March 08, 2005

Peter Jackson shows of some of King Kong

KingKong.jpgThere really is no fear of us getting to see much of King Kong before Peter Jackson has completely finished with it, and quite rightly to, it's not as if we can't trust him to produce something spectacular, but don't you just wanna see something?

If you feel like me then you probably weren't one of the lucky 200ish people to get to see some sneak footage courtesy of Mr Jackson. According to MovieWeb:

According to Variety, Peter Jackson threw open the doors of his Wellington studios last week to give roughly 200 people a sneak peek at footage of King Kong.

Just don't ask any of that privileged group about what they saw.

All guests, which included reps from exhibitors, international distrib UIP and a Universal delegation led by vice chairman Marc Shmuger, were obliged to sign confidentiality agreements. And no mobile phones were allowed. no chance of us hearing anything about it...for at least a few weeks! Surely something will leak out. Mind you, I genuinely believe in Mr Jackson turning out a great movie, and something spectacular.

Jackson screened 18 minutes of footage of the $160 million remake, showing off his Weta digital workshop and lavish sound mixing facility.

Displaying some of the miniatures, he explained how he told his tech crew the miniature forest had to show the effect of wind rippling the branches and leaves as the big ape lumbers through it -- apparently a feat never pulled off before...

...But reactions were uniformly bullish, from what Variety could glean.

"Fantastic. I haven't felt like that since I saw 'Jurassic Park,' one attendee said.

Mmmm, not so sure that's such a glowing report really, I'm hoping for so much more from this movie than a recreation of the feeling for Jurassic. I'm hoping to be totally blown away by Kong, perhaps I'm just expecting too much, but I am certain Jackson can deliver.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 8, 2005 03:14 PM


And you weren't one of the 200 invitees? The shame.


Maybe next time.

Posted by: JODSTER at March 8, 2005 03:40 PM

i think that jurassic park comment could be quite positive. maybe they meant that it captures the feeling of seeing JP for the first time... i remember how fantastic that felt... not so much that it's reminiscent of JP.

Posted by: nick botulism at March 8, 2005 04:17 PM

Yeah I thought that Nick, but I still want more. Call me selfish!

Posted by: Richard at March 8, 2005 06:56 PM

This is one of the tiny handful of movie remakes I plan on seeing. And only because Jackson took on the task. I too have faith that he will deliever to us something great. The original King Kong is my favorite version and carries some childhood Saturday afternoon memories with it.

Posted by: Meli at March 10, 2005 02:18 AM

hay peter im a big fan with a film script for my own movie. all i need is somone to look over my script and polish it for me.
please let me know where i can send it.

Posted by: tawfeeq at March 29, 2005 11:59 AM