March 12, 2005

Scary Movie 4

ScaryMovie_Poster.jpgOh good grief. Look, I know know there is a segment of people out there who really dig the Scary Movie franchise... but for the life of me I just can't understand why. Then again, I really liked Daredevil... so who am I to judge?

For those of you who do like the adult rated humour targeted at 12 year olds... you should like this news. Not only is Scary Move 4 already well into development, but Anna Faris has officially signed on to return. The good folks over at CinemaBlend offer up this little nugget:

The fact that they’re even attempting a fourth movie in the franchise is frightening enough, although I have to admit I liked the third chapter, which featured the comedic stylings of David Zucker (Airplane) instead of the Wayans Brothers, who handled the previous movies. Along with Anna Faris, who is recieving $2 million up front and has pretty much made a career out of the Scary Movie franchise, Zucker will also return for the fourth installment. No word as to whether Zucker’s “regulars” Charlie Sheen and Leslie Nielson (who appeared in 3) will return.
I've hated all three of these films. Yes, in each of them there are a couple of really laugh out loud moments. But those moments are few and far between. I spend most of the time getting pissed off that the director assumes I'm 14 and still think fart jokes are killer. Oh well... like I said, I loved Daredevil.

Posted by John Campea at March 12, 2005 07:36 AM


they're only good if the wayans brothers are involved. scary movie one and two were halarious, the third one sucked

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 12, 2005 02:33 PM

Shitty Movie 4

Posted by: Franklin at March 12, 2005 03:42 PM

Scary Movie 3 was the funniest one out of all three. The first two relied way too much on gross out humor and just weren't that funny. Knowing that Zucker is behind this he'll hopefully make a great movie, he's the guy who made Airplane! for god's sake.

Posted by: Jonathan Hincapie at March 12, 2005 07:23 PM

the first two was crazy funny the third one was dumb as hell it was funny at some point but overall it sucked

Posted by: rod at March 13, 2005 01:39 AM

I want to tell you all a story about the first movie that I love the most. When I saw the first movie in the theater I laughed the hardest during the scene when the guy shot his load on the girl. I laughed so hard everyone in theater staring at me. And I did the same thing again during the second movie when the guy and girl were in the cooler and they were spoofing the Titanic. I haven’t seen the third movie though.

Posted by: Alfredo at March 13, 2005 12:52 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at March 13, 2005 05:34 PM

I want to tell my favorite story. When we saw Scary Movie 1 in a sneak preview, the whole theatre was dead silent.

Posted by: Berandor at March 14, 2005 08:11 AM

Ihavn't seen the first one, and the second one sucked. But the 3rd one was hillarious. I can't wait foro the fourth one.

Posted by: Brad at March 21, 2005 11:34 AM

I saw "Scary Movie 3" on DVD upon this recommendation of a friend and you may call me really prissy but not once did I laugh.

Posted by: Simone at March 21, 2005 12:20 PM

Scary Movies are the best movies in the world...they are so funny...the cast is awesome...come on people it may be pointless...but thats the funny thing about them..My favorite is the third one cause like someone else said..less sick humor more real humor

Posted by: Michelle at March 27, 2005 05:18 PM

Guys get a bloody life!

I have randomly gone to websites today and you guys go on about the movie so much. Your not making money are you, so i dont think anyone gives a rats arse what u think.


Posted by: jmi at April 5, 2005 02:58 AM

thing is im 13 and ive watched all the 3 and they are really good for people my age aswell as those older ppl who still know how to have a laugh, if you think that its aimed for 12yr olds rather than your age then go watch some other thing that is for you and plus the films have been a 15 and i have m8s that are twenty and they loved it, its not like the films rated for 35 yr olds! all them scary movies hav been gr8 an a real laugh,so you ratist can stick your comments up my ass!

Posted by: sas at April 24, 2005 03:26 PM


Posted by: Hans at May 10, 2005 06:33 AM

Why do we like Scary Movie and its sequels, because they are hilarious! I mean other comedies make me laugh, ya know ha ha he he..... but Scary movie cranks up the humor with what i call "the fucked up technique" where something random happens out of spite, and if it wasn't out of spite it would've still been funny. Scary Movie 3 was the best for that, it held onto the tradition of Hot Shots! and Airplane!. Scary Movie deserves it's own exlamation point at the end of its title, it has earned that much respect. Scary Movie! Film de Puir Four

Posted by: mikelizard at May 14, 2005 05:00 PM

I really love the Regina Hall parts

Posted by: Regina Hall Fan at June 6, 2005 01:21 AM

I've seen scary movie one and two...

...and they both sucked. As already mentioned earlier, it was all based around gross-humaric types of things. But I did laugh a bit on the 1st on.

Scary movie 3 has got to be the funniest movie I've ever seen excluding The Longest Yard, and I can't wait for the 4th to come out.

Posted by: Necro{}mantic at September 22, 2005 03:47 PM

I only saw part of scary movie 1 and it was good. the second one was great but the third one sucked like ass. i really looking forward to the fourth one being like the first and second.

Posted by: Deana Burt at September 25, 2005 03:06 PM

1st was good, Second totally sucked, and the 3rd is by far the best and is in that tradition of Airplane! If you think the 3rd movie sucked you got problems. And how does ass suck?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 25, 2005 11:09 PM

Scary Movie 3 is the ultimate of all comedy films!!! The first time i saw it i laughed all the way through it, it was actually the only time i have ever laughed so much i cried. Scary Movie 1 had a few funny moments (in my opinion), Scary Movie 2 was far better and the 3rd is just pure slapstic genius!! And now theres a fourth??! For it to be funnier Zucker's gonna have a tough time ahead.

Posted by: rudeboimc at October 30, 2005 10:16 AM