March 11, 2005

UK Charity Red Nose Day - Non movie post

RedNose2005.jpgHi everyone, I know this isn't about movies, although there are a number of movie stars on the show (Simon Pegg as the messed up MilkyBar kid was fantastic), but I just wanted to remind all you UK MovieBloggers (and non-UK if you are so inclined) that Red Nose Day has almost passed...

...Yes, I was late, but it's still not too late to donate. I've just been watching some very famous, very funny, and very heart wrenching television, and I've donated already, have you?

For those of you who don't know, Red Nose Day came out of Comic Relief, which itself grew out of Live Aid and Band Aid. It continues the same causes, mainly of helping some of the poorest people of the poorest country in the world. Not only that, a percentage does come to the UK and our poorest of the poor, and not just in cash.

At the sake of being hounded off the board, please donate, forget politics and everything that goes with it, this organisation really does take the money right to the people who need it, and make sure it helps long term not just solve the short term problems.

So please go, learn a little and donate, and if you're watching, like me, you're probably struggling not to fall apart at some of the sadness on screen and the harrowing stories heard mainly from children. If you're from the UK, make sure you choose Gift Aid as well, make the Government do something too.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 11, 2005 07:08 PM
