March 11, 2005

Vin Diesel developing Chronicles of Riddick sequel

VinDiesel.jpgI will admit I haven't seen The Chronicles of Riddick yet, although the game's good, I'm waiting for the DVD on my rental list, and despite all the bad press it received I'm still looking forward to it. I still think Vin Diesel rocks and that the movie could be a great entertainment spectacle. If that does turn out to be true for me then the following news from Moviehole will be superb news to me, if not any of you out there!

Vin Diesel tells MTV that he's currently nutting out a storyline for the film - the third in the "Pitch Black" series - based on the blueprints that were left in his lap when he first signed on for sequel one.

"Riddick? Well, you know that I've always had 'C2' planned," he says. "I'm silently — and I shouldn't even say this — I'm silently working on 'C2' with some of the outlines that were created when I first thought of doing the three films."

He always spoke of his intention to make it three in a row, and trilogy's are the in thing, so why not? Did it do that badly, did you all really hate it that much?

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 11, 2005 08:28 AM


I may sound silly asking this but was it "Pitch Black" which was the first film of this proposed trilogy?

Cause if it is I havent seen that nor Chronicles of Riddick, but I would like to.

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 08:55 AM

Pitch Black is the first and it rocks.

Chronicles is next as it reunites two characters and doesn't rock as hard, but that is Diesel's role of a life time. Not many more actor/character matches have fit so well.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 11, 2005 09:03 AM

I may have to go revist PB, because I don't remember it being that great, I really liked Chronicles and would love to see another one.

Posted by: ZICRON at March 11, 2005 11:33 AM

I liked both as well, although when viewing 'Chronicles of Riddick', it helps to pretend it's a big-budget 'Masters of the Universe' movie.

It makes things much more enjoyable. At least for me it did. Kinda strange that way.

Posted by: trysop at March 11, 2005 01:08 PM


best news ive heard in a while... i loved pitch black, and i didnt understand all the negative spin on riddick... so im glad to hear he wants to try a sequel...

Go for it VIN!!!!

Posted by: THUORN at March 11, 2005 01:17 PM

I can't tell you how much it saddens me that Chronicles got such bad press. Riddick is an amazing character, and the movies acheive a whole new level of sci-fi involvement that most films are afraid of. I really hoped Vin would make a third despite the bad press, because it's a great story, and they're great movies.

Posted by: ana at March 11, 2005 02:44 PM

ok.. i haven't seen chronicles, but i have heard loads, and, while i am not qualified to talk trash, i will say this.

it seems that Pitch Black worked better as a movie because Riddick wasn't the central theme.. in other words, the movie was about something else, with this larger than life, kick ass dude in it. I would hope the third (c2?) would be more of the first.. with a story spun around itself and Riddick thrust INTO it.

Posted by: mogulus at March 11, 2005 03:33 PM

Any verdict between the theatrical release and the directors cut? Is it worth a 2nd look?

Posted by: Tim at March 11, 2005 04:18 PM

I'm sold, I am renting the damn DVD!

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 06:33 PM

CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK is the mostly absurdly overhated movie in quite some time and it CRIES for a sequel. Vin you can make all the diaper movies you want if it means getting this made.

Posted by: Heidi M. at March 11, 2005 07:35 PM

Just yesterday I finished the XBox game and I thought "So thats what that movie was about, I wish there was a sequel with more of this stuuf in it". I guess my wish came true. I just hope they dont go back to that lame Conan the barbarian plot. The ending was almost exactly the same.

The action in chronicles was good though you have to give it that. So...more action and less silly D&D; stuff and I'll definitely watch this.

Posted by: Frank at March 11, 2005 07:35 PM

Just yesterday I finished the XBox game and I thought "So thats what that movie was about, I wish there was a sequel with more of this stuff in it". I guess my wish came true. I just hope they dont go back to that lame Conan the barbarian plot. The ending was almost exactly the same.

The action in chronicles was good though you have to give it that. So...more action and less silly D&D; stuff and I'll definitely watch this.

Posted by: Frank at March 11, 2005 07:35 PM

chronicles was certainly much better than the reviews and press it recieved. while not spectacular i enjoyed the film and didn't regret buying the ticket. a good sci fi movie. good ending. it bombed in america. americans suck.

Posted by: bigwig at March 11, 2005 07:37 PM

I rented Chronicles and expected it to be awful. But, I enjoyed it. I thought the CGI and environments were outstanding. It wasn't Shakespeare, but it was a lot better than the reviews I read prior to seeing it. I think Diesel gets a bad rap as being a crappy actor. The dialogue could have been better in Chronicles, but that's not Diesel's fault.

