March 17, 2005

Spiderman 3 Villain revealed?

BlackCat.jpgWe've all been pondering on who and what the villain of Spiderman 3 could be, well Coming Soon seem to be all over this one with news from New York Daily News:

The New York Daily News spoke to Chloë Sevigny (Melinda and Melinda, American Psycho) who says she's trying to land a role in Spider-Man 3.

"I'd love to be in 'Spider-Man 3!'" Sevigny says. "There's a villain in it who's a blond, buxom girl, and I'm trying to get it!

She adds, "That [may] surprise people, since actors are always thought of as their last film or who they were. I think I'll always be drawn to films more difficult to watch, but I don't want to be a snobby cinephile."

I've never read any of the Spiderman comics or seen anything with this villain. However it's a bit of a surprise with everyone guessing much more widely known characters such as Venom. I hope there's not going to be multiple villains again.

Posted by at March 17, 2005 07:27 PM


I have gotten a couple of suggestions on my site. They were Death, Delirium and The Lizard.

As far as Black Cat it lets them add a nice lady in a tight outfit, but her story really doesn't len itself to where the movie currently sits.

Also, why tease three future villians in part 2 and then not use them. Just seems messy.

Personally, I wish they would tackle Sandman. I think his abilities lend themselves very nicely to some CGI.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 17, 2005 08:09 PM

I've added your site to my feed list by the way.

I agree, I think it's all out of place to be honest. I hope they're wrong actually.

Posted by: Richard at March 17, 2005 08:42 PM

I have bad feelings about this sequel.

Posted by: Peter at March 17, 2005 09:29 PM

I do think we need to give Sam some credit, he has pulled through in a big way the first two times and until it is official I am not ready to think the movie will be bad.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 17, 2005 09:33 PM

Also, thanks for the plug, Richard.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 17, 2005 09:34 PM

Ehh, Why not the Rhino or something, He would be WILD on screen, why girl, I mean she isn't actually a villian, more of a love interest than anything (comic book, and TV show). She was just there to shake things up with peter and Mary Jane...It's beyond me why they'd cast her as the major villian, pairing her up with someone might suit better than just her.

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 17, 2005 09:41 PM

The Juggernaut would be another interesting choice.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 17, 2005 09:53 PM

I actually like Chloe Sevigny since I saw her in "Shattered Glass". It will be interesting to see her as a villain. Oh, a sexy one at that too!

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 04:01 AM

I think it's fair to say that if he's casting for the part then the part is in, it won't be something small.

You're right though, we do have to give Raimi the credit, and the leeway. He's pulled it off fantastically before, and maybe he can do it again.

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 06:29 AM

Spiderman 2 ended with the *very* strong suggestion that the next villain would be Hobgoblin. If that angle was ignored it would be a pretty strange transition from 2 to 3.

Posted by: Scott at March 18, 2005 07:05 AM

I heard rumours that for 3, Dr. Curtis Connors (Peter Parker's Professor) in Spiderman 2 (who had an arm missing) experiments with the whole re-growing limbs thing, that lizards do - something goes wrong & he becomes The Lizard... now that would be good

Posted by: Captain Spalding at March 18, 2005 08:33 AM

Oh I feel I am to late. There are to many comments already and I feer mine will not be seen. But I will tell you my thoughts anyhow. I do think that Spiderman 3 will have a large villan in it, such as Venom or Hob Goblin. But a Blond busty woman (lets hope its the Black Cat) is not a vilan, well at least not in the terms of - oh lets say Cat Woman (the Batman one not the stupid solo flick one). Black Cat is not a vilan, she may be a theif but she is far from evil. If black cat was to be in the movie, Mary Jane would have a much smaller role and the Black Cat would be the primary love interest. But a much cooler one, this interest would be primarily spawned from lust and sex appeal not I love you because I had a crush on you in high school. True the Black Cat would put spidy in a conflict because she steals things, but in the end she will use her talents to help spidy save the day and then disaper so she wont get caught for the ills of her life style.

Wow that didn't sound to bad.

Posted by: Brad at March 18, 2005 09:02 AM

"I hope there's not going to be multiple villains again." Again? Did i miss something in the first 2 movies? I think multiple villains is the only way to take this series "up a notch." Chloe is a hottie btw.

