March 15, 2005

Rent - The Movie

Rent_Poster.jpgWith the success of films like Chicago and the vastly superior Moulin Rouge!, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that this mini trend of broadway plays moving to the big screen is continuing.

Next up at bat is the smash hit "Rent". The good folks aver at Monsters and Critics offer up this bit of news:

Rent is being produced for Revolution Studios by Robert DeNiro and Jane Rosenthal and 1492 Pictures' Columbus, Mark Radcliffe and Michael Barnathan. Jeffrey Seller, Kevin McCollum, Allan S. Gordon and Lata Ryan are serving as executives producers. Julie Larson, sister of the late Jonathan Larson, serves as co-producer.

Based on Puccini's classic opera La Boheme, Jonathan Larson's revolutionary rock opera Rent tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent in the gritty background of New York's East Village. "Measuring their lives in love," these starving artists strive for success and acceptance while enduring the obstacles of poverty, illness and the AIDS epidemic.

One of the longest running shows on Broadway, "Rent" was the winner of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the Obie Award, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, four Tony Awards and three Drama Desk awards.

No, I'm not getting sick of these yet. In reality there hasn't been many of them (when you compare them to TV shows jumping to the big screen), and I have the same attitude towards them as I do to comic book films... Just keep making them well, and I'll stay interested. Let's see how this one turns out.

Posted by John Campea at March 15, 2005 07:26 AM


I only know the soundtrack as I have not been able to watch this on stage. So I will be among those who will watch the film version when it comes out.

Posted by: Simone at March 15, 2005 07:52 AM

I've seen "Rent" on the stage. It didn't quite live up to the hype that surrounded it IMHO but I admit that there are some very powerful moments, especially in the music. Of note is the scene between Angel/Tom Collins, as well as the amazing "Seasons of Love" song.

It was good with moments of brilliance. Of course, this might have had something to do with the particular production that I saw.

Posted by: Diaz at March 15, 2005 10:35 AM

[musical chorus] "Everybody has AIDS, AIDS, AIDS, AIDS!"

Sorry, couldn't help but be reminded of Team America.

Posted by: Franklin at March 15, 2005 04:38 PM

does anyone know when the movie opens?, i have to start counting down the days!!!

Posted by: kp at March 18, 2005 07:59 PM

I LOVE RENT! I have seen many musicals on and off broadway, and Rent is by FAR my favorite. It will be intersting to see what they do to make it a movie, but you bet I will be first in line to see it. In fact I just got back from seeing it for the fourth time. It never disapoints me. Can't wait!

Posted by: Rushel at March 19, 2005 03:49 AM

I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH RENT! I have been listening to the soundtrack since I was like 12 years old and I got the chance to see it on stage in New York when I was about 16 or 17 years old. I am so excited for the release of Rent to theaters. I can't wait!

Posted by: Zipp at March 21, 2005 11:18 PM

from what ive been reading... the wait will be over:

NOVEMBER 11, 2005!


i, as well, cannot WAIT to go see it!!

Posted by: bja19 at March 22, 2005 01:17 AM

I feel I am the biggest "Rent" fan. I have seen the show on broadway 148 times. I am interseted to see how the movie will turn out. I am very excited.

Posted by: chris at March 27, 2005 04:47 AM

I LUV RENT SOOO MUCH!! its like mi favorite show in the whole universe nd i listen2 the cds a lot nd watch it whenever i can. i m sooooooo xcited 2 c the movie. some1 told me tht u can preview it sumwhere but i cnt find where..ne1 wanna tell me?

Posted by: MiMi Marquezzz at March 29, 2005 12:01 AM

heres the deal guys theya re fliming it in cali. which kinda sucks and if its a bad movie it will be giving a bad name to rent the best show ever...also does anyone kno why they are usuing pretty much the entire original cast and not the chick who play mimi? and 1 more thing...when does it open?

