March 08, 2005

Revenge Of The Sith Poster

RevengeoftheSith_Poster.jpgWell here it is. The official theatrical release poster for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Personally, I love the style of all the posters. You can get a much larger version of the poster at the official Star Wars website.

Posted by John Campea at March 8, 2005 11:06 PM


OMG! *goosebumps, goosebumps*

As always, even just the posters still gives you the thrill.

May the FORCE be with you all.

Posted by: Simone at March 9, 2005 06:23 AM


The posters haven't been the problem. The recent films have been. :-/


Posted by: Screen Rant at March 9, 2005 11:10 AM

Ouch Vic! Why am I not surprised that someone was going to say that? *upset*

No seriously...

I actually can not give a fair comment on Episodes I and II because regardless of what has been said about it, I did like them, of course they can not compare to the original trilogy but it worked for me, talk about the Star Wars geek I truly am.

I do hope though that Episode III will change your mind, the poster is a good start dont you think? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at March 9, 2005 11:38 AM

I can't wait to see it hanging on my wall! Nice artwork from Mr. Struzan, although to be critical for a second - it doesn't look nearly menancing enough for some reason.

And although I like asymmetrical design, the Vader head kinda unbalances the whole look.

Posted by: trysop at March 9, 2005 01:30 PM

that is a great piece of art, it gets me excited, in all the right places. the only problem, is i need bigger walls to hang them on.

Posted by: Movie Replicas at March 9, 2005 04:46 PM

Is it just me or does anyone else notice that its like a combination of the sheets from the OT? Big Vader head from Empire, Saber fight from Jedi, the 3 leads like New Hope...etc Not that theres anything wrong with that, I personally like it, just wondering if that was on purpose.

Posted by: adam at March 9, 2005 06:01 PM

Adam, after Lucas pissed away so much goodwill towards Star Wars by claiming that Episode I was for the kids (a movie which hardly any kids liked) and that Episode II was, patronizingly, for teen girls (hahaha!), he's finally caved in and is now marketing Episode III to... Star Wars fans. Imagine that. What a crazy concept.

Posted by: Franklin at March 9, 2005 06:09 PM

Ok after a really bad day today I've decided I think it's perfect.

But did anyone think it *really* odd that Anakin and Obi-Wan are on the poster twice?

Unless those two fighting in the middle are (spoiler alert)


...haha just kidding (stupid joke). I was just reminded about how people were debating whether Obi-Wan was a clone because his name could mean Obi-One or however that stupid conspiracy went.

Wow I'm in a bit of a bitter mood today, aren't I?

Posted by: trysop at March 9, 2005 10:10 PM