March 28, 2005

Orlando Bloom the new YOUNG James Bond?

There were rumours floating around about a year ago that Orlando Bloom was poised to become the next 007. Thank goodness those rumours were false. Or did we just not hear the rumour right?

Sky is now reporting that Bloom is in line to play the young James Bond. Here is what they have to say:

Orlando Bloom as James Bond? Well, almost. This news will leave the girls shaken and stirred... as the Hollywood hunk is in serious talks about a series of films based on an idea by a new author about the early life of the worlds most famous action hero James Bond.

The books will be out later in the year and so far we cannot tell you who the famous author is - as that too will leave you shaken and stirred.

Ok, now while I HATED the idea of Bloom as James Bond... I must admit that I don't mind the idea of him as a young James Bond. Bloom isn't a half bad actor (although certainly not great), and I think he carries the charm of a Bond. Actually, I'm more curious to see who this Author is.

Posted by John Campea at March 28, 2005 01:12 AM


JK Rowling?

Posted by: Mark at March 28, 2005 03:34 AM

The young James Bond book is out now and written by Charlie Higson from the BBC show 'The Fast Show'. I think it's called something like 'Silver Fin' with a young JB at private school where he fights Nazis.

Not 100% sure on all the details as I read about it a few weeks ago.

And for the record Orlando Bloom is the most cardboard actor in hollywood. He is a soap opera actor at best.

Posted by: Paul at March 28, 2005 05:38 AM

Sounds like slightly mangled news to me - a confusion between the Charlie Higson books (about a 13-year-old JB) and the Bloom rumours from last year, which if I remember right were supposed to involve a twenty-year old Bond just entering the spy game.

But maybe Ian Fleming Publications are planning another Bond spin-off featuring him at another age, to run alongside Higson's teenage ones (and presumably to be set in the 40s or 50s, as Higson's are set in the 30s). It's not a terrible idea - especially as the film rights for the new books wouldn't be tied to the muppets currently running the adult Bond series, so a new studio could come in...

(For example, SilverFin is published in the US by Miramax, so presumably they're interested.)

Posted by: tom at March 28, 2005 08:11 AM

This could be pretty cool if they set it in the appropriate time period and not modern day.

Posted by: adam at March 28, 2005 09:12 AM

Personally, I wish they'd ax the Bond franchise, period. There are, what, 2 dozen Bond films? That should be enough for any one character.

Posted by: Manda at March 28, 2005 10:07 AM

I h8 Orlando bloom and the idea of him being in a James Bond movie cud make me puke

Posted by: um at March 28, 2005 03:17 PM

Paul "What Shit" Anderson should be handed the reins of the Bond franchise.

Posted by: Franklin at March 28, 2005 06:03 PM

Orlando Bloom? Is it just me or does he always look like he just stepped out of the trailer park. Don't give him the Bond character...please! This makes no sense to me....give it to Collin Ferrell or someone with a break you ass edge. James Bond was never a guy who relied on quick wit or gadgets....he used his wit to disarm a beautiful assasin or to un nerve a would be killer and the gadgets we back ground Feared Bond! Rememebr that Asian Girl that tried to keep Bond Ocupied in DR NO? He would of killed her in a second.....cold hearted without remorse! Just do it right or dont do it at all! Your still getting my $10 every two years and my $20 on DVD Tuesday....just make it good enought I can watch it again! Make it bullit proof! Thunderball,Live and Let Die,From Russia or even the Living Daylights!

Posted by: jason at March 28, 2005 08:34 PM

Now Empire's saying that Bloom's actually in the running for the adult-Bond role in Casino Royale, which is also going back to the beginning of Bond. IMDb, meanwhile, says that the Bloom film is really an adaptation of SilverFin - which they don't seem to have realised would require darling Orly to be playing a 13 year-old...

Essentially, nobody has a clue what's going on, and they're all frantically making it up as they go along. (My money would be on a seperate Young Bond franchise, made by Miramax, based on a series of books by a famous but unpredictable author which will run parallel with the Higson books, and it'll be set when Bond first enters the intelligence service in the 1940s, and it's that which Bloom is in negotiations to star in, but ultimately, he probably won't because of other filming commitments, and also because Casino Royale - which was intended purely as a spoiler for this rival franchise, the studio being furious that Ian Fleming Publications were screwing them on the rights - flops, and instead Miramax'll do a Spy Kids meets Harry Potter film based on Higson's novels. Got it? Good. If that's in any way accurate, I'll be smug for a year.)

Posted by: tom at March 29, 2005 06:06 AM

Is it just me but I only see Orlando Bloom as Legolas. Dont even know if he could pull it off in "Kingdom of Heaven". So him as James Bond? *gasps*

Oh dear.

Posted by: Simone at March 29, 2005 07:22 AM

I'm a big Orlando Bloom fan...I think he's a good actor...But of course, he doesn't have the bad boy image of Colin Farell or Jude Law...But he's definitely more of a chick magnet than either of them...And whoever said that James Bond should look like he's gonna kick ass?...I mean, Sean Connery looked pretty sweet to me...Besides, having Bloom as the young James Bond will definitely attract a lot of female movie and non-movie goers...If they're using Bloom to rake in the goods, they did the right choice, alright...They will definitely be rakin' my dough...:)...Peace y'all...

P.S. Come on...It's the 21th Century...Quit being traditional and let's try something new...

Posted by: sigangnoypi at March 31, 2005 09:37 PM

First off, James Bond has got to be an Englishman. Anybody else -forget it, for it will not take even with the present generation, who have seen all the bond Movies if they are fans.
An American accent? Do me a favour! They ruined Mozart's image with that in 'Amadeaus'!!!

Sure, if Pierce B has had enough, then lets move on, but the new Bond (whoever he is going to be) should LOOK like a bond character, not like he is due back at school on Mobday!

Posted by: les at April 15, 2005 02:46 PM

First off, James Bond has got to be an Englishman. Anybody else -forget it, for it will not take - even with the present generation- who have seen all the bond Movies, if they are fans.
An American accent? Do me a favour! They ruined Mozart's image with that in 'Amadeaus'!!!

Sure, if Pierce B has had enough, then lets move on, but the new Bond (whoever he is going to be) should LOOK like a 007 character, not like he is due back at school on Monday!

Posted by: les at April 15, 2005 02:47 PM

Orlando Bloom is English.

And it's a "young bond" setting.

I don't believe you'll have to worry.

Posted by: Ross at August 24, 2005 08:02 PM

Jonathan Rhys Meyers has the bad boy image and he is british got to Jonathan Rhys meyers frozenwithin to see his website. he has like 4 web sites he blows away Orlando Bloom!!!Whatcha think

Posted by: Liberty at September 22, 2005 04:21 AM