Posted by: Jaboo at March 11, 2005 10:20 PM

pitch black launched the character and universe to the film world, but is not considered part of the chronicles trilogy. CoR was part 1, and they hoped to make 2 more of them.

Posted by: Aaron at March 12, 2005 09:15 PM

Pitch Black was to be like the Hobbit is to Lord Of The Rings
I Enjoyed Pitch Black but I really Loved Chronicles of Riddick,
CofR2 or PB3 should be much darker.
With everything he cares about gone, Riddick could revert to the character he was in Pitch Black, more evil than he was before, even more evil than the previous Lord Marshall and with the most deadly army at his disposal who could stop him!
The final Film CofR3 or PB4 could be about Riddick's redemption!

Vin really does have to make these films!!

Posted by: MagnuM at March 13, 2005 09:06 AM

CoR wasn't a great movie, but I really really enjoyed it. It was rushed and badly done in parts but it really set the groundwork for a great science fiction epic. I'll definitely watch CoR2 or PB3

Posted by: Hans at March 14, 2005 07:38 AM

I'm with the masses here. I can't understand why COR received such bad press. I saw the movie and loved it. I also agree that Vin owns this role and would love to see him crank out a sequel.

Posted by: diskjokk at March 14, 2005 12:49 PM

Im glad to see some people where that actually liked PB and TCoR, Also dont forget Dark Fury (the anime) I think it falls somewhere in bettween the movies and the game (Escape from butcher bay) In my mind when you bring these 4 things together with the talk of a third movie, it creates something so much better than any regular single experiance sci-fi action movie.

It makes something you can usually only get with books and mini series or star wars, a true story existance that lives on its own and can grow and branch in new ways.

I gotta admit I am a huge fan of everything Riddick and never could there ever be anyone playing Riddick than Vin. The dedication he is showing to the character means a lot to me. He did the voice for the Anime, the game, has allowed his exact character representation in both.

I do wish it was a little more popular (star wars kinda linegage) and I understand why its not, besides that I am hoping we will get to see a lot more Riddick to come, but even if we dont, there is a ton of great riddick entertainment already out there.


Posted by: logo2k4 at March 15, 2005 09:17 AM

PITCH BLACK introduced the riddick character. The CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK(2004) is the first of the trilogy. Just like, i dont know if u guys know this... MANHUNTER was the first movie that introduced the character of hannibal lector and then followed 3 movies with that character... and just like the HOBBIT is the intro to the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. I hope now you guys understand the concept of THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK (COR).

Now about the COR, rent the unrated version of the movie on dvd. the theatrical version missed out a lottt... i would say a WHOLE LOTTT... the unrated dvd version is sooooo awesome... the theatrical version is hard to understand, while the unrated dvd is very clear. the only reason director twohy had to cut off the scenes in the theatrical version is to get the PG-13 rating for the movie. i have seen his interview and he said he cut off scenes to get pg-13 rating and then to include them when it comes out on dvd.

even though the movie didnt fare well in the theaters in u.s., he did great overseas and also did great when it released on dvd. so yes they have finally definitely made some money off this movie.

overall, the point is.. dont listen to the critics.. just rent this movie and watch.. its just superb.. and i'm sooo glad to hear that vin diesel is 'silently working' to complete the trilogy!!! :D

Posted by: Pranav at March 22, 2005 07:31 PM

Hi I wanna to say that I lov the chronicles of Riddick especially the way his eyes was with the light shine at night that was tight well the only thing I can say is great job to him.

Posted by: Anastasia at March 30, 2005 07:09 PM

Yeah, just watched chronicles, best character development in sci-fi for a long time, now that he's lord marshall, vaako has to splinter the necro's and engage in all out bloodthirsty war, enter more furians,some as mercs, (cos tombs was a crap character) they gotta be out there, master killers !!!!! come on,get into it.....more, more and better dialogue please

Posted by: Damien at April 2, 2005 05:22 AM

CoR is like the epic star wars in allmost every way(press related). if memory serves me the critics dispised lucas' trilegy but it became the biggest cult classic ever i am sure CoR will follow in suit, it may even become bigger, who knows, i only hope the other CoR trilogy is completed, i liked CoR more than PB i havent met anyone with the same view yet:)

Posted by: Riddick at April 17, 2005 03:12 PM

I also just recently saw "Pitch Black" on DVD and actually enjoyed it, I am so looking forward to rent "Chronicles of Riddick" soon, thanks for your input guys!

