March 22, 2005

Spider-Man 3 Lands Thomas Haden Church

Well, at least we know the next evil doer isn't going to be Black Cat or anything.

The good folks over at MovieWeb let us in on this bit of info:

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Thomas Haden Church, who was nominated for an Academy Award for best supporting actor in Sideways, has been cast as Spidey's new archenemy in the next chapter of the Spider-Man franchise.
No details given on who the nasty man will be... but I'm still holding out for Venom!

Ok, don't get me wrong here... Church is a solid actor... but whenever I see him all I can think about is him as the bad guy "Lyle van de Groot" from George of the Jungle and that terrible TV show from like 1995 "Ned and Stacey". That role in Sideways has totally re-created this guy's career. Good for him.

Posted by John Campea at March 22, 2005 08:09 AM


If I am not mistaken, Venom is Jamieson's son. He was already cast in the second one. Don't know if changing actors in between sequels is such a hot idea.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 22, 2005 09:00 AM

They could still go the two villian route.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 22, 2005 09:09 AM

I definitely loved him as Jack in "Sideways", I havent seen any of his other films and it would be interesting to see him as a villain.

Posted by: Simone at March 22, 2005 09:14 AM

Maybe it's just me, but I see Church as a Carnage-type.

Posted by: karsh at March 22, 2005 09:29 AM


Venom is not Jameson's son. Venom is Eddie Brock, former reporter, who was pissed off at Peter Parker and found a friend in the symbiont who was pissed with Spidey/Peter.

I feel it somewhat impossible to logically (ok logic and Hollywood not really siblings) get the symbiont itself into this since Spidey got it during the Secret Wars (#8). To many screenplay problems I'd say.

Posted by: cadrach at March 22, 2005 10:32 AM

he comes back form space, symbiote is on it, jumps off .. finds spider-man.. spider gets rid of the then finds eddie brock(who was introduced at the begining of the movie)... POOF Venom

That doesn't sound to complicated lol

Posted by: Ray` at March 22, 2005 11:39 AM

by was introduced I mean he will be introduced at the beginning if he is the villian

any hear news on Rush Hour 3?........

Posted by: Ray at March 22, 2005 12:11 PM

Not a big fan of Thomas but like John I only get George of the Jungle thoughts mostly because I haven't seen him do anything else. Can he really act beyond being a doofus?

Posted by: mantiss at March 22, 2005 12:11 PM

Sandman, Sandman, Sandman.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 22, 2005 01:22 PM

Lowell from WINGS lands the villain role in Spidey 3 huh? Was the Dad from BLOSSOM busy or something?

Posted by: adam at March 22, 2005 06:31 PM

I know my Rush Hour 3 comment was probably ignored because this section is about spiderman 3
but come on people.... I need some news on it... just make something up if you want....

Posted by: Ray` at March 22, 2005 07:35 PM

Hey Ray, you should have used the Search feature and you would have been able to find this:

Rush Hour 3 -

Hope that made you happy mate.

Posted by: Simone at March 22, 2005 07:51 PM

the only villain, other than green goblin 2, that was foreshadowed in SM2 was the Lizard. Venom would be too complicated to introduce since it all started in Secret Wars, which was also way late in Spidey's career. you can't just introduce Venom and then say, "oh yeah, all that Secret Wars stuff happened somewhere between SM2 and SM3." besides, Raimi is a big 'old school' Spidey fan. my money is on Church playing the Lizard and Harry becoming the Green Goblin 2. and for those who only remember Church as Lowell from Wings, i say give the man a chance, he's got a lot of potential. he's done a couple dozen movies and was highly acclaimed for his role in 'Sideways'. after all, Robin Williams has become a great dramatic actor, and he started on Mork & Mindy.

and for Ray... there will not be a Rush Hour 3. Chris Tucker was mistaken for Michael Jackson and was flogged to death in the streets for being a child molester, and Jackie Chan has realized his talent for singing and is now a lounge singer in Las Vegas. well, you asked for it!

Posted by: dorian at March 22, 2005 07:55 PM

Church won't be the lizard. Dylan Baker played Dr Curt Conners in Spider-Man 2 and said he'd reprise his role and play the Lizard happily if that ever happened, which he doubted for #3.
The Chameleon could work, or Electro, Shocker, Scorpion or Sandman are also all possible.

