March 18, 2005

Latest Trailers

CinemaSeats.jpgIt's been a while since I've done a trailer trawl, so when I nipped out and had a look at a new trailer for War of the Worlds linked through JoBlo, I was amazed at the amount I had missed. Here's a few snippets for you all, and if like me you love trailers as their own little art form, then there are some good ones here.

Just check out the list of stars here, Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, there's loads of talent here and a couple of names that will have a nice shot at a serious movie, Jennifer Esposito (Mmmmm!) and Brendan Fraser. The trailer and cast make me think of Magnolia et al, but it looks to have a style and feel all of its own, and the trailer itself makes you feel something which I hope is what is in the movie. This really does look good, and it's totally sneaked by us.

War of the Worlds
Well I have to say, I wasn't that hot for this when the news came out, and that poor excuse for a teaser trailer arrived, but then I saw this. Teaser is now excused. This looks really cool, and although a few of the shots seem to be lacking some effects as yet, there is plenty in there to make you realise this is gonna be a lot bigger and better than anyone thought. Not just for the names. I reckon we'll be looking at box office records for this one, or my names not Geraldine.

Time for a reality drop. Despite the effects, this looks like it'll suck. Following the writing style of Crichton (create one novel on an idea and redo it - Westworld(s) and Jurassic(s)), the writer of Jumanji has decided to go and write Jumanji in space. Oh dear, even the house looks similar.

Another trailer appears for this movie, and it's even better than the previous I've seen. It's amazing how different trailers can make this movie seem totally different each time, there are quite a few styles pulled into one movie here. If, like me, you've yet to see it, this is a biggie. Listen to the word of mouth hype.

Into the Blue
Oh this made me giggle. Not the trailer, but the picture at the start with the glued on head for Mr Walker...doesn't it look so Photoshop'd? He's gotta be embarrassed by that. Okay guys, that's for the ladies, here's the bit for us...oh my god...Alba in a bathing suit. I think I've just...started the trailer. Die Hard meets Point Break? I hate when reviewers do that kind of thing, but that just slammed in my head when I was watching it. Still, it does look like a lot of fun, and not just for the flesh.

Layer Cake
We've been talking about it, you non-Brits can check it out with this "foreign" trailer. That makes me laugh when I see that word on a British movie, I know it's right, it is foreign to the US market, just seems weird to see it. Anyway, the film looks stylish, and some snappy dialogue - he does like that gun. I think we're going to see just what Vaughn can bring us, and there's going to be a lot of hope for X-Men 3.

The Amityville Horror
I remember the first trailer, and the feeling of "not another remake", and I think we all then went off on one. However, seeing this second trailer you can see there's a lot more than just horror. It looks like there's a lot of Asian influence in there too, good and bad ghosts, visions, behind the camera movement, etc etc. Now we all know trailers can misrepresent, but going purely on trailers this looks like it's pulled away from the straight horror idea. In fact there's a lot of the feel of the other recently released movie, Darkness.

Dallas 362
Jeff Goldblum. There, said it, now I can move on. No, really I love Goldblum, in many of his roles he really is the same old guy, but there's so much charisma and style in him you just can't say no to watching. He does bring some very different roles to the screen though, and I always remember that of Deep Cover, very good movie. This looks like it's peppered with dark laughs but all in all a painful morality tale. Kelly Lynch is misused actress, and should be in a lot more serious, big roles. It's a shame that Hollywood favour a top percentage of reused stars, and doesn't dig a little deeper into the acting world, there is so much talent available that isn't brought forward enough because of the blockbuster attachment to the big names. When sometimes the big names don't have half the talent of these other actors. Anyway, this looks like an emotionally charged and often funny movie.

Gunner Palace
I've been looking forward to some of the movies that are on schedule to come out of the recent world events of the Iraq War and the War on Terror. Not so much from the American gung-ho war movie perspective, but to see more of the factual based, if not full documentary, movies. I think in these days of over saturated and Government influenced and controlled media the movie can often bring more truth out than a thirty second news report sanctioned by a Government official. This is probably one of the first that I've been wanting to see, pulling no punches, making no excuses and offering no reasoning, it is merely a straight look at the Soldiers based in what was Saddam's Palace. It claims to tell the soldiers story the best way possible, by letting the soldiers tell it.

