March 22, 2005

Paul W.S. Anderson to write and direct Death Race 3000!

I wonder how many of you are going to comment on this in a positive way, I think perhaps it's going to be small, mind you it would be interesting to see how many fans there are of Paul W.S. Anderson out there.

Death Race 2000 was by no means a great film, but it was amusing in parts and had some notably odd guest appearances and it has achieved some form of cult status. However, I don't know that I could sit here and defend it's integrity against a remake or indeed a sequel.

Sequel it is then as Mr Anderson is set to develop Death Race 3000 as both Writer and Director, and with his obvious videogame\movie connections Viacom are off already spouting about a game of the movie. Note: Engage creative brain before announcing projects. Coming Soon have it from Variety.

Anderson, who last directed Alien vs. Predator and Resident Evil, will join Corman and C/W partners Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner as producers, as will Anderson's Impact Pictures partner Jeremy Bolt.

The Paul Bartel-directed original is considered a B-movie classic, a campy and polemical black comedy that pitted David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone in a race where drivers accumulated points for running over pedestrians. Anderson's got a different vision, planning a mix of Road Warrior and road kill.

"The original was so much about decimating pedestrians that the actual race was almost irrelevant, and I want to restore that," Anderson said. "Set in 2020, ours is an ultraviolent, no-holds-barred race with heavily armed Escalades, Ferraris and Aston Martins."

Actually, I can't help but smile. My ears pricked up at the very mention of all those cars, but then I am a bit of a power nut (car wise, not controlling!). Depending on what Anderson actually meant there, it might be good. Did he mean that he wants to restore the original feeling of the movie which was more about the Government control, the brutal desire of the public to watch violence and death, or was he saying he wants to restore the crashing into people with big cars? Frankly the second sounds more fun, and where has the original feeling gone? It's still there if you watch the movie.

Good idea \ Bad idea? Should he just stick to his many videogame adaptations he's into right now, including that Resident Evil 3 film!

Posted by at March 22, 2005 08:14 AM


Keeps him away from any franchise that anyone's particularly attached to. I hope the re-emphasis on cars as opposed to pedestrian slaughter doesn't reveal PG-13 intentions...

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at March 22, 2005 08:50 AM

Forget Death Race 3000...Release Event Horizon SE already!!!!

Posted by: Phantasm at March 22, 2005 09:10 AM

Let's be honest, the world doesn't not need another P.W.S.Anderson film...seriously, it does not....

Also, no more Uwe Boll films either please!

I don't bother seeing any of them anyway, but just knowing they are out there makes me unhappy enough.

Posted by: Triflic at March 22, 2005 09:25 AM

Paul Anderson + any movie = bad idea.


Posted by: Screen Rant at March 22, 2005 12:08 PM

I chanced upon Resident Evil 2 whilst visiting a friend who had it on their player the other night and boy, I just wanted it to end quick! Was the original any better?

Posted by: Simone at March 22, 2005 12:14 PM

Anderson -- The Dr. Kevorkian of movie franchises.

Posted by: Franklin at March 22, 2005 01:23 PM

How does Anderson do it? I mean, how does he keep getting these plum jobs? I want his agent, seriously.

I just recently watched Alien vs. Predator, the so-called "extended version" (which was only 74 minutes long!), and the whole thing felt like watching a better produced than your average fan film. I was impressed but for all the wrong reasons: How he was able to pass off a film that was a little over an hour as a "movie" -- that's half the running time of Aliens!

Posted by: Mark at March 22, 2005 01:32 PM

I think he should not be allowed back in Hollywood afte Resident Evil 2 and Alien Vs. Predator. He has almost no talent!

Posted by: Mikey at March 22, 2005 03:12 PM

I like, thats LIKE, not love some of his films. The first RE was decent in my opinion but could have been much better. RE 2 was not very good. And I'm a HUGE fan of zombie movies and usually find something that I like about even the shittiest zombie movies, but RE 2 was a major disappointment. But then again, Anderson did not direct it. Soldier was boring and I've never been able to stay awake through the whole film so I've actually never seen all of it. Alien Vs. Predator was cool and I thought was better than most gave it credit. I'm sure James Cameron could have made AVP a billion times better but that goes without saying. DeathRace does not interest me at all though.

Posted by: adam at March 22, 2005 06:26 PM

He must be the puppet director with a recognizable name that studio exec's use when they want to pitch a weak project...." this we got Paul and his last movie made 90 mill"

*built in audience
**big drop off 2nd week totals
***piggy backing projects

BUT HIS MOVIE MADE MONEY! Yet another reason that I firmly belive that most movies are made from a financial stand point...not from a creative one.

Depressing....but common.

Anyone watch Project Greenlight this week? Bet the director get booted!

Posted by: jason at March 25, 2005 01:26 PM

There needs to be another death race. I don't know much about the director they chose, but if they keep it like it was and add a lot more blood, i think it'll rock.

Posted by: kelly tippett at March 25, 2005 10:09 PM

Here is all you need to know about Paul BS Anderson....he is the Big Mac of Hollywood directors....It look's soooooo good in the picture but afterward....ohhhhh baby!

Posted by: jason at March 25, 2005 11:06 PM

Hello! I am doing a school project on W.S. Anderson. I need to send him a letter for this project so I need a mailing address that I can send my letter to.
Thank you for your assistance!
Oswaldo Lopez
Vista Grande Elementary School
San Diego, CA. 92124

Posted by: Oswaldo Lopez at April 7, 2005 02:59 PM

I couldn't thank him enough for making the avp movie if i met him

Posted by: Dejan at August 27, 2005 11:10 AM