March 30, 2005

Kaïro being remade as Pulse

Kairo.jpgThe remake of Asian movies continues with Kaïro, a visually enticing movie with some really strong ideas and scenes which makes your mind do a lot of overtime. Sure the ending is a bit loose, but it's a similar thread for many Asian movies, the focus is on the story and the journey, not just the ending. Check out that freaky picture, yes, there are scenes that will creep you out that much.

Coming Soon carries the news of the remake from Hollywood Reporter, and it is called...Pulse.

"Pulse" is a remake of the Japanese movie "Kairo." The story revolves around a Web site that turns out to be run by a sinister force. As more people go to the site, the supernatural force begins to dominate the lives of those that log on. Bell and Talley's characters team up to unravel the mystery.

The script was written by Wes Craven and rewritten by Vince Gilligan. Craven was once attached to direct.

So who's directing now? well they have a brand new Director straight from commercials, Jim Sorenzo. Already onboard for roles are Kirsten Bell and Steve Talley. Interestingly it's coming out of the new Weinstein company. So they'll be pushing for a commercial success anyway, and that might just spell doom.

Who's seen the original? What did you think of it, and what potential has it for a decent remake...and let us put aside our biased feelings and see if we can think of Ring as an example. Could it be done? Written by Craven and directed by a newbie?

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 30, 2005 03:26 PM


Fear Dot Com anyone?

Posted by: adam at March 30, 2005 04:37 PM

The original is way, way different from Fear Dot Com. The original is among the exceptions of Asian horror that doesn't rip off the Ring. There's no girl with long black hair. I didn't even understand Kairo (literal title: Pulse) the first time I saw it. I had to watch it again and again just to understand it. The point of the story is that no matter what, everyone will be alone. It begins with Ryosuke Kawashima signing up for an Internet account. While surfing, a black screen appears and asks him, "Would you like to see a ghost?" From here, weird things begin to happen and people who start to log on the website begin disappearing or committing suicide. There are a couple of shocks and surprises but most of the time it's a thinking person's horror film.

Posted by: Daniel at March 30, 2005 06:40 PM

'Kairo' actually translates more accurately as 'Circuit' than 'Pulse.' The original is far more than the blurb on the DVD would have you believe... It involves the idea that you are alone throughout life, and in death also. There is no afterlife, and you simply remain, alone. The website mentioned hooks people and encourages them to kill themselves, in order to join the lonely dead. There is another plot, regarding doors sealed up with red tape, which will prevent the dead from escaping.

Most of the horror in the film comes from the viewer, who must use their brain to see the terror. A direct opposite to, say, Juon, where it shocks you directly, and thinking too much about it can destroy the suspension of disbelief.

As the film builds to an apocalyptic ending, with a novel idea about the end of the world, it relies more and more on your brain to scare.

Examples of similar western movies? White Noise works in a similar way, and the apocalyptic theme and the way in which it is expressed is reminiscent of Day of the Triffids or 28 Days Later, in that it examines the effect of said events on the human psyche.

Somehow I feel this will not survive intact after the interventions of Craven's pen and some director of commercials. Expect a very, very different film.

(BTW you can grab Kairo from for HK$25, which is about £1.70)

Posted by: Alan at March 30, 2005 07:53 PM

this is one of my favorite horror films that have come out of japan on the wave of the Ringu series. You have to watch everything going on in this film ( may require a few viewings to catch everything) to really get spooked. This film can not be pulled off by us yanks because we have no idea what original means anymore. Kairo was a true original that should be left alone or better yet have Harvey release here uncut. the whole premise on how Japan has become a nation of people who do not realise true emotion outside of their video monitors/internet can not be really told to the effect Kurrosawa did in Kairo.

Posted by: Gohatto66 at March 31, 2005 02:08 AM

original title : kairo (aka pulse)... so its know as both.

Posted by: logboy at March 31, 2005 01:49 PM