and one of some successful movies, so he should know.

I doubt he needs 80 dollars either!

Posted by: Richard at March 5, 2005 12:13 PM

I just wanna to say that I been a fan of Vin Diesel every since the fast and the furious, I just wanna to say he is doing a great job even thought I never met him and I hope to meet him some day and he look great doing what he do.

Posted by: Anastasia at March 30, 2005 06:57 PM

hi I just wanna say that vin is awesome and Hot and he rocks he has the most awesome talent in acting and he is great!!

Posted by: tina at April 11, 2005 09:58 PM

First of all, I'm not Vin Diesel fan. He's decent actionhero, with charisma that only few own. He's actorskills are bit of mystery to me, haven't really seen in any of movies that really require acting skills. He's best movie to this day remain to be Pitch Black, pretty nice horrormovie. Not acting based movie, but the role is perfect for Viesel.

And about Hannibal movie. It can be huge, and Vin Diesel can be fairly good leading actor as one of the greatest army leaders ever. But as an director? I hoped that they would got someone else than Diesel to direct that. I mean, it's huge risk that Diesel totally lacks the skills of directing and movie becames just action movie. There's great potential in Hannibals second Punich war against relatively small Roman Empire. But movies like Troy and Alexander has shown that it really doesn't matter how great potential there's to make epic movie, all that matters in the result.

But, hoping that Diesel and company can make it good, and we have great epic about Hannibal. My biggest fear is that I'm gona say "it could have been so much better" after seeing the movie.

Posted by: Jorse at April 12, 2005 12:01 PM

I think Vin is a very great actor with tons of talent, he is good at what he does. I have seen alot of movies and alot of actors but Vin was the one that caught my eye the most...not because of his body but because of his personality and who he is.

Posted by: Mage at April 17, 2005 12:11 AM

I think Vin is a great actor and is very funny. He seems to love what he does (acting) and I like that, you can't find many people who like their job as much as he does. His personality is great.

Posted by: grey wolf at April 17, 2005 12:15 AM

Hannibal is indeed a big risk. With Alexander getting drained in the toilet, it's a risky move Vin is doing right now. But I give him credit for trying. What hollywood needs are fresh ideas. Movies which have not been made before. Perspectives which have yet to be tried. So let's just hope Vin does a great job on Hannibal.

Posted by: Joseph Camarote at August 29, 2005 04:02 PM