Posted by: jess at March 30, 2005 01:55 PM

Ok, Rent is one of the greatest shows ever to be put on Broadway. No offense, but i'll be really mad if the movie version sucks. They better do a good job!

Posted by: Brittany at March 31, 2005 10:56 PM

Hey--they are filming in NY and San Fran, and I can see part of the set. You will probably not be able to tell the difference on the places they are shooting.

Posted by: MR at April 1, 2005 02:28 AM

I love Rent i am counting the days to rent, i never seen it on broadway only the US tour and i was lucky last year cause the show came on my b-day greatest b-day i ever had! I fell in love with the story and music when i was in 11th grade we did some of the songs for Show Choir. I dont like to hear they are cutting any songs but i heard they are *pouting* Does anyone know which ones?

Posted by: Chrissy at April 7, 2005 08:06 AM

My dad is playing a bum in the movie rent and he is taking me to the movie premeir! Rent is the best musical ever and Idina Menzel is the best!!!!I know the movie is going to be fabulous!

Posted by: Cressida at April 7, 2005 09:59 PM

Ummm... Rent is like the most amazing thing on the planet so for someone to say it doesn't live up to its hipe.. You must be crazy... I am incredible nervous about it being made into a movie but i will see it.

Posted by: Rachel at April 10, 2005 10:08 PM

To answer Jess's inquiry, two members of the OBC are not going to be in the film production: Daphne Rubin-Vega (who played Mimi, Rosario Dawson will be taking over) and Fredi Walker (who played Joanne, an actress with an name I cannot recall will be playing her). Daphne was not even considered because she just had a baby, and I have no idea why Fredi wasn't approached.

One of my only biggest concerns is they are selling this with Rosario Dawson's name as a headliner, and I would love to believe that since it is an essemble piece, no one actor would headline it. (Plus in my opinion, why would you choose someone who wasn't in the original cast to start the credits... its the original cast members that are the voices of the show, any real RENT-head have come to know and love those fourteen voices!)

Posted by: Mary at April 14, 2005 02:47 AM

hey all! so ya im in the movie! ive met the whole cast and its been soo much fun! im in two scenes so far...with 2 more days of garenteed shooting to go! also i will def. be scene cuz i keep getting placed next to the main actors! i walk into maureens show right after mimi and roger and right before maureen on her bike! during the show im part of the moo (lol) and of course they placed taye diggs right next to me and my guy friend! oo ya and i celebrate my new years eve watching the ball drop on tv at the same store window as the main cast! ya... soo much fun! it sucks though cuz i def. didnt have any idea what rent was... besides a musical about aids and have yet to see the play!! either way the movie will excited!

Posted by: LIZ at April 17, 2005 12:02 AM

hey all! so ya im in the movie! ive met the whole cast and its been soo much fun! im in two scenes so far...with 2 more days of garenteed shooting to go! also i will def. be scene cuz i keep getting placed next to the main actors! i walk into maureens show right after mimi and roger and right before maureen on her bike! during the show im part of the moo (lol) and of course they placed taye diggs right next to me and my guy friend! oo ya and i celebrate my new years eve watching the ball drop on tv at the same store window as the main cast! ya... soo much fun! it sucks though cuz i def. didnt have any idea what rent was... besides a musical about aids and have yet to see the play!! either way the movie will excited!

Posted by: liz at April 17, 2005 12:04 AM

I cannot wait until Nov. 11th! I am completly thrilled that they are finally making Rent into a movie. I am so excited that they are using a lot of the original cast because It would be the only chance for someone like me (Who doesn't live in NY and just fell in love with Rent about a year and a half ago) the chance to see the original cast in the starring roles. It is really awsome that they all wanted to come back. I know it is going to mean so much to a lot of Rentheads like me!

Posted by: Ashton at April 17, 2005 05:34 PM

Someone know's the themes that they 're taking off the movie.?????????????????????