Another trailer arrives for this anticipated movie, and from previous looks it's seemed stylish and exciting at the same time. I'm hoping Li can be cast in a decent Hollywood movie soon. It's been remixed, and some of the action sequences look very, very cool. I think this could well be the one, especially with the skills of Freeman and Hoskins involved.

Posted by at March 18, 2005 12:35 PM


Oh wow, I will be very skint this year that's for sure!

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 01:04 PM

Unleashed looks like it;s going to rock.

Zathura... maybe fun for the kids.

Amityville... Michael Bay? Scary... ;-)

War of the Worlds... this trailer made me look forward to it.

Crash... Hopefully good in a "Collateral" kind of way, but sometimes too many big names = not so great.


Posted by: Screen Rant at March 18, 2005 02:11 PM

I got goosebumps watching that new War of the Worlds trailer. Man, Summer 2005 can't get here soon enough!

Posted by: AlterEgoComics at March 18, 2005 03:01 PM

Teaser Trailer for The Island just came out today... it really didn't show much, but the production quality of the movie looks huge. See Trailer

Posted by: Brad Pineau at March 18, 2005 03:15 PM

Old Boy just looks awesome. After all the positives I've heard about Layer Cake, the trailer disappoints.

Posted by: adam at March 18, 2005 05:07 PM

I'm not so sure about Layer Cake, I think the trailer looks really good, what it does do though is pitch itself very closely to Lock Stock and Snatch so there are obvious comparisons.

Posted by: Richard at March 18, 2005 05:44 PM

Very excited with "War of the Worlds". I really should be reading the book now!

Posted by: Simone at March 18, 2005 06:51 PM

I really don't care for the other but unleashed looks like one of the strongest films that Li has been in to date, though for their time his China, flicks were very strong, but with morgan freeman and Hoskins, this should raise the quality of the film, very exited


Posted by: Xun Shin at March 18, 2005 06:58 PM

I could go on for ages about OldBoy, all I'll say is that the trailer captures the fell of the film pretty well, I believe it came out here (the UK) this week so go out and see it.

The film is less than two years old and a US remake is apparently already on the cards for 2006. Hollywood, eh?

Posted by: domdunc at March 18, 2005 09:39 PM

I thought the trailer for "The Island" was awful. Left me totally confused. I commented about it on my site.


Posted by: Screen Rant at March 19, 2005 12:52 AM

The only Crash I´ll always remember is J.G. Ballard´s (or Cronemberg´s).

War of the Worlds (besides box-office predictions I don´t care anymore) is gonna be a smashcracsher. Even though the martians are not... martians? I hope that is only a rumour.

And Oldboy... have senn it. There is stuff enough in this UNIQUE movie to make a 100+ trailers. It´s one of the weirdest, funniest, terrible, and more brilliant movies I´ve seen in a very long time.

Posted by: Peter at March 19, 2005 10:02 AM

Crash: I love a good drama and see potential in the trailer. Then again, trailers can be deceiving.

War of the Worlds: I love Spielberg, and it pains to me to say that this movie looks like totally over blown. Then again I'm a little bais because I love the 1953 version of this movie. Yes, it's old and not high tech, but I grew up loving it.

Zathura: I saw this trailer today attached to Robots. I had the same exact thought "hey, it's a space age jumanji." My daughter's interest was peaked, so if the word of mouth isn't bad when it comes out then we may take a trip to the theater.

Old Boy: This is an afternoon with my brothers movie - can't wait.

Into the Blue: Um, no.

Layer Cake: Colm Meany - I'm so there. I also think it looks like fun and I'd like to see what the future director of the X-Men can do.

Amityville Horror: I've been totally turned off by this remake until this trailer. Now, I'm thinking it could be good and it looks like they've kept to the story.

Dallas 362: It's the type of movie I'm attracted to. I also like Goldblum and this movie looks like a step in a good direction for him.

Gunner Palace: I will definitely make room in my schedule for this one.

Unleashed: Hell yea! Another afternoon with my brothers! :)

Thanks for pointing out all these trailers Richard - it was worth my time to watch them!

Posted by: Meli at March 19, 2005 11:54 PM

Cheers Meli, glad that people click on the "continue reading" bit and that it is worthwhile!

Vic - haven't watched the Island trailer yet, but from the sounds of it I should, then rip it to shreds!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 20, 2005 02:49 AM