March 29, 2005

Revenge of the Sith different in Digital Cinemas?

StarWarsIII-Duel.jpgI am now looking forward to Revenge of the Sith now that the latest trailers are out and all the news says it's going to be dark and violent. Fantastic.

However the news that there are going to be different versions before it even reaches DVD is concerning me. From a report in Movieweb from, it appears that work will continue on the movie after the film release and this will result in a different digital version.

"The digital version of the movie will be different from the version that goes out on film. That has to be locked down so much earlier, whereas the digital can go right up to a week-and-a-half before the film comes out"...

...Supposedly, the digital version of Revenge of the Sith will be longer than the film version. There is some speculation that this is a "reward" to those theaters that have upgraded to digital projecters.

So if you have a digital cinema near you then punish those smaller cinemas who haven't had the decency to put themselves into financial hardship and fork out the money to upgrade their equipment, and go to your nearest digital instead. No, scrap that, that's not fair is it?

It's just another way for them to release another version of the movie and entice people to see it multiple times before it even hits DVD. Then when it gets to DVD they can release the film version, wait a while, release the digital version, wait, release the Extended version, the Directors Cut, the Extended Directors Cut, the individual Boxset, the Boxset of the first three, then the Ultimate Boxset, finally the Ultimate Extended Directors Cut Digital Boxset. Then you can buy the 1st Anniversary Edition then the 5th...stop it!

Actually, I don't see that the version will be that different. The comment above regarding the length is pure speculation, it may be longer because of added or extended digital effects, but I really can't see it being that different after the film release.

This gives an insight into the changes to expect:

The article went on to talk about how the digital version of Attack of the Clones was also different to the version that came out on film, most notably, the shot of Padme holding Anakin's mechanical hand at the end wedding scene.

I had no idea there was a difference, and I can't actually remember the difference in that scene. Mind you I've never seen it on DVD or a Digital Cinema to tell any difference. Did anyone else notice this?

Posted by at March 29, 2005 06:44 AM


"It's just another way for them to release another version of the movie and entice people to see it multiple times before it even hits DVD. Then when it gets to DVD they can release the film version, wait a while, release the digital version, wait, release the Extended version, the Directors Cut, the Extended Directors Cut, the individual Boxset, the Boxset of the first three, then the Ultimate Boxset, finally the Ultimate Extended Directors Cut Digital Boxset. Then you can buy the 1st Anniversary Edition then the 5th...stop it!"

I like it when you rant like that Rich. *laughs*

But I dont think the Star Wars franchise will rip us off by doing this, only Lord of the Rings did that and will do again in the future. I was actually thinking of this as to why George Lucas didnt do that at all, especially when he has such a lot of unused material. From the prequels, what he did was just show us the deleted scenes, and no extended versions at all. So no, I strongly believe he will not subject his fans to this, I dont think he is that greedy. But you know what even if he does do it, it's still up to you whether you want to buy it or not.

Going back to the digital thing, I am watching RotS (10:30 am, opening day!) at the Odeon in Leicester Square and I think that's a digital cinema, but even if it aint, it doesnt bother me.

Posted by: Simone at March 29, 2005 07:05 AM

I did see AotC film and digital. I can't say that Padme holding Anakin's mechanical really stood out to me. I mean I noticed, but it wasn't like - wow, I don't remember seeing that two days ago! Of course, my lack of sleep on opening day - waiting in line for the 1st showing that morning could have had something to do with it. :)

I also agree with Simone. I don't think Lucas is that greedy - he's still going to do an little over marketing. It's inevitable - everyone does it! It's the pure pressure of the almighty dollar!! =P

Posted by: Meli at March 29, 2005 10:19 AM

And besides, wouldnt we rather collect the toys and other stuff on top of the DVD's??? *winks* @ Meli.

Didnt know you were a fan Meli! Now I like you even more! *hugs* What's your plans on opening day, or are you lucky enough to get tix for the midnight screening wherever you are? I am excited about the 3D one!

Posted by: Simone at March 29, 2005 10:32 AM

I'm a huge fan! I'm taking the day off work as is mom, dad, and my two brothers. I'm even allowing my daughter to stay home from school.(gasp!) SW is like tradition with us.
I won't be heading to a midnight showing cause I want to see it with my daughter, who I've seen the last two with and she'd never stay awake.

And yes, I would much rather collect the toys!
I recently bought a new Princess Leia shirt! It's a cartoon drawing of her in the ANH outfit holding a blaster and beneath her it says, "Somebody has to save our skins!"

Ah - I'm such a geek. =D

Posted by: Meli at March 29, 2005 10:55 PM

Bull Crap...Lucas only released the DVD's because he didnt want to miss out on the NEW Super DVD.....its like printing money twice!

Posted by: jason at March 29, 2005 11:30 PM

{{{Meli}}} I have booked time off work on May 19 & 20 as early as the New Year before my boss gets to book it first. So it will be a long weekend of Star Wars for me too! LOL

You have the Princess Leia shirt? I was gonna get that and wear it in time for May 19! There's a shirt of Darth Vader that says "Who's your Daddy?" that's the one I'd like to get! I am so glad I have found a female SW geek in here, I thought I was just the only one.

So where are you seeing Episode III, is it digital? *laughs* Star Wars has also been a family tradition especially during the original trilogy, but since the prequels, all of us have moved away from home now, so we just talk on the phone after each screening and you know what happens next!

Posted by: Simone at March 30, 2005 04:15 AM

Simone, I'm going to see RotS at a theater about 15miles away because they have a couple of digital theaters set up. It's also the same place I've seen the last two movies. As with the last two I'll be heading down in the early morning hours to get in line and my parents will bring my daughter with them an hour or so before the movies begins.

I also have a tradition with my best friend who lives in Hollywood (about 30 mi from me) He and I will go together the week or two after the movie opens to see it at Mans Chinese Theater.

Oh - and I've seen that Darth Vader shirt you're talking about. I definitely plan on wearing my Princess Leia shirt on opening day.

Posted by: Meli at March 30, 2005 12:37 PM

As if fans would NEED a reason to go see the movie multiple times in the theater.

It is also important to check and make sure that theaters have digital projectors. One local theater reopened to much fanfare touting it's new digital projector only to remove it a year or so later since it was a first generation machine that had low resoultiona nd quality. They did not replace it with digital and yet most people still believe they are seeing digitial flicks/

Posted by: Grizzilla at May 19, 2005 06:44 PM