March 13, 2005

Some In-House Business

Hey there folks. John here.

Wow, remember back in the day when you thought having 40 gigs worth of bandwidth a month was more than you'd ever need in your life? Yeah... well I've just been informed that The Movie Blog will go dark in the next week or so unless I purchase more bandwidth. The dirty buggers want $120 to add 5 more gigs of bandwidth a month for the rest of the year. Ouch. What choice do I have? None.

The traffic on the site has continued to climb. Over 360,000 visits this month. Seriously folks... THANK YOU. I have just a sick amount of fun doing this site, and the conversation and comments you guys leave add to my experience a whole lot! You guys are great. Keep posting your thoughts. It makes the sight a whole lot better when you add your two cents worth.

We've been busy around here. You'll notice we've added a few new features around the site that we think will add to the experience of visiting here on a regular basis. My favorite upgrade (and long overdue) is the "Related Posts" feature you'll find on the individual posts pages that will point you to other posts on the site related to the one you're reading at the time. Give us some time (or a whole lot of it) to get all the posts on the site brought into the new system.

On a really sucky note, Movie Blog alumnist Todd (aka Bubba), had his house broken into and had a ton of his extensive (no seriously) dvd collection stolen. Head over to his site and show him some love in the comments section.

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2005 09:15 PM


Well, maybe transfer to They have 75GB bandwidth, 2GB space etc., I'm very satisfied with them... good service, good prices.

Posted by: Raven at March 13, 2005 09:42 PM

Maybe a transfer is in order for cheaper pricing. As always if there's anyway I can help...(I know you'll read this quicker than an email!)

Oh, and don't forget the "Most Commented On Posts". I quite like that addition too, as well as the "Last 100 Comments".

That guy in the kilt on the About page is damn fine though.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 14, 2005 07:04 AM

I was waiting for a topic where I could actually express my appreciatiion with regards to the changes that has been going on at TMB. Its made it easier to look back on related topics or even just be reminded of other movie news in the past few months or last years!

You've all been working really hard guys and the increased traffic is proof that you are getting all the much deserved attention.

John, I have already asked you this when I emailed you a while back, do you have a Paypal account, cause I am willing to make a donation to help you cover the costs. I used to run a discussion board that cost me $200/year to run and I didnt mind paying for it all either as I was enjoying it at the time so I know exactly how it feels.

I love this site, it feels like hanging out with cool friends, and I couldnt stress it enough so borrowing a Jerry Maguire line, "let me help you, let me help you!"

Posted by: Simone at March 14, 2005 07:30 AM

Is that why your RSS feed is down?

Posted by: Heidi M. at March 14, 2005 08:29 PM

Mine is working fine. I'm getting content updates.

Posted by: Richard at March 15, 2005 11:19 AM