Posted by: Mari at April 18, 2005 05:55 PM

The reason the Harry Potter movies are so good, is because they stay true to the book. I love RENT and they fuck it up, I'm going to be pissed! I hope that the cast )because they are the OBC) will make sure that it stays true to Jonathan Larson. I'm really excited about it and will have trouble not singing in the movie theater along with it. "No Day But Today"

Posted by: stay true at April 18, 2005 11:24 PM

The reason the Harry Potter movies are so good, is because they stay true to the books. I love RENT and they fuck it up, I'm going to be pissed! I hope that the cast )because they are the OBC) will make sure that it stays true to Jonathan Larson. I'm really excited about it and will have trouble not singing in the movie theater along with it. "No Day But Today"

Posted by: stay true at April 18, 2005 11:25 PM

Well I am a little concerned about some of the things I have heard regarding the upcoming movie. My main concern is that the title song originally a passionate rant by the entire ensamble regarding the current conditions of thier lives, has been turned into a song written by an up and coming young songwriter musician Roger. La Vie Boheme is not the anarchistic song it was originally staged to be. Of course all of these are just things I have heard but the one about the song Rent does concern me.

Posted by: Angelglo at April 21, 2005 12:24 AM

I love rent! I would go see the movie over and over again like I did the play. I am so excited for it to come out. Hurry up and get it out there!

Posted by: Emily Frohnhoefer at April 22, 2005 05:50 PM

I love rent! I would go see the movie over and over again like I did the play. I am so excited for it to come out. Hurry up and get it out there!

Posted by: Emily at April 22, 2005 05:51 PM

Okay people here's one reason that I know of why DRV (Daphnie Rubin Vega) is NOT playing Mimi, I read off of her website that she does not like to play a character twice and doesn't like looking back in the past, and when ever she does on mistake her husband tells her, "that is so Mimi" so yeah, She played Mimi and had her share of it and Played Magenta in the revival cast of Rocky Horror Show, and had her share of that as well never to be played again by her, I read a quote aswering a question about performing Maureen again by Idina Menzel and she said, "If I were to perform Maureen on Stage again it would have to be with all of the original broadway cast memebers, because there was a clique and fire that was between us and it wouldn't feel right if it were with other newbies..." maybe Daphnie will change her mind for a one night only performance with all the OBC members...if that "one night only" ever happens...there's the facts true to what I've read and heard thus far.

Posted by: RentHeadAZ85 at April 24, 2005 12:58 AM

Well, I was just in the first Long Island production of RENT( in concert, of course) It was incredible. From what I have been hearing, the stuff that they're doing doesn't seem too good, like them changing it into the 80's. That ruins it. I really hope this movie will be damn good.

Posted by: scott at April 27, 2005 12:32 PM

Well I have seen the script for the movie, and I have seen the play, and I am a RENT-head, and I think that everyone who loves the play is going to be very very pleasantly surprised. Most of the songs are there, although from what I can tell in how the script was typed, they opted to not sing some of the little vignettes and just speak them. I haven't decided whether that will hurt or help them. Taking into consideration another 'rock opera' of years past is Tommy. The movie imho suffered because of the lack of dialogue, so I'm kind of glad that they upped the dialogue, but took it straight from the heretofore singing bits and pieces.

And the spoiler...all I will say is OH MY GOD! I'm so glad they finally got around to doing this, and I am so glad that most of the original cast is in on it.

As far as the DRV-Mimi issue, I love Daphne to death, but as far as her "never playing a role twice", well that's kind of a lie I suppose because I saw her reprise Mimi in Los Angeles.
I think it came down to Mimi is supposed to be a 19 year old, and I don't think Daph can pull off 19 anymore. She's still gorgeous, but it's alot more mature gorgeous than what the character calls for.

Posted by: Anni at April 30, 2005 05:17 PM

I cannot wait for this movie to come out. I was so excited when I found out that it was gonna be put on film. I've seen this play numerous times and have loved it even more every time I've gone and watched it. I just saw bits and pieces of it on Access Hollywood and loved it. Can't wait till this comes out I know it will be up there with Chicago, Phantom and Moulin.