Posted by: adam at March 18, 2005 09:20 AM

Brad - never too late. Now with the extra comments listing from the sidebar we're all looking at comments from all over the site.

Adam - I was referring to the state Batman got into, although I do seem to have missed out the reference after that!

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 09:31 AM

my thought... hobgoblin (harry osborn) was going to be the next villain, possibly venom or carnage... my sarcastic side smells a 'black cat' movie.

Posted by: Movie Props at March 18, 2005 09:44 AM

If they don't use Harry Osborn as the new Goblin they're crazy. And Sam Raimi is crazy, but in a good way.

I have faith that the third movie will be AT LEAST as good as the first two.

Posted by: ThS at March 18, 2005 10:38 AM

"'I hope there's not going to be multiple villains again.' Again? Did i miss something in the first 2 movies? I think multiple villains is the only way to take this series "up a notch." Chloe is a hottie btw."

I agree - since when did villains take turns, anyhow?

Posted by: tracy at March 18, 2005 10:38 AM

I think they should hold off on the Hobgoblin story. Harry just found all the stuff at the end and you would have to take a big jump in the timeline to be where he would come up. You already teased the hobgoblin and venom in part 2, go with one of them.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 18, 2005 11:53 AM

I think they should hold off on the Hobgoblin story. Harry just found all the stuff at the end and you would have to take a big jump in the timeline to be where he would come up. You already teased the lizard and venom in part 2, go with one of them.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 18, 2005 11:56 AM

My ideas on Spidey 3. Contiue on with the Venom Story line. Have Jameson go into space and bring back the symbiote and have Spidey join the symbiote. Sure have Black Cat come into the picture, but not as a main villian. Bring her in as a side story to shake up things with MJ. As for main villians, stick with the Sinister Six for now. Sandman or Electro would be great visiually. If they wanted to keepit some sort of mechanical suit type villian then bring in Scorpion. What ever happens in the story they should contiue to elude to Lizard (mention his regeneration research) and Harry's Green goblin (expand on his hatred for Spidey, and end off with him putting on the suit). The end of the movie would be Spidey defeating the villian, getting rid of the symbiote and show eddie around accepting the symbiote, resolve the Black cat induced problems with MJ. Great movie and it further sets up for three more movies villians.

Posted by: Glasseyerod at March 18, 2005 02:12 PM

I am confused. How was Venom teased in the 2nd movie. I mean Venom (well the suit at least) came from the "secrect wars" comics, and I am not sure we are all ready to see that in #3 as that would make the movie like 15hours long.

Don't get me wrong, I think Venom would be cool, however, part of the greatness of that particular character, is the backstory of both eddie and the alien.

Posted by: Jason M George at March 18, 2005 03:36 PM

Jason, I beleive the astronaut that MJ was to mary is the one who brings the symbiote back to earth.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 18, 2005 04:32 PM

Enough of this crap do Venom already!!!

Posted by: Alfredo at March 18, 2005 04:37 PM

I don't think it should be a new villian in Spider-Man 3. I think it would be a better idea to pick up where it left off in Spider-Man 2. Where The Green Goblin continues to take over Harry Osborn, and become powerful enough to resurrect his father Norman Osborn as Green Goblin. Then it would give Peter Parker/Spider-Man a more tougher battle on his hands than it did in the first 2 to the franchise. Why, not it's the 3rd film. Then, increase the intensity by revealing The Green Goblin real powers without needing to take over The Osborns or anyone else.

Posted by: JEFFREY SIMMONS at March 19, 2005 01:57 AM

Re: Hobgoblin.

He should probably be addressed in the first 10 minutes of the film, and be done with it. He's too similar to the Green Goblin anyway, and I see no point in going back to that character type.

The Lizard should definitely be the main baddie. Perhaps Black Cat should function more as a neutral bad-good character, who comes between Peter/Spidey and Mary Jane. However, my concern is that the general moviegoing public would see Black Cat, regardless, as a Catwoman rip-off. Thus, it might be best to not have this character at all.

Re: Venom. He should be set up for a 4th film.

