March 09, 2005

Lucas To Receive Galactic-Achievement Award From ShoWest

No matter what you think of the last 2 installments of the Star Wars saga (personally, I enjoyed them... even if they sucked), you've gotta give it up to George Lucas.

From The Godfather, Indiana Jones, the Star Wars Saga, ILM, Skywalker Sound, Lucas Arts, Digital Projection, THX... this man's involvement and contribution to the film industry from an artistic and technical level are simply second to none in the history of the business.

Now, according to MSNBC, Lucas is about to be presented with yet another honour:

Career-achievement prizes? Maybe for your ordinary, down-to-earth directors, not your interstellar filmmaking overlords. “Star Wars” creator George Lucas is receiving a “galactic-achievement award” next week at ShoWest, an annual convention of theater owners in Las Vegas.

“This unique award celebrates the enduring popularity of the ‘Star Wars’ movies and the enormous impact and influence they have had on audiences and popular culture,” Mitch Neuhauser, co-manager of ShoWest, said Tuesday.

Oh please let Revenge of the Sith be good! Please please please.

Posted by John Campea at March 9, 2005 06:00 PM


I agree completely: the first movie was OK and the second wasn't that great but I still liked them. The Revenge of the Sith has to be good because it forms the final link (right in the center) of the best scifi saga of our time.

Posted by: John at March 9, 2005 06:41 PM

"Oh please let Revenge of the Sith be good! Please please please".

That has also been my catchphrase lately, I so badly want "Revenge of the Sith" to kick some ass so bad its detractors will finally shut up. I think for some people it has just been classified as "kewl" to diss Star Wars (the prequels at least), so let them, I dont care a bit.

I hope "Revenge of the Sith" makes both "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones" more acceptable.

Posted by: Simone at March 9, 2005 08:16 PM

Oh, man - Zolox the Dramaturge (the noted Rigellian film-maker) is going to be so pissed when he hears about this. Everybody thought he was a shoo-in for the Galactic Achievment award, following the success of Qxxflzyyxy: Myukk Ka Dkk'esx, his epic robot-sex trilogy set in the Great Ammonia Lakes of Aldebaran 6.

I can't believe they've snubbed him again. He's like Scorsese, but with tentacles and three heads.

Posted by: tom at March 9, 2005 10:29 PM


That was funny.

Posted by: Peter at March 10, 2005 04:50 AM

It has not become 'kewl' to dis star-wars...The the fact is, the last two films were pretty soul-less tech-demos CGI overkill and hammy acting...Now the acting was not exactly stellar in the original Trilogy, but there was some chemistry there at least...In the new films, the fact that everyone is acting against green-screens, badly written scripts, and George Lucas Directing stifles any possibility of good acting (which leads to half-decent chacacters and the above mentioned soullessness).

People dis the films because they are a pale shadow of the originals, despite (or because of) all the technical improvements...

Posted by: Triflic at March 10, 2005 09:05 AM

OOOps, (which leads to half-decent chacacters and the above mentioned soullessness) Should have read ...less than even half-decent....

Posted by: Triflic at March 10, 2005 09:06 AM

You mentioned The Godfather?... How was Lucas involved with the movie? (Francis Ford Coppola directed it, no?)

Posted by: pierrychan at March 10, 2005 04:03 PM

Lucas and Coppola own an independant film company togather at the time. George acted as a second Unit Director on the project.

Posted by: John Campea at March 10, 2005 04:14 PM

The thing with those who didnt like Episodes I & II is that they still watched it over and over again anyway maybe not as much as they did with the original trilogy but they still saw it more than once. They say they didnt like it, that it sucked big time, the "Lucas raped my childhood" protests left right and center, groan here and moan there, but ask them how many times have they seen the prequels, did they get the DVD of the prequels and I bet you, the answer to both questions will be "YES, WE'VE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMES AND WE HAVE THE DVD". What the...???

So why the denial? I still can't get my head around that.

Hayden Christensen was also awarded Showest's Future Male Star in the same ceremony.

Posted by: Simone at March 21, 2005 05:35 AM