Posted by: Mari-Anne at May 22, 2005 12:45 AM

Access Blog: A 'Rent'-Head Visits The Set
I've seen the Broadway musical RENT too many times --- New York, L.A., London, San Francisco -- if I so happened to be somewhere where RENT was playing, I found a way to see it.

From the sleepovers at the theater box office for those $20 front row "rush" seats to waiting at the stage door for a few pictures and autographs, I've done it all. So yes, you can call me a "RENT-head."

And, although it's been awhile since I've seen the stage production, I was "Over the Moon" when I found out it was finally hitting the big screen. You can imagine my excitement then when I found out Access Hollywood, where I work as an editorial assistant, had the EXCLUSIVE invite to the "Rent" movie set in San Francisco.

As a fan (fine, a “RENT-head”) it was my duty to help. So, I mentioned to the head of the film department how much I loved the musical. 'I'll help write questions! Whatever you need me to do! I'll do it,' I said.

He graciously entertained my plea. So, I started writing down some questions -- What's it like to reunite with the cast? Who's changed the most? Will it be true to the musical? And more importantly, will the die-hard RENT fans be happy? Two pages later, I sent my investigative list off into the cosmos. No expectations. Just looking for answers and stoked to be able to have some input.

Next thing I know, I get a phone call. "Pack your bags, because you're helping in San Francisco, tomorrow." After a few somewhat "unprofessional" screams, I packed a bag and headed off to the Bay area.

As we pulled up to Adelphi Studios, I was eager to see and absorb everything. I didn't care what was happening. I was just glad to be there. Imagine my excitement when I found out that they were shooting (of all the scenes) "La Vie Boheme." Are you kidding me?

That's one of the best pieces in the whole musical. It couldn't be more perfect. I knew the whole cast would be there, but more importantly, I knew that scene would give me an idea about how well the musical would translate onto the big screen.

I walked in and at first nothing really caught my eye. There was some scattered equipment, lunch tables off to the side, etc.

Typical movie set. Then, off in the corner, was this huge black curtain. I walked over to the side of it and saw a group of director's chairs spread about with the infamous RENT lettering on the back. Fantastic! I quickly walked over to see some of the names: Anthony Rapp, Adam Pascal, Taye Diggs, Julie Larson, Chris Columbus. Who knew chairs could be so exciting?

Then, something grabbed my attention. There was fake snow falling and cars parked along a backdrop of New York City. Behind the black curtain was a façade of a restaurant. It was the one and only Life Café. It took all my energy not to say "oh my God" out loud. I casually peaked in and saw some familiar faces rehearsing. Anthony Rapp was standing on top of the table. Wilson Heredia (he dropped the "Jermaine" from his middle name) was talking to Rosario Dawson. Adam Pascal and Jesse L. Martin were laughing with Idina Menzel. There they were, almost all of the original Broadway performers rehearsing for the movie. The "Rent" movie. How lucky was I? Magic was definitely in the air.

When the cast left to get into costume, I was able to get a better look inside the Life Café and stand on the makeshift stage where the cameras were. The Access crew was about to get amazing shots of the scene, as they had set up right next to the film cameras. The Café was bustling with producers, crewmembers and extras. It was crazy.

I took a moment to look at scene in all its "glory." I didn't know what I imagined it would look like in "real" life, but when I saw this, it definitely felt right. In the center was the long table, not made of steel (as in the stage production), but with a pretty mosaic pattern. I noticed the character of Mimi's infamous leopard coat draped across the back of a chair. There were booths, tables and a bar off to the right. Christmas garland hung from the lights and an eclectic mix of paintings adorned the wall. It looked like a local bar or neighborhood hangout-whatever was going on, it looked good.

