March 30, 2005

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie

TennageMutanNinja.jpgThere's a new full length feature film done in 3D animation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it's way. I don't know weather to cheer or moan.

You see, on the one hand, I remember a long time ago reading some of the original TMNT comics. They were quite slick, more serious and even a little dark sometimes. Very cool stuff. However, the modern manifestation of the Ninja Turtles has been a silly cartoony abomination strictly targeted for kids viewing. And the 90's films were horrendously bad.

So what's it going to be? The good folks over at Gamerz-Edge [via] give us this bit of info:

Imagi Services President and CEO Tom Gray announces the signing of Kevin Munroe to write and direct a new CGI-animated feature-length Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will ramp-up their booming revival with an animated film that will take advantage of new technology developed since the last Turtles film was released in 1993. Now in pre-production, the film is targeted for U.S. release in spring 2007.

The new TMNT film will be produced by Tom Gray (who guided the first Turtles trilogy through production) and Galen Walker of Imagi. Executive Producers are Francis Kao, Gary Richardson, Frederick Fierst, and Peter Laird, who co-created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Kevin Eastman.

So basically the ship is being run by the same merry men who gave us all the other crap. Our only hope is that they decide to go in a different direction than all their previous crappy efforts. If they do... the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could actually be an interesting property again. Don't hold your breath though.

Posted by John Campea at March 30, 2005 12:38 PM


Actually, John have you seen the new show? It's quite literal to the spirit of the new book and have rarely seen fans of the original comic complain 'bout it.

The stories are much more 'hard-core' than the 'tooney original and the only nod to the old cartoon are the colors to identify each turtle (which is necessary for any good character design anyway).

Anyway, don't know how hard-hitting the movie will be but it actually might be the case that the film is softer than the show.

Posted by: trysop at March 30, 2005 01:15 PM

can't wait!!! turtles rule!!!

also, before you post an article, you might want to run it through word and/or proof read it. sometimes making simple spelling mistakes and using improper word choices could have negative affects on one's credibiltiy.

weather = outside, clouds and stuff.
whether = could be this or that.

Posted by: jason at March 30, 2005 01:27 PM

Hey Jason.

You've obviously mistaken me for someone with credibility.


Posted by: John Campea at March 30, 2005 01:49 PM

Save me. Next we'll be seeing Howard the Duck II.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 30, 2005 02:41 PM

omg omg OMG!!!

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 30, 2005 02:46 PM


Posted by: jason at March 30, 2005 02:48 PM

The second and third films were awful but the original ninja turtles just movie suffers by association. Its probably one of the most faithful film adaptations of a comic book ever done.

Posted by: Josh at March 30, 2005 02:55 PM

nothing will ever compare to the ninja turtles 1 and 2 movies. they were the best.


Posted by: B A T M A N at March 30, 2005 06:04 PM

I still put in the first TMNT movie and am shocked by how far into the darker territory of the original B&W; comics they took that film. Sure, it's not as gritty as it could be, but the fact they were even able to get any grit at all considering that it was coming in after the popularization through the cartoon and toy franchise is amazing.

Posted by: Dan-O at March 31, 2005 01:21 AM

yeah right the 2nd one with the ooze kicked some major @$$ man with like toka and razor haha they rocked and i think the coolest part was when shredder took the ooze and became like ultra shredder he was so hugh they good ol leo had 2 stand up against him

*I said it before, and i'll say it again ... Man I love being a TURTLE*

Posted by: venommm at March 31, 2005 10:58 PM

no way, the coolest part had to be the turtles getting down with vanilla ice.


lol... i still have both tapes. i'm just missing the third part when they were in japan.

ultra shredder was pretty scary.

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 1, 2005 06:39 AM

i have watched so far just ONE of the new cartoons, the firs to be accurate, my impressions were not bad, i found i had a slight japanese feel to it.

especially the introduction at the end of the episode to the shredder.

may catch some more later.
as far as the films go, the first wasn't too bad.
the latter too were a disgrace to turtle fans.

like mentioned in the article, it can be done right, but as we've experienced time & again ..
9 out of 10 times they go the other way.

usually some stupid excuse about money & stuff'
-- frantic john cage type wave of hands

Posted by: Ram-Jaane at April 2, 2005 06:17 AM

Like all attepts. I'm very oppionated on how they pull this off. we all know the first movie was good. the second was pushing it. is it just me but did you guys notice in the second movie the turtles drew there wapons twice through ou the hole movie? but i would have to agree with both arguments. the third movie was a joke, the 80's cartoon was pathetic,but on the other hand it was what I grew up with . Fact that was what the turtles where sappost to be, With out that 80's crap I woundn't even know what the turtle are today. witch brings me to todays cartoon by 4 kids. witch was an exellent exacution but in the long run it didn't keep interested for long. I'm not much for the space turtles and talking dinos. in closing I would really like to see a turtles movie more directed towards bishido and the real ninja aspects . wouldn't you?