Posted by: Mark at March 19, 2005 10:28 PM

ok.. here's the deal.. the movies follow the comics very close.

Black Cat , AKA Felicia Hardy began as a two bit villain who became spidey's SIDEKICK for a short time, and both are very respectful of each other.

while they were together, they fought Venom more than once, and venom hates Black Cat.

Sounds to me like they're going to use Venom after all.. that's just my opinion.

Posted by: mogulus at March 19, 2005 11:48 PM

Harry Osborn isn't the Hobgoblin. He was the 2nd Green Goblin.

That being said, outside of a cameo, she doesn't really have a place in the film. Before they go crazy with vilians, they should finish of the Osborn saga...

If they go ahead and use venom:
1) They would need around 3 movies to properly set that up.
2) They would ruin the momentium of the arc they have created.
3) He isn't even an interesting character in comparison to others available.
4) Who's to say that the leads will continue their roles... If they push Harry Vs Peter to 4 and Tobey doesn't come back for a forth then already you have taken somthing away from the emotional investment of that conclusion.

Posted by: Jaemeel at March 20, 2005 04:29 PM

i was leaning towards King Pin and Spider Slayer. they come from the same place, Fisk industries. Why not? Venom/Carnage would be great but they havent introduced Eddie or Cassidy.

Posted by: don at March 20, 2005 09:14 PM

3) He isn't even an interesting character in comparison to others available.

Send me some of what your smokin` Jaemeel.....
Anyways Venom would be a good villian, but I do agree they need to set up for him, I can only see them going with a return of the green goblin since the end of the 2nd movie pretty much set up for that.

And if they do decide to do Venom, you don't need to drag carnage alo
ng with him, carnage appears later in the story anyway.

Posted by: Ray at March 21, 2005 11:03 AM

Okay..have the Goblin and Lizard in the 3rd. Blackcat could make appearances and help Peter fight, just as she did in the SM2 game.

While this is going on, a condensed version of the Venom setup could be going on, with Venom the only villain in the fourth.

Posted by: Jason at March 21, 2005 06:56 PM

Eddie Brock, went to space nearing the end of Spiderman 2... as for the hobgoblin, maybe the movie can start with spidey VS hobgoblin, and then later bring forward venom... making a good transition between the storyline, and being able to have produced 2 major villains in the story...

There was a rumour that Sam was going to feature hobgoblin in the end of SM2 but it never properly took place in the end, but just gave clues to hob goblins appearance...

also there were rumours going around about MJ dying, and cassandra webb... and im sure venom, webb, and MJ's death would make for a really good conclusion to the trillogy, like the 2nd film, with a little bit more romance and drama, but have the action set a bit more explosive then the previous 2 films (inc. carange no doubt)

The run time for the film in that case would be much longer then the previous 2 films, im leaning towards 2.5 hrs for the first cut of the film.

just think daredevil + the punisher, only longer, more action, and about the same level of romance/drama

Posted by: Cypher.Unreal Films Australia at March 21, 2005 08:55 PM

Venom vs Spidey could make for some fantastic visual sequences..perhaps the best seen in a movie. Both of them leaping off buildings..jumping off building tops all while engaging in'd be great.

Posted by: Jason at March 22, 2005 12:11 AM

is it me, or am i the only one who realizes that harry is not the hob-goblin? there will be no hobbie in the movie, because it hasn't been set up yet.

hit yourselves over the head with a blunt object because you have to see that Lizard will be the main villian along with harry as the green goblin in film #3. there would be no reason to show dr. conners if he wasn't going to be involved in the third film.

no venom, no hob-goblin, no carnage, and none other of the crazy crap you people have been talking about. simple, to the point is all you need to make this movie work

Posted by: chris at March 22, 2005 12:37 AM

If Goblin returns as the main'll only be a repeat of the first movie, even with the addition of Lizard. I doubt it'll play out that way. Lizard alone doesn't strike me as a worthy villain..he's pretty much just an enhanced raptor.

