March 10, 2005

John Travolta to get Girls Aloud into movies?!

You know I thought John Travolta was an intelligent guy, I really did. Then I read this news from Ananova, and I instantly went to the kitchen and chopped off the top of my other thumb (explanation on my site later). Please note that the title for this piece is a direct quote from that news agency.

John saw the girls perform following the London premiere of his new film Be Cool.

He now plans to hold talks with their agent reports

He said: "They would be just perfect for a film, they look like really fun girls, they can sing and they are very, very pretty. I will definitely be getting hold of their agent."

Oh my god no. If you've seen them mime sing, dance or rise to fame on UK television and drop their microphones mid song, you'll know where I'm coming from. They are one of the most awful manufactured girl bands I've ever seen. Hate is too nice a word for the band (obviously not for the ladies personally!).

Please Travolta, stop that medication which is obviously making you see and hear things and change your mind now. Save us all! I'm praying this was a joke.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 10, 2005 02:58 PM


Travolta an intelligent guy? Have you ever looked at some of the movies he does? If he can't choose good movies for himself, what makes us think he is a reliable source for what would make a good movie?

Posted by: Bombadil at March 10, 2005 03:36 PM

Travolta an intelligent guy? Have you ever looked at some of the movies he does? If he can't choose good movies for himself, what makes us think he is a reliable source for what would make a good movie?

Posted by: Bombadil at March 10, 2005 03:36 PM

Maybe he was just being polite Rich?

Posted by: Simone at March 10, 2005 04:38 PM

Two words - Battlefield Earth. Nuf said.

Posted by: JC at March 10, 2005 06:17 PM

Come on, a long career and you're going to throw the minority of poor films his way?

Pulp Fiction?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 11, 2005 03:24 AM

This is a truly hideous idea, but I wouldn't worry too much. The same has been said of other pop groups in the past, and nothing came of it: Supergrass (although that could have been quite good), Busted, McFly, er, Steps? Weren't the Back Street Boys supposed to do a movie too?

Of course, the Spice Girls managed it. But they were fairly big in the US. I don't reckon anyone outside of the UK has heard of Girls Aloud... lucky them.

Posted by: John at March 11, 2005 05:03 AM

I still like John Travolta, I know he has done a couple of duds but I still believe in his talent.

I really hope he doesnt do "Grease 3".

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 05:06 AM

can you come to 114 drumtara ballee ballymena BT423DQ one off you becase one off you gril is get a boy just one off you can one off the gril
the are all sexy.

Posted by: jamiewray at April 1, 2005 11:07 AM

John Travolta has the most talent and he is the most kind hearted guy. He is truly great in every movie he matter what it is!

From a true fan who would like to meet you someday,
Elizabeth M. Bergen

Posted by: Elizabeth at April 13, 2005 12:10 AM

John Travolta has the most talent i've ever seen. He is the best in everyone of his movies. He puts great emotion into all of his characters he plays. He is the most big hearted guy and is a extrordinarally loving person. I have almost all of your movies(33) and I have 4 posters of you. My most wild dream in the whole world is to meet you and talk to you. So I hope you remember me! :)

Luv Ya John!!!!!
From a devoted fan...and your biggest,
Elizabeth Bergen :)

Posted by: Elizabeth at April 13, 2005 07:56 PM

Hey John,
I wanted to tell you that i am truley one of your biggest fans!!! Every time a TV show or a movie of yours comes on.....I'm wathin' it! Everyone of my friends calls me overly obsessed, but i call it being a highly devoted fan, :) and i don't care who they think is cool because i think you are the coolest of the cool! ha ha ha that sounds funny but i think it's true. Well T2U later!

Elizabeth Bergen :)

Posted by: Elizabeth at April 13, 2005 08:04 PM

Ur coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ur my favourite character ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
luv ya
luv Kodie

Posted by: Kodie at October 16, 2005 01:27 AM

ur the best
luv k-b

Posted by: Kodie at October 18, 2005 06:05 AM