March 09, 2005

Keanu Reeves as Sinbad in the 8th voyage sequel

SinbadCyclops.jpgI still love sitting down and watching a good old Sinbad movie on a Sunday afternoon, heaven, sheer heaven. They are excellent tails of adventure and strange creatures, and The Golden Voyage of Sinbad even starred the excellent Tom Baker. Superb movies.

Well now it seems their time has come on the wheel of remakes. Hollywood has spun and S, and for casting they didn't go far, just to R. Coming Soon carry the news from Variety that Keanu Reeves is set to play Sinbad in the latest adventure, and not the cartoon version, but the live action.

Reeves will star as Sinbad the sailor, the legendary character from "The Arabian Nights." In the film, set in eighth-century China, Sinbad and his shipmates embark on a quest to find the Lamp of Aladdin. Along the way, they meet a beautiful empress and battle fantastical creatures as well as a rebellious Chinese general who threatens the kingdom with his supernatural powers.

Charlie Mitchell is rewriting a script by Cormac and Marianne Wibberly and Tedi Sarafian.

Now I'm not going to make any jokes about Reeves playing this role, merely to say it stinks. If you've seen any of the movies before there should be a bit of flair and life about the character, a lovable rogue, not a character voicing the lines as though they were contemplating some deep philosophy while screwing up their brow. I can just see the stiff action now, and it doesn't sit well.

I guess there is a lot to say about why I should even be judging this, as yet, unmade sequel to the originals and wouldn't a new take on the whole genre be a good idea? Well perhaps, yet how often have we seen that attempted with an existing movie or movie series only to fall as flat as Reeves voice coach after a day of emotional range teaching?

The Sinbad movies are classic tales of adventure and stop motion animation, stunning animation at that. Now I think it's fine to replace that with modern CGI, and I actually do think some updates would be good, but for heaven's sake couldn't they get an actor with some passion and charm in them? Anyone else out there Sinbad fans? What do you think about it? Is it just me, am I seeing those old movies with a rose tinted helmet on?

Posted by at March 9, 2005 12:30 PM


Exciting news! The original is excellent and by doing a sequel they're not ignoring it. Hopefully they'll get someone like Phil Tippet to supervise the creature animation or something since he's the modern day Ray Harryhausen.

Sounds like fun.....

...unless Hollwood craps all over it.

Posted by: trysop at March 9, 2005 01:09 PM

Need I remind you that Keanu was VERY animated in his early Bill n' Ted days. I know he's capable of doing something else than imitating a stiff board. He showed signs of it in Constantine. I have hope!!!

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at March 9, 2005 02:39 PM

Maybe an attempt to capitalize on the whole Pirates of the Caribbean success? Wouldn't be the first time Hollywood played the copycat game.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 9, 2005 03:47 PM

whoa (in my best keanu impersonation). i'm a big fan of keanu's, i'll always watch any movies he's been in. can't wait to see photos from this movie.

Posted by: Movie Replicas at March 9, 2005 04:38 PM

It could be good if he plays it as Ted Theodore Logan

Posted by: adam at March 9, 2005 05:51 PM

Lordy... this is nearly as bad as the Wicker Man remake.

I'm not even convinced that replacing the stop-motion animation with CGI is a good idea... It might worfk in the hands of someone with a real desire to retell the stories, but I suspect that what we'll see is a bucketload of special effects and... not much else.

Posted by: Paul at March 9, 2005 06:04 PM

Reeves as Sinbad? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha .

I'll stick with the old Saturday afternoon features. I love the stop motion animated creatures! It's what childhood memories are made of.

Posted by: Meli at March 10, 2005 01:41 AM

Yeah the stop motion was fantastic, but it was breaking then and I don't really see it standing up within a modern live action film anymore, and I say that with sadness, I really do.

Oh but come on, not Keanu?! Yes, he was animated in the Bill and Ted days, and those days where when he was on set for Bill and Ted, no other movie!

Posted by: Richard at March 10, 2005 01:55 PM

I do not get all this bashing of Keanu. I can not even image matrix with out him. I like Keanu when he plays SciFi roles any other role I agree he is bad.

I can not imagine the outcome if Will Smith would have accepted Matrix.

Secondaly the guy is cool, he gave $30 million of his own money to the staff of Matrix stating that they are the people that make us look good.

Stop bashing the guy.

Posted by: geneariani at March 10, 2005 02:21 PM

He's not getting bashed par se, and you are right he was also good in The Matrix, that role suited the demeaner he has chosen to use in every role he plays. Oh, and also Speed.

However, this post was discussing his playing Sinbad, and for that the persona he's used in all these films will not work. Perhaps if he changes it might.

Posted by: Richard at March 10, 2005 02:28 PM

Well; I have to agree with you Richard, I liked the guy and Matrix was made for him. But Sinbad is not suited for him.

Posted by: Gene at March 10, 2005 06:23 PM

I think sinbad could be done and done well if they get the right director,seen hero?,get that guy,or tarantino,but forget reeves,try dean cain,or even sean penn,but my choice would be brendan fraser from mummy and george of the jungle,lol.

Posted by: trevor at March 10, 2005 10:36 PM

Hey guys i am a girl and a huge fan of keanu reeves and I can't wait to see/hear more about this.
really exciting, keanu as sinbad.. wow! (i luv hiM!)

Posted by: justsomeonestoppingby at March 31, 2005 11:20 AM

I Don't think I have to remind any ony one with a brian out there how many diferint rolls Keanu Reeves has had over the yaers. In all of those years, With all of those dirctors and all of those millons of dollers he has made; Do you relly listens to rude comments like yours any more?
He's still beautiful to me,and millions of others.

Posted by: Heather at June 3, 2005 11:45 AM