Posted by: Jason at March 22, 2005 01:08 AM

lizard may not be the villain that comes to mind, but they did set it up as such. I honestly would prefer the Sinister Six setting w/ Sandman, Mysterio, Vulture, Doc Ock, Elektro, and hob goblin- if anyone who ever read the comics knows that that is a pretty kick ass group. not enough room for all those badguys,in a 2 hour movie.
i know i know, it will never happen, but that would be too sweet.
still beting on lizard and green goblin again because they wouldnt have focused half of #2 on harrys hatred for spiderman, and then show him finding the outfit and gear if they werent going to continue the story. Green-Goblin will be back in #3, bet my words on it. plus spidey gets an ally in this flick, it seems black cat is the rumor, but i wouldnt be surprised if you see some oddball hero in there like cloak and dagger, moonknight, or hell why not punisher!

Posted by: chris at March 22, 2005 01:47 AM

Can you send me your copy of the script chris?

Venom/Carnage or anybody else guessed has just a good of chance in being in #3 then any of the oens you mentioned.... I agree with Jason that if Green Goblin returns then it will only be a repeat and not as good as it could be with another villian

Posted by: Ray` at March 22, 2005 11:28 AM

well, it's official... Thomas Haden Church will be playing the villain in SM3. although we don't know WHICH villain he will be yet. so what does this mean? Church wasn't Conners in SM2, so no Lizard? i DO agree that so much time would not have been spent on Harry's hatred of Spiderman and he would not have found his father's stuff in the end of 2 if that storyline wasn't going anywhere. i'm betting on GG2 along with Church as a villain to help Harry. Elektro maybe. then again, maybe he WILL be the Lizard. just because they didn't get Church to be Conners in SM2, doesn't mean they couldn't get him to be Conners in SM3, right? afterall, Conners was more of a cameo in SM2.

Posted by: dorian at March 22, 2005 11:28 AM

ok, all my money is on Church as the Lizard and Harry will be GG2. they didn't use Church in SM2 because they just hadn't casted the role of the Lizard for SM3 yet. being a cameo in SM2, the actor wasn't real important. both of these villains, and only these villains, were foreshadowed in SM2. i love Venom as much as the next guy, but there is no way he will be in SM3. the reasons have all been mentioned (secret wars, not old school villain, etc) so i won't rehash them all. but get over it people, not gonna happen. Lizard and Green Goblin 2.

Posted by: dorian at March 22, 2005 11:54 AM

Has Raimi said anything more on a fourth film? Because that's really the only way we'll see Venom.

Posted by: Jason at March 22, 2005 03:03 PM

I just took a look at a picture of Thomas Haden Church..he was Lowell on Wings. I won't be able to take him seriously as a villain..bad choice.

Posted by: Jason at March 22, 2005 04:39 PM

Church has done more than just Lowell from Wings. he has been in a couple dozen movies and was recently highly acclaimed for his role in 'Sideways'. while i've never considered him one of the 'greats' of our time, i think he is likeable and has a lot of potential. don't be so quick to judge. Martin Short surprised everyone with his believable (some say 'great') performance as a psycho killer on Law and Order. Robin Williams (remember Mork and Mindy?) was awsome in Insomnia. Jaimie Foxx (of the Jamimie Foxx Show) just won an Oscar. and so did Tom Hanks, twice (Bosom Buddies was one of the worst sitcoms of all time). what if Bruce Willis had been typecast as 'comedy only' after doing Moonlighting and Blind Date? let's give Church a chance. if he does badly, i'll eat my words.

Posted by: dorian at March 22, 2005 05:54 PM

whats all this talk about secret wars and not being an old character?... Doesn't the symbiote come from space on a spacecraft and take control of spider-man before finding eddie to become venom?... even if he isn't a old character why would that stop them from using him?... IM confused help me out here.

Posted by: Ray` at March 22, 2005 08:03 PM

Who is to say that they have to conclude the story of whatever villain/s join Spiderman 3. The movie could end with both spiderman and the villain/s retreating with an excellent setup for the inevitable Spiderman 4. I think that Thomas Haden Church would have to be Mysterio, he really doesnt look the part of any other villain, he looks more like a nerd, therefore Mysterio.