Shouldn't be Venom (really need to introduce Eddy Brock first to get the back story). Won't be Carnage (need to introduce Venom first really). Won't be the Vulture (obviously) or Wolfman (that's John Jameson - played by Daniel Gillies). Probably won't be Rhino (not big enough)

At least that's how I see it

Posted by: jono at March 24, 2005 02:40 PM

Just because a character is introduced does not mean they will use 'im. Remember that Hank McCoy was introduced in the first film but not used in the second filming of X-Men. I agree with those saying the Sandman. He would be fantastic due to CGI. Remember the huge hammers he made from his fists? I think Haden could project the anger and malleability of the Sandman.

Posted by: Mark Dunder at March 24, 2005 07:53 PM

I don't believe he'll play the actor was already cast as Connors in the second film. And even if he'll only be some raspy voice he'll provide. Unfortunately..he'll probably play Shocker, Electro or some of the others mentioned.

Church played Lowell Mathers on Wings..I'm afraid I probably wouldn't be able to take him very seriously as a villain anyway..

Posted by: Jason at March 25, 2005 01:21 AM

Is Michael Jackson black!?

Posted by: Rutger Stevelmans at March 25, 2005 06:48 AM

You're forgetting, he's played a bad guy before. He was a bad guy in Tombstone for example. I think he could pull it off, if he tries hard enough.

Posted by: Joseph at March 25, 2005 12:11 PM

how is the whole venom trhing that hard to do. they need no mention of the secret wars. JJJ goews into space, brings back the symbiote, spidey gets it, takes it off, eddie gets it, and BAM! just liek it was in the cartoon version

Posted by: john at March 25, 2005 01:35 PM

If you read the new Ultimate version of the Spider-Man comics, they introduced Venom and Carnage without the Secret Wars. They just made a whole new plot line, which I thought was cool because you still get Venom, but it is a new story, not something written 25 years.

Posted by: lefty at March 25, 2005 02:03 PM

No offense against opinions, but I say James Woods should play Venom. He played Hades in Hercules, and he really has sinister intellect. If he got bulked up, then his voice and body would match. And then I think Cheech Marin should play Carnage. He would sound funny. And my biggest wish is for the movie to be rated PG, so littler kids could see it.

Michael Byrne
4452 Stone haven Drive
Bettendorf, Iowa

Posted by: Michael Byrne (11 years old) at March 26, 2005 05:52 PM

I have to say.... NO NO NO to introducing Venom or Carnage... make it real, keep it old school, bring on Thomas Haden Church as Electro or the Scorpion if he can't be The Lizard. The dude is tall and thin enough and could show a bit of insanity to play the above, but Sandman? nah, I think sandman should be played by someone bulkier - please don't let him turn out to be Rhino!

Posted by: mike mo at March 28, 2005 11:23 AM

Thomas Haden Church has sold out.

Posted by: Dinkadoo at March 28, 2005 02:12 PM

Venom is not Jameson's son, he is Eddie Brock.
I believe that the obvious person noone has mentioned is Sandman. Thomas Church Haden has the look and the build for him.

Posted by: mark at March 28, 2005 10:25 PM

You got that Sandman info from about 3 specific web sites, it'd be nice if at least you admitted that. :)

But let's get real: Thomas Haden Church is a *GREAT* actor. Everyone moaned when Alfred Molina as Doc Ock. Everyone jeered with Green Goblin. But let's take a look at Thomas Haden Church, his DEEP VOICE, his AGE, his Facial Features - he can either be Sandman (Which would be a cool on screen character in terms of fights, but really, a BORING story unless they make him discover that Spiderman is peter parker and MJ is his girlfriend) or VENOM. He has the features that an Eddie Brock has - well built, a bit older, dirty blonde hair, and the eyes.

I still have faith, and I still believe the villian is venom. Because if I have to believe that we're going to have a THIRD villian that becomes a villain because of an experiment / accident gone wrong, I'm going to hurl.

Venom, at least, is a coincidence with a very dark story line - Eddie Brock has CANCER! He's DYING! And his only saving grace is writing a story on who he thinks the Sin Eater is. Spiderman unveils that Sin Eater is not the person that Brock said it was. Brock loses his job, is disowned by his Father, is hated by his wife who leaves him, and decides he's going to commit suicide. BUT - he hates Spiderman, specifically, because in addition to all of his issues, Spiderman just multiplied them two fold. But he doesn't care anymore, he just wants to end it.

Spiderman and how he gets the costume is very simple: John Jameson - Jonah's son - goes to space, brings back an artifact, has it analyzed by Oscorp / Harry. Harry discovers it's a living being and tries to do something with it. Loses it. Spiderman finds it. Attaches to spiderman, now he has a black costume that he discovers can turn into his street clothes just by thinking about it. You don't have to spend more than an hour developing both Brock and Peter's new costume.

