March 20, 2005

Man from UNCLE production in difficulties

A good while ago we were treated to the exciting possibility of a movie based on the crackingly good fun Man from UNCLE, well now there may be a few problems in its development.

Through IGN Filmforce the story from Fox News tells us that the movie is progressing but possibly with difficulties:

...there's legal trouble brewing for "Man from U.N.C.L.E.," as the owners of the TV series rights are at odds with Warner Brothers over what kind of movie this should be — like "Mission: Impossible," i.e. nothing like the TV series, or a blow-up of the original.

Replicate what the series was with new characters, or just ignore it and write something underneath the title. Well the choice will be made for them if they do start fighting with the owners. They'll just refuse and then the movie will be stuck with barely no connection to the original. Oh I hope this doesn't happen.

On a lighter note, the story has it that Vaughn thought he was related to the actor who played the great Napoleon Solo, Robert Vaughn.

Matthew grew up thinking Robert was his father. But a few years ago, he discovered this was a lie and that his biological dad was a minor diplomat.

Vaughn changed his legal name to Drummond after the real father. He and the elder Vaughn have been on the outs since then.

Hollywood will do anything to sell a movie in production!

Posted by at March 20, 2005 05:12 PM


Rich, I heard some news that Daniel Craig will possibly be involved in this, as Napoleon Solo? YAY!

Posted by: Simone at March 20, 2005 06:12 PM

d'oh. i had to read the original article for that last bit to make any sense.
so he's set to direct xmen2 and this? sweet.
as for daniel craig, i suppose since it's the same director, there is a chance it could be true...

Posted by: Psych at March 21, 2005 09:55 AM

Yeah, was a bit confusing, but you do get it eventually. I had to reread it a few times last night too.

Craig is mentioned as being a favourite, I didn't put that in as I thought it was quite tenuous, it's really because the Director and he worked on Layer Cake and they got on. We'll see though, he does actually look the part.

Posted by: Richard at March 21, 2005 02:54 PM

Richard says, "I didn't put that in as I thought it was quite tenuous".

*winks* I was surfing into some sites about him last night and that's how I found out. I actually was thinking why you left it out, I know now. Have you seen "Layer Cake" btw, will you recommend it?

Posted by: Simone at March 21, 2005 03:02 PM

If they are going to make a big screen version of the MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. then they MUST keep the original format and ideas used in the TV series. The characters and their interaction with one another is what made the series work and so popular. Changing all of that to a cartoon version of what it was is wrong. Just using the name MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E as a grabber to get people to go see a movie that is not like the TV series is wrong. Keep it original or don't do it at all. Some things are worth preserving.

Posted by: Carol at April 12, 2005 01:08 PM

Keep the MFUNCLE as was/is. WIthout the interaction of the original characters, all the fun is gone. Since both Mr. Vaughn and Mr. McCallum are still active in the business, let them play their original roles. "Mr. Waverly" should be played by Sean Connery or (least likely) Pierce Brosnan.

If UNCLE is not going to be as the TV show, trailers should say so. Otherwise, it will be a cruel joke on the fans and on one of the best spy shows ever.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who screw up,

Reverend Mary L. Kowalski

Posted by: Rev. Mary L. Kowalski at July 19, 2005 08:17 PM