March 19, 2005

Parker Posey in Superman Returns

What can I say? I'm a big Parker Posey fan... enough so that I'll even forgive her for appearing in Blade Trinity (that takes a LOT of forgiveness folks!)

So, put her in one of my most anticipated movies and you've got a happy boy on your hands. Word is out that Parker has landed herself a role in the upcoming new Superman film.

The good folks over at Empire Online through this bit of news our way:

Parker will be playing Kitty Koslowski, a "villainous henchwoman" of Lex Luthor's. For our money, she would have done a fine job of playing Lois Lane to Brandon Routh's Clark Kent (well, had she been a bit younger, or Routh a bit older), but with that role filled by Kate Bosworth, Parker has joined the baddies instead. Clearly she's holding a grudge.
The funniest thing about this article is that a few months back I was thinking Posey would make a great Lois Lane too. Oh well... you can't have everything. This movie is just gonna rule... I can't wait.

Posted by John Campea at March 19, 2005 07:59 AM


I like her too, although after having read your review of Blade Trinity I didnt bother to see that film.

She can be a perfect Lois Lane with her being brunette and all, but she will be so much more fun to watch play a character actress type of role.

Isnt James Marsden (aka Cyclops in the X Men films) also been cast as one Lois Lane's suitor?

Posted by: Simone at March 19, 2005 08:23 AM

I think Parker will be perfect as Kitty. And I agree she would have been a good Lois Lane. Though I like Kate Bosworth I think she's a little young for the role of Lois. Ah well, I have faith in Bryan I'm not going to complain.

Posted by: Meli at March 19, 2005 12:26 PM

yeh, parker posey would be a great lois. wtf happened? oh i forgot, hollywood sucks.

Posted by: jason at March 19, 2005 04:30 PM