Posted by: Simone at April 17, 2005 04:24 PM

COR is a fantastic movie and I care two hoots about the critics. I rate it on par with PB and Vin is absolutely awsome as Riddick. Could they ps make esc from Butcher Bay as a full length movie... or even on the lines of an animated one like DARK FURY which is the bridge between PB and COR.

The casting in COR is perfect and I can hardly wait for COR2 and COR3. Three cheers to Riddick. He is another legend/cult-hero in the making . BTW, I have seen both PB and COR on the DVD more than 7 times and never get tired of it.


Posted by: sam IYER at May 12, 2005 06:14 AM

I have watched CoR several times over, both in the theater and at home. This is a great sci-fi movie, and that's why critics hate it. Remember Star Wars was hated by critics in the late 70's. We need a new action star and I think Diesel's it. I just hope he comes back to action when he's done with the Disney and Serious actor thing.

Posted by: Millrat1030 at June 27, 2005 10:19 AM

Pitch black and the chronicals of the riddick are my two favorite movies that i have ever seen!!!! tomarrow is July 18th and i want to say happy birthday to Vin who is turning 38 i belive , so happy birthday

Posted by: lynn at July 17, 2005 09:17 PM

I really enjoyed Chronicles.....It was unique and bold in its vision, plus Riddick is just an intriguing character...Yeh, I agree with one of the comments above that the dialogue was weak but I come to expect that from Hollywood movies....Anyways, due to the success of DvD sales and Diesel's love of the story- the sequel will get made.

Posted by: showtime at August 9, 2005 08:13 PM

Well, I really am amazed by all the bad press this movie recieved. If you analyze how COR played out. It played out just fine, considering you don't have a LOTR book to base your storyline. It was fast-paced, the usual crack of jokes, and it kinda geared anti-hollywood type with the character being a complete "no-care" on chicks. It seems everything which doesn't have a chessy love story gets bad reviews nowadays.

Personally I'd like Vin to finish the whole trilogy. It he suceeds, then these movies will be the defining moment of his career. If he fails, then at least he tried creating his own "Lord of the Rings". Either way it will be all for the better.

As for speculation. With Riddick going into th underverse and battling probably billions of demons. With millions of undead necros at his command, we can expect a "R" film. Probably more violence because it would probably take on a nasty twist. Riddick having lost everything, he might just as well consume all damn planets and enlarge his necro army to trillions, and march their ass up Underverse and kick the ass of whoever the boss in that place.

Posted by: Joseph Camarote at August 29, 2005 03:49 PM

Hey Vin!
As a writer myself on fantasy novels I am extreamly curious of what happens next! On the DVD of The Chronicles of Riddick who's idea was it to put the Riddick Insider bonus feature in? Who ever did it give the thumbs up reason why I say this is because from this I learned that Riddick learned how to fly because he was in the Military. I only wish we would know how Riddick became a convict. Stuff like this makes me want to learn everything about the world Riddick is in. By the way Vin no one can bring out the power and drama of Riddick better than you. You are and have been a very strong actor since I first saw you, I only hope you continue to stay that way.

Posted by: Robert Rizzs at September 2, 2005 02:41 AM

I saw Pitch Black when it came out and loved it. I did not see Chronicles of Riddick in theaters, but I saw the Directors Cut and loved it! I have watched the movie more times than I can count.

I can not for the life of me figure out why it got bad press. I thought it was awesome and have been hoping for another.

Also for Riddick Fans, check out the Anime "Dark Fury" which bridges a few gaps between Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick.

Thanks Vin...I Loved the Riddick Movies and can not wait for the next one!

Posted by: Darvlyn at September 9, 2005 03:51 PM

I picked up the CoR dvd at the store without even seeing it. I had remembered the bad press it had gotten so I hesitated, but I also remembered the preview from when it was at the movies (in the United States). I decided to take a chance and now I own PB, CoR and the video game (Escape from Butcher Bay on Xbox). This is the best sc-fi I've seen in a long while! I am glad that I don't think much about what the critics say or else I might have passed.

Vin is a dead ringer for this character. I can't wait to see the sequels (hoping that they will be made)!

Posted by: Matthew Blake at October 10, 2005 11:04 PM

So anyone can confirm yet that their will be a third movie?

Posted by: Ramu at October 20, 2005 07:30 AM