So now Spidey is in black, but discovers it's an Alien. Gets suit off of him at the top of a church (just like the comics). Eddie Brock visits that same church a few days later and says a last prayer before he commits suicide. The symbiote detects his presence and viola, venom is formed, Brock knows that Spidey is Peter, thus knows that Peter and MJ are a couple, thus knows who he can terrorize.

This is a unique and compelling villian. Let's remember: Venom hates Spiderman only. He "protects" others from Spiderman and doesn't kill innocent people! He only wants to get Spiderman!

He's the opposite of spiderman, but stronger! His weakness is that although he can spin webs, his webbing is limited by the costume - if he spins too much, he eventually will run out. Simple.

This can definitely be done in 2 hours or a little over 2 hours. I don't see the big deal.

But to have Sandman as a villian is boring: He's a convict who breaks out of prison and hides out at a nuclear plant located near a beach. There's an accident (how original!) the nuclear material mixes with the sand and attaches to bad guy and WHAM - Sandman is formed!

But guess what the interesting twist is to this story? Only one person has ever defeated the Sandman, and it ain't Spidey.

Go look it up.

The only person to ever beat Sandman?? VENOM! So why introduce a weaker character? And it's going to be boring, trust me. Convict, evil, hates spidey, gets defeated, go home.

Uhh.. I'd much rather See Harry as the Green Goblin II to be very honest with you. Actually, I'd even take the Lizard at this point. But if the rumors are true and the Sandman is the villian, there's going to be a heck of a lot more literary license taken than has already been done that I don't think I'll be able to stomach.

Thomas Haden Church would make an *AWESOME* venom.

Posted by: SpideyFan at March 30, 2005 04:48 AM

maybe he will be introduced as eddie brock, will have a supporting but a memorable role, by the way john jameson will bring the symbiote from space and it will attach to spideys costume and spidey will face the lizard and green goblin2(which i believe should be replaced with hobgoblin, to keep the goblin concept fresh) and kicks their ass(with his symbiıte costume, he'll be strong enough to challange them both)And in a fourth and a final movie Eddie Brock'll become venom.That'd be a fine final showdown..or should i get realistic

Posted by: MaskedMenace at March 30, 2005 03:20 PM

actually spideyfan spiderman has defeated the sandman b4. It was with the help of the human torch but none the less he defeated him.

Posted by: basattak at April 3, 2005 05:25 AM

Ah.... Hopefully they will not stop making spiderman for a long long time.There's to many villians that deserve a spot. Venom,Carnage,Rhino,Scorpion... the list is endless... I love the Spiderman movies and hope they continure until spider man 10!!!!... why can't they make a james bond series out of this?.. it has the substance and it has the huge fanbase needed.

And whoever Thomas haden Chruch plays he movie will still be wicked.. I hated the Dr.Ock.. but the movie was still awesome... So even if he's the black cat... i don't care the movie will still be as good as 1 and 2..

Posted by: Ray` at April 3, 2005 06:44 AM

Ray - Hysterical! If he were Black Cat I think I'd have an issue with it, actually. :)

Ok, well, after some very mild and moderate digging, I findally discovered where AICN got their supposed "Sandman confirmation" from.

Go to the main movie site for Spiderman -

And click on the Daily Bugle. There's a press release referencing the magazine "Wizard" titled: "WEB OF MYSTERY - In his first Spider-Man 2 interview, Tobey Maquire reveals why Doc Ock is a cooler villain than the Green Goblin and how the Sandman would work in the sequel.
(Wizard #150, April 2004)
Friday, May 14, 2004"

Here's the excerpt where Tobey mentions Sandman:

"Q: Do you have any villains you'd particularly like to see in a third film?

Tobey: I really like Sandman. Some of the villains I enjoy reading in the comic books, but some of them I don't know if they translate to movies. But I think Sandman's a pretty cool villain. I have no idea what they're thinking; this is like an Avi [Arad, producer] and Sam specialty, since they both know this stuff so well. I'm trying to think of all the villains. I'd say Sandman's gotta be my favorite, along with Doc Ock. Those two are probably my favorite villains. I think that the Lizard is kind of a weird villain, cinematically. Kraven the Hunter is kind of cool, but what's his purpose in a movie? A guy who's like the big hunting guy and he's evil? If somebody did that, I just don't know how it would translate. But you know, sometimes you kind of change them for a movie. But I think Doc Ock is probably the coolest villain."