Posted by: Butchar at March 25, 2005 01:39 AM

Whats with the last part of S2 being about Hobgoblin ? Hobgoblin is a TOTALLY different character from the Green Goblin.
The S2 ending shows Harry being ready to take over the Green Goblin. But I don't think Gobby will show as a full villain, maybe as a small cameo for what will become in S4.
And as for Thomas Haden Church, PERHAPS, he would be the Vulture. The Lizard may be roped since Dr Connors is introduced already. Venom will NOT be introduced in S3 but his origin may be explained for S4 to feature him.

Posted by: Morello at March 25, 2005 04:18 AM

The next movie is most likely going to be a goblin movie with both the green goblin and hobgoblin. If blackcat is in this movie she will play a minor role probly a sidekick role or somethin.

Posted by: Shawn at March 25, 2005 11:48 AM

Another Goblin movie? Yawn! Wait till IV or V for that.

Dr. Curt Connors (Dylan Baker) has been set up in the first and second movies as the Lizard gonnabe. And Peter Parker's gotta be looking for a grad student position in III-- under which he always works for the Liz.

But Dylan Baker isn't the villain, you say? T.H. Church is. Didn't Church have a role as a big game hunter fairly recently? (Granted, that was _George of the Jungle_. This is admittedly the weakest point in my argument.)

So...Curt Connors turns himself into the Lizard, as he does in every Spidey incarnation. As is usual, Spiderman/Pete has to save him from himself. Complicating the plot, someone (perhaps triple-J?) hires Kraven the Hunter to hunt the Lizard. So Spidey has to save the bad-guy-who-is-not-bad from the good-guy-who-is-not-good, meanwhile minimizing the danger that both the Lizard and Kraven do.

Sounds like a Spiderman plot to me. Sure, you can toss in the Black Cat (with a necessary I AM NOT CATWOMAN logo) and set the precedent for Venom with JJJ Jr. going into space. Can't let Peter and MJ be happy for long, can we?

Posted by: TomAllen at March 25, 2005 12:50 PM

What's with you people? What makes you think they have to set up the villain in one of the previous movies? Did they set up Doc Ock in Spiderman 1? No. Venom could very well be the villain and the one I want to see the most.

Posted by: Vinny at March 25, 2005 02:40 PM

I'm a huge spider-man fan (actually pretty much a nerd for the comic) and the movies dont follow the comic book very much. Im fine with that though, becasue the movies are still awsome. So if theyre not following the storyline for the comic anyway, why not have to two coolest villians be in the thrid (carnage and venom)?

Posted by: Bryan at March 25, 2005 06:32 PM

If/when they use Venom, it will be with a completely different storyline. They won't be doing any Secret Wars movies, so they'll have to change his origin.

Maybe they'll just turn the return of Venom to Earth into his origin storyline. (The introduction of Jameson's son would seem to be a sign of that.)

Also, you can throw out comic book storylines when it comes to the movies. Maybe Harry hires Church, gives him the suit, and he becomes Hobgoblin?

Posted by: Henry at March 26, 2005 11:05 AM

im willing to bet its venom. i mean, they didnt introduce otto in the first, but he was perfectly fine in the second one. the setup is perfect for venom, and this church guy looks like hed make an awesome eddie. electro, rhino? NO they are unimportant, henchmen type villains and wud not be good for sm3. theyve already had two of spideys biggest enemies of all time in the first 2, y not bring in his greatest enemy for the third?

Posted by: john at March 26, 2005 11:08 AM

they can't have venom or carnage in SM3 because the symbiote is unrealistic to modern american audiences (remember not everyone is a hardcore comic addict)
The best bet is probably sandman. i reckon it would be cool however to have both lizard, black cat, green goblin 2 and sandman all in one movie splittin into different directions and ending up together at the end like pulp fiction but haha theres no chance of that happening

Posted by: stephen at March 31, 2005 09:59 AM

Since people keep ignorantly mentioning Hobgoblin, I'll be the third person to state that he would have no meaning in SM3, and is COMPLETELY different from GG...and we know for certain the latter will be in SM3 as Harry because of the strong SM2 ending.

As for the Lizard, we can't know that with as much certainty as we can GG2, but he nonetheless seems like one of the best bets, in light of Conners' previous appearance and scientific interaction with Peter.

