March 11, 2005

Sir Ian McKellen's greatest ambition?...Coronation Street!

IanMckellen.jpgBizarre news from Reuters in that one of the best authentic stage actors we have today, and a well known and highly successful screen actor of today, from one of the biggest roles on screen, Gandalf, has just accepted a part in one of the UK's leading soaps...

...Coronation Street.

McKellen said on his website on Friday he would realise a life-long dream by playing "dodgy novelist" Mel Hutchwright in the popular programme. He will star in 10 episodes.

"The script is hilarious and well up to the Street's current high standards," he said. "I am nervous but raring to go."

"About 15 years ago I turned down a previous offer to visit the Street as Elsie Tanner's long-lost nephew. But I chickened out."

The former Oscar nominee, 65, said last year his only remaining ambition was to appear in the soap after fulfilling his other aim, to play a cranky pantomime dame.

You have to admire his humour, ambition and realism. For these two to be his two biggest ambitions and desires, you just can't help but marvel at his grounding, even now in his career. You gotta love him for that.

Posted by at March 11, 2005 08:30 AM


I love Sir Ian, I mean, I really do. This was way before he played Gandalf and loved him even more so after he did.

I have never watched an episode of Coronation Street (I'm not really a telly person) but for his involvement in it I dont mind catching the 10 episodes!

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 08:49 AM

I love that this is one of his life long dreams.
He will rule the soapies.

Posted by: doug nagy at March 11, 2005 09:07 PM