Aha! So thusly it is revealed that Tobey is a fan of having Sandman as the next character, but this doesn't confirm that Sandman is definitely that character. It's interesting that noone else has caught this! (Hey, I didn't either, so I'm guilty as charged.)

But please let it be known that I was the first - Spideyfan, from THE MOVIE BLOG dot COM.

And please, AICN, if you reference this article, give credit to TheMovieBlog and myself, Spideyfan, for at least catching this first.

Posted by: SpideyFan at April 4, 2005 03:31 AM

you know what?... I never liked that tobey guy.. and unless im mistaken he doesn't write the script... so he can ask for sandman all he wants because im getting my way and its gonna be VENOn..... PEROID!

Posted by: Ray` at April 4, 2005 04:54 PM

As soon as I saw a picture of Chruch, I immediately thought Venom. But I hate to get my hopes up, because it would be too good to be true for Venom to be in this movie. Too much has to happen for him to be introduced. Anyway...I hope they at least introduce an interesting bad guy...maybe mysterio will be in it. I always liked him.

Now you guys are all probably hardcore spiderman fans and will laugh at for this...but I've never heard of the sandman. I used to watch the spiderman cartoon when I was younger and he was never in it. Therefore, if Church plays the "Sandman"....I'm going to be pissed. :(

Posted by: Scot at April 5, 2005 01:04 AM

ok lets get things straight i mean u know the whole plot of the sandman right? Well if you don't ill give u a little backup on it. Spiderman never beats thesandman the only 1 time is when he sucks him in a giant vaccume and who is the one to kill sandman? yep thats right venom. So with no venom then theres no sandman unless they change the plot on the comics and if they changed that plot then on sandman to where spidy kills him it wouldent stop them from changin the plot on the venom theory and take out the secret wars cuz if u ask me if they make the sandman get sucked up a vaccume in the 3rd one i think that would suck

im thinkin they will show a flashback from the 2nd movie we diddent see in it and it shows jj jameson come of a space ship and the symboite slithers out. haha i kno its wild and prolly wont happen but it would be cool and maybe pete will have the symboite in this one to struggle with sinch he pretty much went though all his worries in the last one and is now calm with mj but common u kno some 1 is gonna find out about them but truly pete with the symboite through most the 3rd one looses it at the end. brock in the 4th one is already in jail in the begginging symboite rescues him and cassady is in the same cell finds the offspring and spidy has both to take care of maybe gets someone to help him like blackcat or something .. but all im saying is this is my theory

Posted by: venommm at April 5, 2005 08:58 AM

I think harry should be the villan because at the end of the movie he finds these green goblin stuff.

Posted by: Mike at April 9, 2005 10:00 PM

Have any of you morons entertained the thought that Spiderman will aquire the symbiotic suit in the third installment of my life?

Posted by: skippymcgregor at May 5, 2005 03:50 AM

in regaurds to the person that said venom is jamesons son your partly right because in the comics the way venom was created was by jamesons son who was a astronaut went into space and he picked up a virus from outerspace which was venom then later venom moved onto spiderman and then finally moved onto brock (takes a bow thank you i'm a nerd)

Posted by: blabla at May 25, 2005 10:32 PM

Two words.... Sinister Six.

Posted by: Silent at June 17, 2005 06:52 PM

did'nt church say something about a horse of many colors?

Posted by: cedric at July 18, 2005 04:24 AM

think about it man!!

Posted by: cedric at July 18, 2005 04:28 AM

if its venom, i'm going to kill myself because venom is just too much too soon. thank you............i love you

Posted by: cedric at July 18, 2005 04:32 AM

oh, and ELECTRO is the coolest villain ever!

Posted by: cedric at July 18, 2005 04:35 AM

too bad we won't be seeing him

Posted by: cedric at July 18, 2005 04:37 AM

The Lizard, Black Cat, Mysterio, Shocker, Rhino, and of course Venom are all the possible villians and would be perfect. They all don't have to fit into one movie, all these villians would bring us up to the 6th film.

Electro is the worst villian ever. The Sinister Six and be told two diffrent ways with 12 different characters involved.

Church will be Eddie Brock who turns into Venom, we don't know if the change will happen in the 3rd 4th or 5th film. If Harry Osbourne's conflict is resloved in these movies a void will have to be filled and that is where Eddie Brock comes into play. I have posted many times what the other villians would contribute to the story.

Now as for you blabla, you are not that big of a nerd because you are very wrong. When Brock doned the alien symbiote he called himself Venom. Spider-Man tried saving people from an accident when criminals ambushed the truck transporting the sybmiote the astronauts found. Spider-Man was infected with the parasite and used the costume to his advantage, that is until the symbiote started controlling Peter for evil purposes. Spider-Man and Dr. Connors figured out that heat and sonicwaves carrying loud sounds destroy the suit.