As for Venom, I personally think it just wouldn't work this early, and that more setup is at least preferable if not necessary...that's why I agree that SM3 would be best with the Lizard and some form of the whole GG2/Harry thing (and perhaps Black Cat as a sidekick), all the while setting up for a future appearance of Venom because of JJJ Jr.'s space trip, paralleling the "Alien Costume" story in the show. But the only problem with the idea of Venom in a later film is, hasn't Sam already said that he's definitely not going to make an SM4? I've heard that rumored, hopefully I'm wrong...

Posted by: Chris at March 31, 2005 11:30 AM

Listen up, all of you! I went on repeatedly to see who Tom Church would play. Guess what? There are going to be TWO villains in Spidey 3 instead of one like the last two. The two evildoers are none other than Harry the Goblin(James Franco) and Venom/Eddie Brock(Thomas Haden Church)Trust me, I saw a Spider-Man 3 poster, and it had Goblin/Harry in the distance and Venom's huge, scary face all the way around the poster except for the edges. And no, the poster was not something somebody copied, pasted and scanned from the second movie. It's the real thing. Venom and the second Goblin are going to be the two villains in Spider-Man 3. End of discussion.

Posted by: Alex K at March 31, 2005 07:28 PM

Gwen Stacy.....Gwen stacy, i think thats who they are casting the blonde for!

Posted by: Chase at April 1, 2005 08:49 PM

I hope Alex K is right... that would be sooooo sweet :)

Posted by: Ray` at April 4, 2005 10:09 AM

Black Cat as a villian that is stupid she is sexy but I would like to see evil tough villians like Venom,Carnage,Sandman,the Lizard or Electro!!!!!

PS Put Black cat in the movie to!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Posted by: James at April 4, 2005 11:54 AM

Black Cat as a villian that is stupid she is sexy but I would like to see evil tough villians like Venom,Carnage,Sandman,the Lizard or Electro!!!!!

PS Put Black cat in the movie to!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Posted by: Randy at April 4, 2005 11:55 AM

Harry Osbourn may be the second green goblin in the comics, but no way will raimi risk throwing in an enemy already used. Harry will be the hobgoblin in the third film and torment Peter since he knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man and is jealous of his relationship with Mary Jane.

The Lizard is a perfect villain and fit for the thrid film. Conners is Peter's mentor and they can easily build on their relationship in the second film.

Forget all this talk about Sandman and Venom. It doesn't fit anywhere and if Raimi uses one of these characters in the third film it'll hurt the franchise and damage the story where he focuses so much on character rather than flashy special effects. Sony is planning 7 films. Save Venom for the very last. He has no place in the story right now.

Posted by: Derek at April 4, 2005 08:30 PM

Wait.. hold the horses... 7 MOVIES???? At the last I heard this was going to be the last one, and at an interview it was stated two more woujld be the max... SO USE VENOM NOW!

Posted by: Ray`` at April 6, 2005 09:32 AM

hes probably sandman but gg2 should be in it too
sandman gg2 and blackcat would be too much

Posted by: oc at April 19, 2005 04:50 PM

Venom and Carnage are the biggest and baddiest enemies. They should be last. Batman's biggest nemesis was the joker and I think that is why every other batman had two "bad guys" to fill in. If venom and/or carnage are beaten then how will they top that?? Sure lets just kill Magneto in X3.... but seriously, Spidey needs to evolve as a superhero. The last movie just fully brought him to terms with excepting his responsibility.

Posted by: Darks at April 21, 2005 12:49 AM

Sinister 6: this is the correct path .
harry comes back as G.G. Dr. Octopus returns, with good and bad intentions. The lizard's story gets into the mix with a dramatic ending of the 3rd movie. black cat would be the burglar/ lover. and eddie brock would be working at the bugel. next movie i would hope to see. there should be a hoaxest magican. a lizard , maybe a set up for a fethered villan, some more felicia. and a look into the Asylum {hint hint} and a grand finale of the sybiot alien creeping out of the space rock. leaving a great plot for more spidey action.
But folks toby not arond for ever. remeber ther is or was three spidermans total Riley, Parker, and another unknown clone, who was found in an Oscorp smoke stack. well im done, THIS is my OPINION. peace out fellow wall-crawlers>