The cast members came slowly drifted in one by one. First was Anthony in his character Mark's infamous maroon and blue sweater (my personal favorite). Then Adam, Jesse and Idina. Wilson was sporting his onscreen persona, Angel's bright green, orange and yellow sweater with floral skirt. And when Rosario walked in with her purple outfit and long hair, it completed the scene. I thought, 'she could be Mimi. It works.' (Dawson was cast in the film role that was originally played on Broadway by Daphne Ruben-Vega.)

They were preparing some of the "playback" (the pre-recorded audio that's needed for the actors to mouth when they film the scene) and I heard familiar snippets of "La Vie Boheme." It sounded great and it even had a few extra guitar riffs to give it a harder edge. With the music set, the director called for "action," and we rolled our behind-the-scenes camera.

I was never privileged to see the original cast on Broadway, so I knew this was an historic moment. The scene began with Anthony Rapp, back turned to the camera. He begins to sing, "dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes." He then turns around, and in a moment of trust, falls into his friends awaiting arms. They carry Anthony across the table. He raises his glass and you bet, Maureen shows her…well, you get the picture.

Rosario did a handcuff dance and Adam played what sounded like Musetta's Waltz. Idina and Tracie showed they were 'sisters' as Jesse and Wilson demonstrated they were 'brothers' The usual "Boheme" style dancing and hardcore lyrics were intact. Nothing had changed. This was the very essence of RENT, only better, because it was being preserved on film.. If I didn't believe this musical could translate to film before, I do now!

I can't wait to see how it is all edited together and up on a multiplex near me. Although they stopped filming right before Mimi's and Roger's "I Should Tell You" moment, it was enough for me to see how great this film is going to be. I was completely blown away.

They continued rehearsing the same scene all day. In between takes, we got to talk to the actors. As you will see when Access airs the piece, the cast is more than thrilled to be back together and glad they weren't replaced with main stream pop-stars (sorry Justin Timberlake).

Although they are sad that Daphne Ruben-Vega and Fredi Walker (both Broadway originals) were unable to be in the film, they are one hundred percent behind Rosario Dawson and Tracie Thoms. The cast insist that both Rosario and Tracie have equally amazing voices. As for being true to the musical, “it will be that, if not more,” according to director Chris Columbus.

And, from what I saw earlier this week, I think the "RENT-heads" in particular will be proud.

Viva La Vie Boheme!

- Felidette Blasucci

Posted by: nina at May 24, 2005 12:56 AM

I have not had the chance to see RENT on Broadway yet since I live in Florida, but I was able to see it in Pensacola in 2003. I have been listening to the music for many years and I was excited to hear that they are making a movie. I am waiting for them to post the 2005-2006 tour schedule so I can go see it again. I will definately be at the theater on November 11 to watch it. At the Pensacola show I got to meet the entire cast and get all of their autographs since I went with my High School Drama class. That cast included: Brian Gligor, Constantine Maroulis(top 10 American Idol finisher), and Damien DeShaun Smith, just to name a few. It was an incredible show, and I have been trying to find a way to go see it again. I think that they will do an outstanding job on this movie, especially since they have most of the original cast.

Posted by: Casey at May 26, 2005 11:44 PM

omg when i heard that RENT was beign filmed i literaqlly screamed. I gre up with RENT and my family are very big on musicals (natrually this was one of their favorites) i cant wait till the movie comes out in november till then ill just have 2 stick with listing to the sound track over and over (even thougth ive memerized the whole thing) lol o yea i herd that constantine was playign in this? is it true??????????????? o also carsen from queer eye for he straight guy would be perfect for the role of Angel. He played that part in one of the plays! well as the Behemians would say: Viva La Vie Boheme!

Posted by: sarah at May 28, 2005 11:50 AM

WHEN WILL IT BE ON ACCESS HOLLYWOOD! rent has taken over my life. so please let me know when it comes on, if i havent already missed it!!!!

