March 10, 2005

Sony Makes Commitment To Blu-ray

BluRayDVD.jpgMore news in the new format battle for the next generation of DVD (did anyone think I was going Star Trek there?) from WhatPC?. Sony have made a huge announcement and commitment to the Blu-ray system:

Sony is making digital masters of all its films in high-definiton (HD) format so they can be sold on Blu-ray disks when HD players hit the market, the company announced today...

...Speaking at Cebit, the world's biggest IT show, Chris Deering, president of Sony Europe, said: 'There will be an immense choice from day one.'

That's one hell of a commitment, including 6,000 titles bought with the MGM deal, making them available from day one will alleviate a huge wall that would previously stop Home Cinema enthusiasts from purchasing a new generation, the lack of catalogue. He went on to say:

'High definition will become the cornerstone of [Sony's] activities in video, audio, TV and movies.'

Considering that the Playstation 3 will be based on Blu-ray is another huge flashing neon sign buzzing frantically in the rain that they are deadly serious about the format move. Note that the next generation of XBox is rumoured to have neither Blu-ray or HD DVD installed, merely a current technology player.

Prepare for the format battle.

According to Gizmodo Apple has signed up onboard the Blu-ray consortium, bringing them much kudos.

Though Apple holds a comparatively small market for computers (even if Mac fans don’t like to admit it), I think this one has more to do with reputation points. Apple has a very dedicated fan base, and bringing Blu-Ray to Macs is certain to sway Mac fans in its direction.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 10, 2005 03:17 PM