Posted by: Twisty Yayo at April 23, 2005 01:13 AM

I think Mysterio he's cool

Posted by: hztdhdtz at May 2, 2005 11:58 AM

Sandman IS going to be the villan just watch

Posted by: bf\bf\ at May 2, 2005 12:10 PM

i think they should put venom in the 4th movie
not just the repeat of the villin or carnage there are the both coolest villin for spidy to fight so put them F%$kin villin in or else people won't be interst

Posted by: Bradley mathiesen at May 24, 2005 08:16 AM

i think that spiderman 3 will be awsome just like the rest but i really want to see venom or at least the start and i think they will do that by having balck try and say the rocketship crash but when she see's spiderman she pushes him out of the way nd he ends up in the symbiote. i think this becuase in the shows the rino attacked spiderman trying to recover the symbiote for king pin but they will not have this becase it is a complete waste of time. i really don't care about black cat but don't forget that in spiderman 2 they introduced jamesons son and he was the one who brought the symbiote down from outerspace. i just hope that they have venom and carnage in it becuase oherwise i will be so pissed off.

Posted by: mike at July 2, 2005 05:31 PM

a cross-over story would be amazing, imagine hulk and spidey.WOW! back to realiy and i think that john jameson should piss offto space and bring back a shiny symbiote, adapting the 'man-wolf' story as seen in the 90's cartoon. no one can blame the fella for hating parker. pete is well into his superhero role, is it 2 years between eps 1 and 2?, would be nice to see the movie start mid battle with one of his many foes, though in a cameo fashion. with venom 'defeated', it would then be nice to see Harry as the Hob. no rest for spidey. the end.

Posted by: villiers at July 25, 2005 06:00 PM

i agree with darks because Venom and Carnage kick Spider-Mans ass so that would be a real challenge

Posted by: Rafael Ochoa at August 28, 2005 02:37 AM

ok first things first...

Harry is NOT the hobgoblin!!! He resurrects the green goblin... a guy by the name of Jason something or rather becomes the hob-goblin after stealing the suit, glider, and weapons... he was a theif that got lucky... HARRY IS NOT THE HOB GOBLIN... idiots!!!

Now... Vemon was not properly introduced... hints were made... but not introduced!!! So you cant go there. So you cant bring on Carnage either... Black cat would destroy the spiderman series... so dont go there. Lizard was a good set up and could be considered a major player for the 3rd installment. I say DO NOT BRING IN THE BLACK CAT!!! the movie would then completely bomb huge!!! I say the only way to go... is start off with the Lizard... while... a side story of Venom.... almost at the end of the film... the lizard gets defeated... and Venom attacks... end of movie... leaving a huge cliff hanger for the 4th (if there is one) film!! Venom vs spidey... no other villains for the 4th movie... just venom!!! only way to go in my eyes!!!

Posted by: Jason at August 29, 2005 09:12 AM

Then your eyes are horrible Jason. Harry is not the Hobgoblin he is green goblin II, no shit. But Harry might not even become the goblin, Sam Raimi has said he doesn't really know too well where he is going with Harrys story. And nobody knows who the real Hobgoblin is anyways, there were 4-5 different people framed as the Hobgoblin, and the real one got away and also resurected a demon tus making Demogoblin. The Goblins curse effects Spideys loved ones and his own life forever. Harry might hire someone to become the "Hobgoblin" and after they fail he would become "Hobgoblin" himself, and if that doesn't happen then yes, he will just be the GG 2.

These movies don't need to be 100% true to the comic, as we have seen with the first 2 movies.

Eddie Brock could be in the 3rd film, and Black Cat would be perfect in giving more conflict to the love story. And the Lizard is one of Spider-Man's deadliest villans. This 3rd film may be classic Sam Raimi dark and sinister, as well as creepy. And no matter what there will be 6 films, it doesnt mean Raimi and the original cast will stay on for all of them, the furthest they would go is maybe a 4th.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 3, 2005 03:16 PM

Wasn't Jason Phillip Macendale the real HobGoblin?

Posted by: Lee White at September 20, 2005 02:59 AM