Posted by: Jessie at May 29, 2005 06:13 PM

i saw rent. It was the most amazing play ever. I've seen chicago, and the lion king but rent was the all time best. the cast was amazing. This is really the only play where i could feel like i was that characters, and you could tell that the actors/actressess felt like they were actually that person. That they actually had aids. That they really had no money and made the best of it. his is the only play i've seen with the actors/actressess felt like the charctors. The cast was also very nice. you wanted the autograph, you get the autograph. They even let me go back stage. My favorite song is 525,600minutes. I love tha song!!!. I would defenatlly se that play again.

Posted by: josh at June 2, 2005 08:55 AM

I love Rent as well & know every song by heart! I can't wait to sing along!

Posted by: Britney at June 5, 2005 02:17 AM

I LUV "RENT"! I have been waiting for this movie for so long, now i can't believe that it's almost here! I first saw the production when it came here to Honolulu in 2000... I absolutely fell in love with it! Johnathan Larson wrote this show from his own experiences in life as well as others around him. He basically put his life on paper and all of a sudden, it came out with a bang!!! It was so sad that he died on the opening night of his first Musical(R.I.P). Hopefully when people see the movie, they would appreciate life more and not take life for granted...

The lyrics in the production are absolutely astounding!!! In the song "Seasons of Love" the chorus sings:
"525,600 minutes
525 thousand moments so dear.
525,600 minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights
In sunsets
In midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches
In miles
In laughter
In strife... In
525,600 minutes
How do you measure, a year in the line?
How about: LOVE
How about: LOVE
How about: LOVE
Measure in Love
Seasons of Love...Love...Love"
See how those lyrics are deep and have great meaning? Those small things are what we all take for granted. But hopefully after this movie comes out, they'll see things differently...

Posted by: StageLover18 at June 11, 2005 05:06 AM

They picked a perfect time to film and release "RENT". They couldn't pick a better time. I hope it sheds new light on current issuses (same sex couples' rights) . It is one of my all time favorite Broadway shows. I am counting down the days! I'm sure it will be great! From what I've seen, the film is going to be amazing! Remember to live life to its fullest, and "Forget regret or life is your's to miss, no other road, no other way, no day but today!"

~ Phantom's Braodway Baby

Posted by: Phantom's Broadway Baby at June 14, 2005 09:49 PM

gahhh!!! im soooo excited. Nov. 11, 2005

here's the trailer!!! it's so beautiful it makes me cry.

Posted by: Julie at June 20, 2005 05:34 PM

I have seen Rent twice and both times I loved it. I go away from the theatre singing the songs for days. I bought the CD's so I could take it with me everywhere. I heard on TV that they were making a movie of Rent. Can anyone tell me when that comes out because I have definately got to get one. Also, will it be musical movie or are the producers making it a movie movie?

Posted by: Rochelle at June 23, 2005 01:44 PM

i am soooooooooooooo excited for the RENT movie to come out! i have never seen it on stage, but I LOVE IDINA MENZEL! i cant wait to see her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love all the music from the show, and i hope it will be all the same.

Posted by: ??????? at June 23, 2005 02:18 PM

I've seen "RENT" on stage many times and every time I enjoy it more and more. I'll definately be in line to see the movie when it comes out. Im just interested to see how they do it. Will it follow the on stage production, or will they put a spin on it and change it drastically? Hopefully they keep it close to the original b/c the writer definately knew what he was doing when he wrote this one.

Posted by: Bruce at June 23, 2005 10:54 PM

I saw the original cast and saw five other productions after. No cast has the power that the original cast has. Their experience and depth creates a power that can never be re-created. I cannot wait to see them again, especially Tom and Angel. The goosebumps have returned as I watch the trailer. It will be amazing!

Posted by: girl with heart at July 8, 2005 08:20 AM

I heard that the movie is going to suck, which is sad because I love RENT. I heard they cut 5 songs and changed around the story line a this true?? I will be very upset if it is.