Posted by: The mark at April 7, 2005 05:22 AM

I totally agree with 'the mark'. I've always been into everything to do with the turtles. TMNT were a part of getting me into the two main things my life revolves around: Herpetology (studing reptiles) and Martial arts. I'd love to see a TMNT movie that is more bushido oriented and i'd love to see the turtles actually kick some serious @$$ not just give foot soldiers wet willies!

Posted by: snake_freak at April 12, 2005 07:55 PM

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are real, so I don't know why everyone is bent out of shape. You see I first met the turtles when I was in Central Park, New York, New York. It was something like this. I was walking in the park when I heard a women scream. Quickly I climbed up a tree so I could get a good view. When I got to the top, I saw a man in a trench-coat facing two men who lay on the side walk just a little ways down the path from where I was. Soon the two crooks ran. Mean while the guy in the trench-coat throws a purse to a man behind where he stood, and man hands it to this little old lady next to him.
Suddenly I got a grasp of just what was happening, and as I did the two crooks who took this lady's purse hopped the fence and ran right under the tree I was perched up in. So, me, being the hot headed, punk hatin, slime ball wastin, vigilante that I am, I hop down, and answer the smaller malefactor, who's question probably wasn't directed at me nor his lawlessness when he said, "What the heck was that".
I hopped down and answered, "Now that was a crime, you cur scrubbing pukes... and this is the penalty!"
See I was still a little mad from my earlier incident with the hot dog guy... Well that's a different story. So anyway, I began taking my anger out on these punks, but, and not to say it's right, I think they probably deserved it.
I began calling out penalties... "and let's not forget my personal favorite, two minutes for high sticking!" Just then, as I began my next punishing swing, I was thrusted to the ground. That hurt. I didn't hesitate to quickly turn and face my new opponent...
The Story Continues Next Time

Posted by: Casey_Jones at April 25, 2005 11:54 PM

My Correct Email Is Here. Click My Name.

Posted by: Casey_Jones at April 26, 2005 12:00 AM

Its wasn't crap you low life looser, and the next movie in 2007 will be fucking amazing you idiot.

Posted by: Don Crev at May 9, 2005 10:32 AM

Hey there Don Crev:

Hmmmm... you get THAT worked up over a MOVIE... and I'M the low life loser?

That's an interesting persective on life you have there buddy.

Posted by: John Campea at May 9, 2005 10:38 AM

You guys are too funny> John is obviously not a fan, and so he will suffer the wrath of Donatelllo, and the rest of the gang.

Posted by: Casey Jones at May 20, 2005 11:09 PM

Obviously everyone has their own opinion, but looking at the big picture, I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten in those rubber suits
to kick ass as they did, knowing what the actors went through, and the time and era of the films. They did a hell of a job on those movies. Now that the standards have changed I'd love to see another turtle film, Go Green Machines!!!!!!

Posted by: Crow at June 22, 2005 07:18 AM

Well, I agree with a previous statement made by Jason...for the most part. The first movie was absolutely awesome, they kept the dark nature and had everything perfect, not to mention the best movie villain in history, The Shredder. His attire alone was enough to make him intimidating. But the second movie was made to be more family-oriented, and made it more funny and on the lighter side. Also, they killed Raph's character. He was a complete rebel in the first one, and didn't stay that way in the second. Shredder's attire in the second movie can only be described as horrible. The head gear was just....awful. The metal went down to his eyes, and it was made of wood! Ugh, and he didn't even fight.....that made me angry as all hell. I mean seriously, he took them all down with no problem in the first movie, why didn't he fight them?! He had the Foot, Toka, and Razar attack instead. Even when they all failed, he still did nothing. Oh, and speaking of the second movie, what happened to Casey Jones? He was a major part in the first one. Whatever, doesn't matter. But now we're on to the third movie....which can only be described in one phrase, "Complete garbage". That was by far the worst movie I think I've ever seen before. Hell, "Open Water" was better than that. But enough of that movie, let's move on to the new one in progress. I agree, the CGI isn't going to be too impressive.

