March 10, 2005

Marlon Brando Is In The New Superman

The folks over at FilmRot pointed me to this story posted at Latino Review:

So who is Jor-El in Superman Returns you ask? Apparently, none other than Marlon Brando himself! Yes, yes we all know he is no longer with us so just how will this happen? As far as we can tell Brando will not be CGI, but Singer plans to use stock footage of Marlon Brando that was originally shot by "Superman" director Richard Donner. Considering that Jor-El's role in Superman Returns is very minor this might just work.

Brando and Christopher Reeve were once filmed interacting with one another to be used in Superman II, but due to a lawsuit against the Salkinds for a percentage of the sequel, the scenes were deleted and re-shot using the mother (Susannah York) instead.

Sound a little far fetched? Well, take into consideration that Latino Review was also the very first site to report that Brandon Routh was the new Man of Steel (something I still think was the right decision as opposed to casting Tom Welling).

Also, with technology being what it is these days, cutting footage of another character into a scene is hardly rocket science anymore.

If this is indeed true, I think it's a wonderful way to pay homage to the original Superman movies and will give a real taste of nostalgia to the project. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Bryan Singer is a genius.

Posted by John Campea at March 10, 2005 09:49 AM


I don´t really think is a good idea at all. It worked (on the edge) in Sky Captain, but this is not a dreamy experiment. We have the terrific Terence Stamp, why not him?

Posted by: Peter at March 10, 2005 06:18 AM

Hey Peter.

I don't think anyone will be able to tell that it's spliced footage (aside from the fact that you know Brando is dead). Besides... there were a number of scenes in Attack of the Clones there 2 or more actors were together, but one actor was shot in England and the other in the US (not hologram stuff either). It can be done perfectly.

And as far as Stamp goes.... well... he is good... but he's already General Zod in the Superman films. I'd stay away from that.

Posted by: John Campea at March 10, 2005 06:24 AM

it worked for lawrence olivier in sky captain, why not do it for brando. i smell something dirty in hollywood.

Posted by: jason at March 10, 2005 09:46 AM

I think Terrance Stamp would be a great Jor-El. I mean he is the voice of him in the Smallville TV Show (which is great BTW) and he has a very powerful voice.

Posted by: Jason M George at March 10, 2005 12:13 PM

Terrance Stamp was actually the baddie from the who was locked in the prism in the original films and came back with his mates to give Supes a hard time...if I remember rightly. So sticking with the movie history I think that might be

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 11, 2005 03:42 AM

The question is - would this affect Brando's status as the highest-paid actor per minute? ($3M for 3 minutes in the original film)

Posted by: Adam Fields at March 13, 2005 06:29 PM