Posted by: Andrew at July 8, 2005 09:33 PM

hello!!... im am sooooooo excited about the movie rent.. i have seen the previews and it looks sooo sooo amazing... i love theatre and broadway so im psyked to see this... i love the actors in this movie. The director is amazing so i know that this movie is going to be awesome!

Posted by: Madison at July 9, 2005 05:59 PM

To Andrew:

No, they did not cut 5 songs, they shortened some songs, but the movie isn't going to suck. They are keeping it very close to the stage version. I was in Rent last year and I have read the movie script, and they are very simalar. They can't of couse have the entire thing sung like they do in the stage version, but I was very happy with the scrip, and I think it's going to be a great movie. They didn't change the story, but they added to it. They sort of included Jonathan Larson in the scrip. I feel that it's going to be a great movie and I'm so excited for it to come out!

Posted by: Maureen at July 24, 2005 09:06 PM

Wow. Just. Wow. I have been so excited about this movie since I first learned about it a few months back. I am such a big fan of Rent. I fell in love with it when I got to see it back in '96, and it has been my favorite ever since. Im happy/worried about to movie though. I mean, its RENT! It will be GOOD. I know it. But will it live up to the Broadway show? Who knows..?
And it opens the day after my b-day! This will be a [i]very[/i] happy birthday for me! :D

Posted by: Amanda at August 1, 2005 02:13 AM

supper bummer about Mimi. I can't imagine replacing her w/a new voice. It just won't be the same w/o her. But o well, hope the new chick can do the part justice (although i think i might go into w/a little predjudice, we'll see..)

Can't wait to see it!!!!!! Glad to know so many people feel the same way I do. I love Rent!

Posted by: Jessica at August 1, 2005 11:02 PM



Posted by: kathleen at August 5, 2005 05:53 PM

Rent the movie, just what I needed, I havn't been completely over Rent on Broadway. I have seen it three times and I still listen to the soundtrack when I am on the treadmill. I just love it, hope the movie live up to the original. Hope they dont mess up the stage version. Definitely gonna see the movie

Posted by: rhyss at August 8, 2005 06:19 PM

I have seen the previews to the new movie RENT and I can't wait. I want to get the soundtrack now. I have read that there are several different versions. Which one is the best? Is it easy to find? Do most major stores ie.. Best Buy, Circuit City have these or do they have to be special orders? My favorite is "Seasons of Love". I would like to know the name of the CD and the artist if possible. I live in SC so I am limited to the Broadway Shows. If you can help I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Posted by: Donna at August 10, 2005 10:54 AM

Just to let everyone know, Rent has been pushed back until the 25 of November. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I know it wicked sucks. I also can not wait for it to come out. I've seen the play and it's the best! I'm a big "Rent Head"

Posted by: Mary at August 11, 2005 06:14 PM

I have been a Rent fan since 1998 since my friend Lindsey introduced me to the soundtrack. I fell deeply in love with the music and the story even without seeing the show on stage until 2001 as a graduation present from my mother.

My goal with writing this message is to find out how I can get tickets for the opening show on the 11th. It's one day after my birthday and I would love to see it the day that it comes out in NYC. My roommate and I are such huge fans of the show that we will drive all the way from South Williamsport, PA just to see the show for the evening then drive home afterwards.

If you have any information on how I can get opening night tickets for the movie I would love to hear from you! Please reply to my post or email me! Thank you for your help!

Till then I'll be counting the minutes!


Posted by: Kate at August 12, 2005 08:55 AM

RENT is the best i am so excited about the movie, but i am pissed that they moved it back 8 days! Idina is going to ROCK in it <3 I am her Number 1 Fan

Love Always,
Idina Menzel's Number 1 Fan
Melissa R. Cox

Posted by: Melissa R. Cox at August 13, 2005 07:00 PM

RENT has been pushed back to November 23rd. You can check the official movie site.