But what I'm contemplating, is whether it's a re-make, or a continuation. Since the movie title is "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", then it looks like a re-make, which (if it is one), I don't even want to see, it'll ruin the first movie for me. But if it's a new one, who's going to be the villain? It can't be Shredder, and even if, miraculously, it is, then he'll be Super Shredder, seeing as how he mutated. And it can't be the dudes from the past, because....they're in the past haha. So who is it going to be? Over all, I can't wait to see more info on this movie. It seems like it's either going to be a fun thing to see, or a bombshell in it's own. I swear, if they mess up Shredder more than they already did....they're going down....:P. Seriously though, it can't be worse than the third movie. And no matter what happens, the original movie will be one of the best independent films in history.

Posted by: Tanner at June 24, 2005 11:35 PM

this is what would be totally freaking hot. take the 5 episodes from the first season and make it cgi. hear me out. make it darker. get rid of the fugging Neutrinos but you could totally CGI the HELL out of Bebop and Rocksteady. A realistic, CGI version of Krang? omg that would freaking rule!!! they should totally use those as the backbone for the new movie!

Posted by: go hawks at July 19, 2005 02:38 PM

i totally agree with tanner on everything he said. what i think though is that while most of us dont think the new movie will be very good, the children of this generation might think otherwise. while i think the new movie will not be good, the newer viewers of TMNT will probably like it. this is because they are growing up during a tchnological revolution. the older version came out when nintendo was just becoming popular. the newer viewers wont look at the old one like we do.

thats what i think

Posted by: alex at July 21, 2005 03:27 PM

I really think that the directors and such should really focus on the Turtle's true crowd. The crowd who grew up with the turtles. We're all 18 - 30 now. We don't want a PG rated movie. We need R or NC-17 damn it. I'm talkin about Leonardo slicing some necks and watching blood spray everywhere. Though I have to admit, I am quite intregued to see the new movie though. Sounds like it should be badass. Especially when they say it will be darker. Money is money but i say the hell with the kids these days. They don't know anything about TMNT.

Posted by: Carrion Misery at July 22, 2005 03:27 AM

Exactly. The new generation is gonna see TMNT and think that new cartoon with the horribly voiced over Casey Jones. And I'm hoping Leo slashes some foo's. He needs to use those damn swords! Mikey and Donny used their weapons, Raph needs to start pokin' some people, as well. As long as it's PG-13 or over, I'm happy. We need some more vulgar language, and at least some violence. Not just a punch or a kick knocking someone out, we need some bloodshed....I don't mean it's completely necessary for a decapitation every five seconds, but someone gettin' run through with a sword would be nice.

For the villain catagory, I'm hoping it's a re-make, and they throw Shredder in. I don't care if he's not well done, he's Shredder, there's no better villain in TMNT. Bebop and Rocksteady were ok, but I wouldn't wanna see them in a movie. Shredder and the Foot are all that's needed in the movie. Tatsu, as well, he didn't serve much of a purpose, but he's the right-hand man. Shredder needs someone there to give orders to, and to control the Foot soldiers. Anyone else agree?

Posted by: Tanner at August 6, 2005 02:55 AM

The first movie was fuckn awsome. The second was "ehhh.." alright. The third one sucked. But screw anyone who says the first one sucked, it was a great movie. The CGI thing kinda scares me though. I hate how modern movie are obsessed with goddamn CGI. The costumes of teh turtles in the first movie were great. I have yet to sere a CGI movie that was good. Anyone remember Final Fantasy? yeah... that SUCKED.

Posted by: evil at August 30, 2005 01:16 AM

The first movie was so awe inspiring. It made me want to be a ninja, and the second one made them all more hip, and targeted a larger audience, but was still original thematically speaking, but part three could have been a lot better with a bigger budget because they had the right ideas, like bringing Elias Koteas(Casey Jones). It was like The Never Ending Story part 3 in that it is always someone obssesed like me and you that doesn't want it to end, but then they do a half-hazzard job at recreating the original nostalgia.

Posted by: Michelangelo at October 14, 2005 12:38 PM

You can't put down the turtles. 'Cause shell they rock this world! You may think it sucks, but that is your opinion. So I'll let you bleave what you will, but I'm an Ninja Turtle Fan through and through. And yes there are many mistakes on the movies, but who cairs. As long as it is entertaining that is all that matters.
I agree "Man I Love Being A Turtle!"
With that I say "TURTLE POWER!"

Posted by: Ninjagirl at October 19, 2005 04:29 PM