March 15, 2005

Kenneth Branagh returns to Shakespeare for As You Like It

KennethBranagh.jpgI've missed this man. There's something about Branagh that the screen loves, now I may be biased, but actually I'm not. It's true. Even in Harry Potter he was resplendent. Oooh, I've come over all Shakespearean!

News from The Guardian is that Kenneth Branagh is set to continue his Shakespeare adaptations with the play As You Like It. He's put a few such tales under his belt, with probably two of his finest being the complete original text version of Hamlet, which fans eagerly await on DVD, and Love's Labours Lost. I thought that was truly magical, combining the rhyme of Shakespeare with the beauty of Cole Porter, inspired. If you hadn't guessed I am an unbelievably huge fan.

Branagh, who made his name with a film version of Henry V, is to direct Kevin Kline and The Village's Bryce Dallas Howard in a new version of the Shakespearian comedy As You Like It for which filming is set to start in April.

Variety's Michael Fleming reports that the adaptation will be set in the late 19th century and that it is being financed by HBO. Branagh himself is likely to take a small role - possibly that of the court jester, Touchstone - and Adrian Lester (who appeared in Branagh's musical version of Love's Labours Lost), Brian Blessed and Jimmy Yuill are also said to be taking supporting roles.

Fabulous. His casting is original, his direction can be very inspiring, and his adaptations of Shakespeare just stunning to watch. Now, I expect there are many who disagree!

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 15, 2005 01:50 PM


It was refreshing seeing him in Harry Potter which is not the stuff that he usually does.

Posted by: Simone at March 15, 2005 02:00 PM

I like this man in whatever he does. And he has a great understanding of Shakespeare... FAR better than Peter Jackson, who, IMO, doesn´t understand Tolkien at all.

I am not eager, but anxious for that Hamlet DVD. And this news is just... fascinating!

Posted by: Peter at March 15, 2005 02:13 PM

YAY! I LOVE Kenneth and this is excellent news.
He's a great actor and director.
He was such a part of the 90s in film and tappered off in the recent years. I've missed him and his visions of Shakespeare.
This news makes a cranky day a little brighter.

Posted by: Meli at March 15, 2005 03:38 PM

I too enjoyed his HAMLET, but I did have one small problem with it, and really most every production of HAMLET.

Hamlet is a student and is back home for his father's funeral. Being a student shouldn't he be fairly young, at least in his early 20's? In Branagh's version Branagh plays Hamlet, and by that time he's well into his 30's. Ditto for Mel Gibson in the version that he was in.

My question is this: why don't they ever get someone young to play Hamlet? Is it because they don't think a younger actor has the chops to pull it off?

Other than that, yeah, Branagh's version was excellent.

Posted by: Diaz at March 16, 2005 09:31 AM

Kenneth's manager Judy Huffland is a moron. she makes decisions based upon the movies she produces. Hey, I just saw Al Pacino's Merchant of Venice. Worldwide boxoffice $6million. Good luck paying the rent this month Judy

Posted by: catherine at March 20, 2005 03:12 PM

I think in those days it was very common for people to be a student throughout their life. People often returned to being a student, especially those with money and no real job, such as a Prince.

Is the manager to blame? I don't know her or her work so I couldn't comment. Do you have more info?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 20, 2005 03:45 PM

is this movie out yet??

Posted by: 0vtd at March 31, 2005 06:41 PM

Hamlet (according to most Shakespearean scholars) was about 35. I am also waiting for Hamlet to arrive on DVD. Kenneth is my favorite actor, and I'm hyped to see him in another Shakespeare movie, my favorite author.

Posted by: Laura at March 31, 2005 07:01 PM

If anyone here saw Ethan Hawke TRY to play Hamlet, I'm obliged to believe that the older the actor, the better.

Posted by: katrina at May 20, 2005 03:14 PM