March 27, 2005

Tarantino's wish list for Inglorious casting

QuentinTarantino-EmpireAward.jpgThere's more casting rumours leaking out about Inglorious Bastards, one of Quentin Tarantinos' long talked about projects.

From Moviehole reporting on a scoop from The Arnold Fans, it seems as though Tarantino would like to get together three great action heroes for the picture:

Tarantino wants - in addition to Bo Svenson, Michael Madsen and Adam Sandler - three of the 80's biggest action guns to fire up for his two-part Dirty Dozen.

"I've said it once and I am going to say it again. I want Bruce, Sly and Arnold for my World War II epic. I have always dream[t] of having these 3 superstars together in a movie", says the Saturday Night Fever boardgame playing director.

Oh, this would be sweet. Tarantino directing the three of them, and having them all on for a big war movie? Oh come on, this has to be real and they have to say yes. It would be a movie event just to see them in the same picture, even if it was awful.

I do truly love these actors, I think Arnie is amazing for what he's done before acting, and he's done amazingly well to realise his dreams so far, career high - Terminator 1 and 2. Stallone has scaled as many mountains to get the Rocky series going, career high - Cop Land. Then there's Willis, who in comparison has had a much better career but still carries that action persona, career high - Unbreakable.

What does everyone else think? Is it a fantastic idea? How could they manage to get the budget together for these guys onscreen, never mind the space for their ego's and their trailers?!

Posted by at March 27, 2005 02:05 PM


quite frankly this would be the biggest movie of the decade if made. I would pay just to see Adam Sandler dance acting circles around Arnold.
Can you imagine if all of these actors brought to the screen all of their best known talents? oh and i just have to say, i miss mr. Stalone in big budget action flicks. He was always my guy.

Posted by: mogulus at March 27, 2005 03:22 PM

Sounds like a formula for failure.

Posted by: TANSTAAFL at March 27, 2005 04:50 PM

frankly if tarrintino had seen the photos of arnie's physique lately, he'd probably be rethinking it.
but i'd pay to see it.

Posted by: bigwig at March 28, 2005 01:53 AM

did i enter bizarro world?
"adam sandler dance circles around arnold?" lol

sandler and vin diesel are alright in their respective genres (comedy and action). but they still have lots to prove in terms of dramatic films.

Posted by: B A T M A N at March 28, 2005 04:15 AM

Don't tease me QT. This is officially #2 on my Hollywood wish list, right behind Fincher/Pitt/Norton adapting every Chuck Palahniuk book together.

Posted by: adam at March 28, 2005 09:21 AM

Now if they add the Muscles from Brussels, give me a call.

Posted by: Nesto13 at March 28, 2005 09:31 AM

even though i've been loathing Arnie for a while now, i would definitely pay good money to see Tarantino do this.
quite a fantastic idea indeed.

Posted by: sam at March 28, 2005 12:07 PM

I really hate to be the wet blanket on this one, since I really, really, would love to see this one come off, but...

Never happen. Mark my words. Tarantino won't be able to do it with the three. Might get one or two, but the Trifecta will NEVER happen.

The Austrian Oak is the Governator now. How and when would he find the time to work on such a project? And doing such a thing would be a political minefield I'm certain he wouldn't want to deal with.

I'd bet Stallone would be game. Come on, I mean "Rocky 6," and "Rambo IV?" The guy's looking for work.

Willis? Probably. If he doesn't do "Die Hard IV" with Ben Affleck, then maybe, since he's had a good experience with Tarantino. But I get the feeling he might be the hardest one for Tarantino to work with - Willis seems like he would be the one to push the quality of project.

And the ego problems? Yeah, biggest problem of all.

But don't get me wrong. I would be one of the first in line if that picture ever came out.

Posted by: chadt at March 28, 2005 06:37 PM

Say what you want.....QT can get just about anything he wants. He proves that movies are not a Business to him....they are his life and passion and he would rather not do a movie than do one bad. He is what most Hollywood forgot to be.....unflinching,uncompromising,willing to take chances....and makes a movie from a deep love that few have. You gotta love him...even if you hate his movies. I heard this one time and I belive it......"Money follows excellent service".....Until QT proves me wrong....I will pay double to see a movie with his name on it....because at least I know it will be worth my time...and I'll gladly had over my money.

Posted by: jason at March 28, 2005 08:41 PM

Hello, this is my homepage.

Posted by: george33 at March 31, 2005 07:37 PM