March 10, 2005

Keri Russell On Not Being Lois Lane

Keri.jpgI think I was one of the few people who were actually rooting for Keri Russell in her quest in becoming the new Lois Lane in the upcoming Superman Returns. Don't get me wrong, I think Kate Bosworth is a fine choice for the Man of Steel's main squeeze... but I found the idea of Russell playing the role intriguing.

Having said all that, the folks at Romantic Movies caught up with Russell to discuss her new film "The Upside of Anger", when she let us in on her feelings about not getting the role:

"I would have loved to have done it, but that movie went through three different directors, so…I was just merely a part of the process. And the most recent incarnation was this new director… It may be a blessing in disguise. I mean doing a movie like that is the next six years of your life. You at least probably do two, and you definitely sign on to do three. And those aren't like three-month movies. They're huge six-month movies in Australia, which is where that movie's shooting. So it's okay."
Hmmm... those are good words... but I don't buy it for a second. Any actress, especially one whose career has been in a bit of a slump, would love to get a choice character like Lois Lane and a guaranteed mega-hit movie/series of movies. Still, she's showing some class by not complaining about it. Good on her.

Posted by John Campea at March 10, 2005 12:39 PM


thats a much better choice than huge bobble head kate bosworth..she's not even brunette which lois lane most definately is.

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 10, 2005 02:03 PM

Is it a guranteed "mega-hit" outside of opening weekend? I hope so considering how much millions WB has sunk into it already.

I certainly would have preferred Russell for the role in any case.

OMG you changed your blog, I'm completely disoriented now.

Posted by: Arethusa at March 10, 2005 04:20 PM