Eddie Brock went from being a loved stud (horse of many colors) to a depressed, hated, and underappreciated man, his realationship with his girlfriend was suffering and Peter was a better photographer than him. So he decides to kill himself by jumping off a "church". He lies dead on the ground, until Spider-Man (who is trying to get rid of the suit) appears at the top of the church ringing the bell and the symbiote weakens and flys off in every whichway in a misty blob form. The symbiote needs any type of nearby host or it will die, it finds Brocks dead body on the ground and regenerates his life. Brock wakes up screaming in pain, and does not realize he is infected with the parasite until after he has a heated fight with his girlfriend.

And so begins the life of another one of Spider-Man's most deadliest villians, Venom. The Goblin and the curse brought with it is the worst, The Lizard is the most unpredictable and deadliest, Venom is equally matched to Spider-Man since he bears his powers only in a stonger form.

ALso, unlike any other comic books/movies out there, Spider-Man is the only one where the hero learns and grows with every villian he fights. Every rouge in Spider-Man is great and interesting, the big guys like Green Goblin and Doc Ock and Lizard and Venom and, etc. Are the most important.

In the 3rd movie we will see The Lizard, Mysterio, Shocker or Rhino, and maybe the Black Cat, Raimi says the cat would be hard to put into the story. But MARK MY WORDS! LIZARD AND MYSTERIO ARE THE TWO MOST LIKLEY VILLIANS TO APPEAR IN SPIDER-MAN 3, we may even see the the Goblins curse haunt Peters life again as Harry or a hired rouge dones the goblin suit and set out to squash the eight legged freak.

There are some horrible posts on this page but some are great. We need to get Sandman out of our heads and think about more worthy villains.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 19, 2005 06:03 PM

Look, spider man 3 is gonna b awesome! i saw it off the internet! Here are all the villains:

Venom, Hobgoblin, and Sandman. In the movie spider-man fights all these guys, but venom kills sandman, about half way through the movie. Venom swears to kill spider-man just like harry(hobgoblin). Harry finds out peter is spider-man, and doesn't know why peter would kill his father. Peter explains to harry that the green goblin was his father, but harry doesn't believe it! They get into this huge fight. Venom sees spider-man battiling the hobgoblin. Venom grabs spider-man and they all get into a fight. Then mary jane comes along with a shrieking face running all over town. Hobgoblin and venom were even trying to kill eachother, because, they both wanted to get revenge on peter. They get this super evil plan, and team up to kill spider-man. harry finds out that venom has a sybiote. harry wants the symbiote because it will make him stronger. Harry finds a way to steal it from venom, venom wakes up and sees he lost all his super powers. he figures out harry stole them... ill let u see the movie for yourself to get the full experiance. Im not gonna tell u anymore...UNTIL NEXT TIME I GET ON THIS WEBSITE~!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Spider-Man Fan to da MAX!!!! at September 9, 2005 06:48 PM

I hate liars and posers, and you my friend are both. Calling yourself Spider-Man Fan to da MAX!!!! *shakes head in shame* You must love shoving your arm up random animals asses, because all you pump out is bullshit. I mean, you can't even lie well, you must suck at life, because 1) Your a liar & 2) You can't even lie right. And I pray to god you never learn to screenwrite or get the chance to share your ever so creative mind with the world suck, when people like you get the chance to create the crap similar to what your mind thinks up is the reason there are so many crappy movies out there.

Just simply because of the fact nobody in their right mind would pay to see any of that crap in a Spider-Man movie; you have definetly outdone ypurself, bravo *claps hands* They haven't even started the actually filming yet, the film is in pre-production stage ya dumbass.

And if your talking about a fan made movie or some Spider-Man cartoon on the internet, then please by all means go find a nice cliff and figure out your next move. I am a huge fan of Spider-Man just like any other, and know whats good, so why am I replying to your awful post? 1) Your mocking Spider-Man. 2)I like to flap my big mouth off. 3)At the end of your post you put,"i'm not gonna tell you anymore...UNTIL NEXT TIME I GET ON THIS WEBSITE!" And frankly I don't want to see anymore more bullshit, just keep all that crap between you and your friends, we don't want it and its stinkin up the page. Opinions are great, but making lies to back them up are not.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 9, 2005 07:59 PM

Don't give him the satisfaction of a response, man..

Posted by: Otom at September 17, 2005 07:12 AM