I love the musical. Can't wait to see the movie. No Day But Today.

Posted by: Aria at August 14, 2005 09:46 AM

In my opinion, Rosario Dawson sucks. Daphne Rubin-Vega was outstanding as Mimi. I thought the trailer looked really great, but if the casting is indictative of integrity of the film...well, we'll see...

Posted by: JGirl522 at August 15, 2005 10:37 PM

my question is about the main trailor featuring the song seasons of love. who is the girl with the red hair that mark kisses and sings to? theres a snippet towards the end of the trailor where mark is singing in a bar and it shows a close up of him, then a close up of a red headed girl. then later it shows the two kissing in an alley and somewhere else. does anyone know who she is???

Posted by: laviebohem at August 26, 2005 06:59 PM

I think the red head in question is probably Roger's former girlfriend April who killed herself. She never made an appearance in the actual play but I believe she was mentioned in a song that Mark sings before Roger sings One Song Glory. That would me my guess.

Posted by: normb at August 27, 2005 11:42 PM

Fredi did not join because she said she was "too old" for it. However, she said to "keep Joanne black," which they did.

Posted by: Cheryl at September 7, 2005 06:49 PM

Does someone know the names of all the actresses that played mimi. I saw it in nyc in 2000 and remember the female actress's voice being exceptionally gritty but vunlerable and poignant. It wasn't Daphne.

can you email me the answer

[email protected]

and for bonus pts, does anyone have a recording of her and manley pope doing light my candle?

Posted by: Matt at September 27, 2005 04:12 AM

i want to know what songs that tehy took out of the movie! i saw teh soundtrack for the movie and it only has 28 songs. Plus, tehy added a song! the song that they added, i just can't stnd it. but if they ruin this movie, then i'm going to be pissed

Posted by: alf at October 2, 2005 03:05 PM

about the actual release date: if you look @ some other sites, it gives the "actual" dates. i was pissed just like everyone else that the date was pushed back (i've been waiting FOREVER for this movie to get in productions & released). it says nov. 11th for ny & la and then nov 23 everywhere else. hope that clears some things up!


Posted by: dianne at October 15, 2005 12:23 AM

I heard that the red haired girl that Mark is killing is his girlfriend. In the show on broadway he doesn't have a girlfriend but I heard that in the movie they gave him one. I hope they don't fuck Rent up. I love Rent.

Posted by: Eric at October 15, 2005 10:51 PM

I have only heard the Seasons of Love song, I think thats what it's called, but it's got me hyped to see the movie. I know, I know, I'm incredibly lame because I've never heard of it before, but one of my big dreams is to go and see the broadways of all the plays. I know, crazy, any way, I love it. I saw the introduction for it, and am hooked. I hope to be able to see it when it comes out.

Posted by: Caris at October 21, 2005 06:50 PM

i've seen both the play and the movie. i'm afraid to say this in this crowd, but i hated the play. i saw it with the original cast and i thought it was an absolute joke. however, i saw the movie the other day and liked it much much better. i don't know what that means for you guys, but just letting you know. and yes, the redhead is roger's former girlfriend.

Posted by: spiral knees at October 28, 2005 12:18 PM

Sorry folks, I love Rent to death, but replacing Daphne Vega with Rosario Dawson was the worst mistake ever!!!! Have any of you heard the soundtrack??? This is bullshit, Mimi is hard and raspy and strong, not soft, melodic and weak!!!! I FEAR THIS WILL RUIN THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE FOR ME....

Posted by: Lisa at November 14, 2005 05:28 AM

I've seen the play & can relate to lots of the play. It moved me & hurt me deeply. As I know what it's like to lose family, friends & even be poz myself. IF the creators of the play have anything to do with the movie then I'm sure that I will be in tears again. See you all on Nov 23; By the way that's my Birthday! What a gift!


Posted by: Gene at November 14, 2005 11:08 AM