March 14, 2005

Matthew Vaughn to direct X-Men 3

MatthewVaughn.jpgX-Men 3 has a director, and it's not who I thought it would be. Michael Vaughn who directed Layer Cake, Rope of Silicon have the news from Ain't it Cool:

Whether you have seen or heard of the Brit flick Layer Cake it may or may not matter to you, but the helmer, Matthew Vaughn, has just been confirmed by Ain't-it-Cool-News as the director for X-Men 3.

AICN also reports that word is that Zak Penn's script will be the one that gets used as opposed to the earlier Simon Kinberg draft...

All systems go then. Although it does appear that there's still an issue over Halle Berry, and you know I thought that she might have been just playing it up and being a bit of a diva, however I'm changing my mind with this latest quote seen in, also through Rope:

"I have not read the script. All I have asked, is that if I come back as Storm, she need to be closer to the comic book. So, if they have in fact written her closer to the comic book character, then I'm in. If not, I'm out. I hope I'm in though. I love Storm, and really want to be part of the last film."

I can understand this now a bit better. I mean perhaps there is some "I want more screen presence" in there, but if that means staying truer to the comic version then that's great isn't it? Well what is different to the comic version? The character really isn't, just the involvement and being used as more than another ingredient in the set pieces perhaps. I don't know. Certainly it seems her motivation is well placed, but it could just be down to hard cash and screen minutes of course.

Catch the end of the quote though, "last film". Last X-Men and now it's off to the spin offs?

Posted by at March 14, 2005 08:32 AM


Eeeexcellent. Layer Cake was pretty damn good.

Also, that presumably means Whedon for Wonder Woman. Which is also sweet.

Posted by: tom at March 14, 2005 12:28 PM

It is probably better that they got a relatively unknown director. That way we don't expect too much. Singer has hopes set so high and if they brought in a director who has a style we are familar with, it would lead to a split audience. The alternative could have been Bay.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 14, 2005 01:06 PM

I am just glad it will finally be done.

I had to agree with Halle Berry, Ororo Storm is a great character but so was Cyclops, but was underused in the earlier films. I hope there wont be too much of Wolverine in the third film, why not 3 parallel stories and re-introduce the great characters and I mean Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm.

I can see where this topic will lead to now, "we want Gambit!!!" LOL

Posted by: Simone at March 14, 2005 01:33 PM

halle berry is nice to look at, but i can live without storm in the 3rd film, i'd rather see colossus, beast and more ice man.

i don't know or ever heard of this director, but i say give him a chance, everyone deserves a shot.

Posted by: Movie Props at March 14, 2005 03:11 PM

Jean grey is the heart of the X-Men, not Wolverine. The original 5 x-men wasnot complete until she arrived. Thats when the comics began. She and Cyclops are like the mom and dad and they need to be in a more centralized point of the plot.

Storm Is a Goddess and they need to write her as one. She is a strong leader in the comics, not a quiet scaredy-cat like in the first two movies.

Posted by: MrGreenLuck at March 29, 2005 03:50 PM

hi i'm jermaine

i cannot wait until
x men 3 come s out
is there a page on the web that
people can e-mail there idaes
for the film?wich the director
of the film can read and
use the ideas for the film?
i have some thebeginning
prof x will feel jeans psychic pressents first in his
dreams than over day time until the prof
uses cerebro to find her in the bottom of the ocean wrapt in a cocoon
and they take a boat they go off to the middle of the ocean
get in a submarine and take the transparrant egg from the bottom of the ocean.
they get her back to the mutant school and studie on jean inside the gaint egg.
and then scott shared few momments alone with jean and then she telekinethicly flipps of scott s glasses and his optic ray blasts the egg and the egg hatches
prof x sensed it and came to the lab at first jean will be out of control and nearly distroyd the lab.and flew out of the window people sw her and then those humans have to complain again and a child saw her in the sky with the form the gaint fire bird he/she run off to his/her mother mentioning he/she saw a gaint bird with covered with flaming feathers. and ofcorse the mother tinks he s/she s nuts and the m kraan crystal is good and hes to be in a egyptian lost city of heliopolis
buried deep beneed the ground and sealed off and personaly i think that these aliens are a little bit to fare caried away bether let lillandra be human that seeks prof x via psychic probing.warning charles that her brother an emperor of an egyptian dessert tribe he seeks the m kraan crystal.and as he searches he finds a cave near the remains of heliopolis and finds his way to the crystal the x men will be transported by the phoenix to heliopolis and they are to late the ken granted his wish and joins the crystal jean tried to seal it the first time she fails the crystal flew in space and started drowing the univers towarts it then jean felt something when she touched the crystal and she knew what to do she but also knew that there s a possebility that would join the ken she flew off without telling anyone whats she s upto so she reaches the crystal that was consumming the suns fire she wrapted her wings around the m kraan crystal her energy was blending one with the crystal and she sealed the crystal meaning that the ken will die.then
on the end of the film jean will
depart from scott and
finds her way to the heart of the sun
have to make that momment
real sad that it will touch
the audiance these are only ideas wich u can use in the film
and what would be niece if u put the phoenix music in it from the x men
cartoon phoenix saga play it each time jean powers up the phoenix power i send the midi to its called Air .mid.

Posted by: jermaine davis at April 11, 2005 09:34 AM

About the storyline, I really hope that it's not Ororo or Cyclops centered. I may be pretty alone here, but in my opinion, Cyclops is maybe the worst / unintresting member of the X-Men both in movies and comics (read only 3 Essential X-Mens, making it about 1500 pages so I don't really know how story develops these characters). Allthoug I agree with Simone about Jean Grey. Great character and be much more greater in the form of Phoenix.

My hopes for X-Men 3? Hopes are high but I don't know what the plot should be. In the other hand, I think the only right choise is to bring Phoenix in the large role as nemesis. X2 made such a great job developping third film in the end so it would be total waste if they don't use that element. In the other hand, as I said, I don't really like about Cyclops that much. Other than that, if the plot includes Magneto and Mystique in semi-big role, it's all the same to me :) ... they're maybe not everybodys favorites, but I really like those characters.

Posted by: Jorse at April 11, 2005 11:59 AM


Posted by: Anomynous at June 1, 2005 05:36 AM