March 01, 2005

Trailer for new Wallace and Gromit movie!

WallaceGromit.jpgI was so excited when I saw this news story pop up, and then I watched the trailer. Fantastic. Wallace and Gromit are back, and this time they have a full movie, and they're just as funny.

The Wallace and Gromit Movie: Curse of the Wererabbit seems to be the lovely and easy to remember title, you're not likely to forget it are you? Especially after watching the trailer which Vic at the very cool ScreenRant has kindly hosted after the original link proved to be too slow and unreliable. Note that it starts loading and playing straight away.

I totally recommend watching this, it looks dead funny, and there are no spoilers! Wow! In a time when movies are all remakes, effects and explosions, this is a wonderful and refreshing change, take note Hollywood. I just wish they could produce these movies quicker, and so we could see more of them. However, that is also the beauty of them.

Posted by at March 1, 2005 06:33 AM


this looks like wallace and gromits greatest outings up to date from what we have seen already, cant wait for the full movie

Posted by: kevin collins at March 6, 2005 11:53 AM

I cannot wait. I believe the "Cracking Contraptions" series DVD was a "warm up" for the animators working on this film. If that is just a warm up - I simply can't WAIT!!!

Posted by: M Stickley at April 5, 2005 10:37 AM

the film looks really cool

Posted by: ben at September 3, 2005 03:48 PM

Different trailer on Apple's site,

Posted by: sunnydunny at September 25, 2005 03:56 AM