March 27, 2005

Underworld: Evolution behind the scenes

Beckinsale-Underworld.jpgThanks to JoBlo for directing me to the MTV special on the on set work for Underworld: Evolution where there are video clips and photos galore of the lovely Kate Beckinsale and the other actors involved...whoever they might be!

I liked Underworld. Very stylish with a great story, and filmed well, with some new and very interesting quirks on the traditional take on both species. So I am kinda looking forward to this movie, and after reading some of the inside info, I'm looking forward to it even more. What about you lot? Here are a couple of snippets that will give you some taste for the movie.

...he is a cleaner, one of a group of mysterious characters who show up after each battle and assure that civilians never discover evidence of the war between the Lycans (werewolves) and the Death Dealers (vampires).

Interesting concept, another new little tweak, and something which explains why humans have never really gotten involved in the fight. However Len Wiseman does point out that this changes in the new movie, the humans do begin to catch on to what is happening.

The new movie picks up from where the old one left off, with the master Vampire about to awaken. There's been lot's of rumours about what it will be, and there's nothing new going to come out of this interview. There is talk of the introductory flashback which goes and gives us the backstory.

"Marcus is the big ... yeah," Wiseman says, acknowledging the villain of the sequel while trying not to give too much away. "You get to see what the relationship between [first-film villain] Viktor (Bill Nighy) and Marcus (Tony Curran) is, and what had gone on between them before we kick into the modern times of seeing Marcus again."

It all sounds good, and pulling my eyes away from that leather outfit, I do think that in this case more of the same isn't a bad thing. If they can keep the new quirks on an old tale style, which they do seem to be managing, and Beckinsale doesn't adversely affect her husband the Director too much, I think we're looking at another slow-smash movie.

Posted by at March 27, 2005 01:45 PM


Underworld sucked. The new one will suck get over it.

Posted by: Alfredo at March 27, 2005 06:14 PM

Oh I love the intelligent conversation, discussion and rebuttal that some people on the Internet can offer.

Anyone got something more intelligent to say or discuss about it?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 27, 2005 07:19 PM

underworld 2 roll on - i loved underworld 1

Posted by: fp at March 28, 2005 01:32 AM

Underworld sucked. The story was a half-assed take on Romeo and Juliet, the firefights were stale and rigid... actually, even the fact that in a movie about werewolves and vampires you had them fighting firefights was silly. The whole premise made no sense - if all the Vampires had to defeat werewolves was modern weapon tech, how did they even survive until then?

Then, there were the bad actors, the shaky CGI (when we had CGI), the silly half-breed monster at the end, the villainous Kretschmann being mind-numbingly bad, and of course, the scene where the vampire envoy is killed in the train isn't even shown.

It was a bad movie. Not Van Helsing bad, but bad nonetheless. Just because it's a film about vampires doesn't mean you have to make it devoid of life.

Posted by: Berandor at March 28, 2005 03:59 AM

underworld one rocked. i hope the entire franchise carries the trend of vampire goodness and fun from blade. :)

Posted by: B A T M A N at March 28, 2005 04:20 AM

Underworld was a good movie....and maybe Berandor your just a stinky poo face like Alfredo with your dumb dumb commments :)

Posted by: Ray` at March 28, 2005 08:14 AM

Underworld was one of those films that had a lot of great pieces here and there, but they just didn't mesh well. I remember thinking it was okay in the theater,slightly underwhelming. Funny thing is, now that it runs constantly on cable, I always watch it when it's on. There's something undeniably cool about it, even though it's not a great film. Maybe it was Lucian, who I thought was underused,who made it cool, but it certainly wasn't Viktor, who seemed cheesy.

Posted by: PerineumLick at March 28, 2005 10:41 PM

Alfredo, and Berandor, one word:Pussy....Get some FAST!!! Oh and maybe it may help if you guys pull your heads out of the clouds, and your thumbs from your asses. *Smug Grin*

Posted by: "JT Money" at April 3, 2005 09:52 PM

Hardly constructive comments JT! Tell us why you think they are wrong?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 4, 2005 12:55 AM

I enjoyed Underworld. Not at first, but it grew on me. The visuals were stunning. Very nicely done. The story was alright, a few kinks, that are mostly sorted out in the extended edition. It could have been improved on a bit, but it was alright. Didn't stop me from seeing it or buying it. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but that was Ms. Beckinsale's first, true horror movie? And Len Wiseman's 1st real movie? Coming from someone with family in that department, I've seen bigger bombs than Underworld. Some people didn't like it. Then stop complaining and go see another movie. Because the honnest truth is the majority liked it, or there wouldn't be a second one.


Posted by: Anya at April 18, 2005 02:10 PM

The plot was well done and if you watch the documentary on the movie and why they made the Vampires and Werewolves look and act as they did then the movie would probably pull together for you. The first time I heard about it I had high expectations...and when I actually saw it I was disappointed. But like John, after seeing it a few more times, it grew on me. Yeah the acting was dry at times but the plot and story were really good. I think they moved the story along a little too fast, but in the second movie that can all be fixed by just putting a little more time into the script and acting. Personally, the portrayal of the Vampires was awesome to me...the werewolves could use a lot of work but hey...that takes time. To me, the ultimate werewolf is Blizzards version in Werewolf: The Apocolypse. Make a movie where they look and act like they do in that game and I will be a fan for life.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 8, 2005 09:22 AM

I am an avid fan of the movie. I can't wait to see the sequel and I hope they make a third soon. To those who say such eloquently bad things about the film, perhaps you are taking the movie too seriously. Sure some of the acting is laughable, some of the effects are silly and the story has plenty of holes and unoriginality but it's fun none-the-less. As someone before said, its cool. The style of the film won me over from the first time I saw a preview for it. If anyone can show me an original idea involving Vampires or Warewolves and especially both together I will be impressed. Just sit back relax and enjoy Kate Beckinsale in tight costumes and try to have some fun. I can't wait.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 01:27 PM

I really loved Underworld so much and really looking forward to the 2nd Underworld movie. I love Kate Beckinsale (Selene) so much. I also liked Blade because it has Vampires in it and it has action like Underworld does. I also love Werewolves too. I love you Kate Beckinsale so much.

Posted by: Kate's Girl at October 10, 2005 06:41 PM