March 06, 2005

Suggestions for the Oscars

I was floating around some of my favorite regular news sites and came across this interesting little article over at the Chicago Tribune. In the article, the author talks about the unwarrented complaining many of us do (yes, myself included).

However, he also makes some practicle suggestions for improving the Oscars... most of which I really like. Here are the ideas he raises:

1) Improve and enrich the context
2) Increase the use of screeners
3) Get Robin Williams

His explanation for each suggestion is over at the article. I highly suggest going over and giving it a read.

Posted by John Campea at March 6, 2005 08:35 PM


Michael Wilmington must be a complete idiot, who the hell wants the oscars hosted by Robin Williams. The 2 minutes when he was onstage completely pissed me off and almost made me turn the damn channel. That guy IS NOT FUNNY his jokes are SHIT. He babbles on like a fucking IDIOT, god im getting pissed off just typing this.... I couldnt imagine watching that moron for over 3 hours on the Oscars. John I hope you dont agree with this idiot........

Posted by: Jon B at March 6, 2005 10:19 PM

Oh I totally agree with him. However, I also have to agree with you that Williams was really off this year. No doubt about it.

But seriously, look at every single time He's been on the Oscars in years past he's been totally hilarious (except this year).

Hell, even Chris Rock says that besides Bill Cosby, Robin Williams is the funniest man on the planet. I agree.

But like I said, his 2 minutes this year were REALLY weak.

The other thing is that Williams (unlike Rock or Letterman) is an actuall MOVIE star with an Oscar of his own and 2 other best actor Nominations. I like that.

Just my two cents worth.

Posted by: John Campea at March 6, 2005 10:37 PM

Hmm, I actually liked him this year... :-/ Oh well, nevermind. :D

Posted by: Raven at March 6, 2005 11:34 PM

I only really like when his is playing some sort of antisocial psycho (Insomnia, One Hour Photo, Death to Smoochy)...I don't think that would go down at the oscar ceremony...

When he is manic (Aladdin), it wears thin in minutes.

When he is sappy (Dead Poets Society, Patch Adams, Good Will Hunting, etc. etc.), it wears thin in milliseconds...

Posted by: Triflic at March 7, 2005 12:10 AM

Go with my suggestion! Make the Oscar into an untelevised luncheon in some nice hotel and then announce the winners! Of course we must have a on-air red carpet so that I can see what everyone is wearing (I'm shallow like that) and that should be enough.

Posted by: Arethusa at March 7, 2005 01:17 AM


Jesus, John, you sound like you're still depressed.

Posted by: Franklin at March 7, 2005 01:57 AM

Who cares if they are a MOVIE star or not. I want a great host. Plus people dont want to see movie stars host, because they are not funny in front of a live audience. people want real, funny COMEDIANS, and a good host. Being a HOST is a lot different than being in a MOVIE. The Oscars has been begging chris Rock to host for the last 7 or 8 years. They wanted him so bad. They finally got him and now he has made the oscars what is used to be, more entertaining, and better quality.

Posted by: morgie at March 7, 2005 11:22 AM

Don't you think that the idea that Actresses are only compared to other actresses and actors to actors harkons back to the olde days in some ways. Sports are so divided because of physiological differences in the genders, but why can't the acting of a man be directly compared to the acting of a woman? Why isn't there a best Male Director and Best Female Director, Best Special Effects by a Woman and so on? We are accustomed to it, but when you really think about it, what justification is there? Especially when most actresses preferbeing called "actors" nowadays anyway, they should unite the awards into one.

Posted by: Bryce at March 7, 2005 05:15 PM

Robin Williams has NEVER been remotely funny. Ever. Not in his movies, not in his stand-up, not at the Oscars, and not on Mork and Mindy.

Posted by: adam at March 7, 2005 05:30 PM

The single acting categories is my point exactly! There should just be best actor and best supporting actor. I don't see why men and womens performances cannot be judged together, it's the same profession.

Posted by: Like I'm going to tell you my name... at August 20, 2005 07:34 AM