March 08, 2005

Rock lets slip a little spoiler for Doom

Rock revealed slightly more than he has before, and if you're a fan of the Doom game you might just latch onto what he means here. So bewarned, here there may be spoilers. Seriously, even if you aren't a fan you might find some of what he says spoiler-ish.

In an interview with the unnaturally gushing guys at Empire he says:

"I'm playing the commanding officer who, without ruining it for everyone, turns bad, which is great. I'm so excited about that movie, I'll tell you why. Number one, it's my first rated-R movie and it's a very unapologetic rated-R movie. Not only that, but the monsters are real, they're not CGI. They're made by Stan Winston who did Jurassic Park and Predator and all that. So the monster's got weight and when they’re in a scene they're like Aliens! I get to transform and become, I'm going to tell you this right now, the BMFOTP. Know what that means? It means the baddest motherfucker on the planet."

Ah, there's the bit for me, my mind is working overtime and it's latched onto one thing in particular. I won't say anymore, and I would ask that if you didn't care about spoiling the movie for yourself that you don't write all about it in the comments. Just be happy that you know, and that this bodes well for the movie, it just might be a fun frag-fest as we had hoped for.

If you're interested, he also talks about Johnny Bravo, the coolest cartoon character ever created!

Posted by at March 8, 2005 02:39 PM


I just don't see how there is any hope for this one. No Mars, no Hell, no way.

Posted by: adam at March 8, 2005 05:12 PM

Ahh... I really didn't pick up on what the spoiler was, but Adam's comment pointed me in the right the direction. I think it's a good thing.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at March 8, 2005 09:28 PM