March 25, 2005

Tom Sizemore get 17 months in Prison

I've been following the really sad story of Tom Sizemore for about a year now. Guardian Unlimited gives us the latest twist in this saga:

Sizemore failed seven drug tests, admitted methamphetamine use twice and failed to show up for further testing while on probation for a 2003 domestic violence conviction involving his ex-girlfriend, former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss, a prosecutor has said. Sizemore sobbed, gestured and begged for another chance as he delivered a rambling speech before being handed the first sentence Thursday by Superior Court Judge Antonio Barreto Jr.

He pleaded with the judge for leniency, saying he had broken his parents' hearts and felt like a 12-year-old child. Sizemore also said he was ``engaged in a struggle right now to regain the better part of who I am. ... I never thought I had this disease. I assure your honor that I'm not acting now. I'm not acting, I'm begging, I'm beseeching you. I can't imagine my future without performing.''

Outside court, he gave a high five and directed an obscene gesture at the press.

I don't feel anything about this story other than really sad. This guy has some serious problems and needs to get his crap together. It's obvious he's not going to do that outside of jail. I hope he can get back on his feet after all this and get back in front of the camera where he belongs... but saddly I actually don't think he'll be alive 5 years from now. How tragic this whole mess is.

Posted by John Campea at March 25, 2005 08:21 AM


I agree with you. As of the last five years, he has been a first class Russell Crowe (twat) to everyone and himself. He really won't get straight or straightened out until he is shown some tough love in either jail, rehab or both. Sadly, like Whitney is learning right now, celebrity don't exclude your from that one club where even commoners like us are welcomed in with open arms: addiction. And to blame it on some disease is just pathetic. He chose to do drugs from the git-go. So did Whitney. And now they want the courts to go soft on them??? Pfft. Fo'getabou'it!

Posted by: Lilly at March 25, 2005 10:09 AM

This guy has Robert Downey Jr.'s problem.....A Hard Love for the Drug of choice and distaste for giving it up. He'll spend half that sentence getting "right" in the head...and then have those Ass Sucking Hollywood types be more than happy to give him what he wants......must be nice to live in a world where(other than your Ma and Pa) you can screw up mutiple times and still land the BIG $$$$ and many people to kiss your undeserving Ars......Good Actor but messed up in the head.

Posted by: jason at March 25, 2005 12:48 PM

Tom is blaming everyone and anything because , hey he's got to stop using ,and suprise he does'nt want to . It's the same as anyone else you and I know that has or had a drug problem if you cant seem to keep the drama in your life down to a small roar , you have a problem . I have to agree with John Campea he will check out early,unfortunatly because as far as I'm conserned he held his own with Tom Hanks and is a good actor, I think he has poor taste and luck with women!!!. Realizing the pain you cost the people that truley love your dumb ass is a first step , but like I said ,he is a good actor.To see someone who has so many options availible to him, and worked so hard to get where he's at, just throw it away should remind everone that drug addiction is a disease not a criminal offense.Drug dealing is a criminal offense ,regardless of what our government keeps saying.
Stick around for a while Tom ,Its a living thing,man.

Posted by: jwc at July 13, 2005 08:08 AM