March 25, 2005

Jessica Alba in James Cameron's Fathom?

JessicaAlba-DarkAngel.jpgYou have to take some things with a pinch of salt, especially when an actor says they are wanted for a particular project, and do so in the open press. It does have that faint whiff of self promotion. They know about the project, they want to be on it, so they talk about how they worked with the key person before and how much they all want to work together, etc etc.

Well Jessica Alba is out saying just that about James Cameron. They worked together in the Dark Angel days, a much underated TV series, and could have easily gone on to the movie screen, but it didn't. In Movehole from IGN FilmForce:

"Jim Cameron has been kind of talking about maybe doing a comic book that involves scuba diving, it's sort of like this girl underwater, and I have been talking about doing something like that", says the spunky actress, next seen in "The Fantastic Four".

So will "Fathom" happen? "It was just something that he sort of liked. We talk about a lot of things. I just thought that, I didn't scuba dive for seven years and I should brush up on it...", says Alba, adding that she hasn't been asked to be part of "Battle Angel Alita" yet.

"Fathom", based on a Top Cow comic, was first announced in 2002. It had been previously set up as an animated film.

Cameron apparently got interested in the project after he read, rather oddly, a scene on a ship: In the comic's first issue, a young woman with no memory is found on a yacht. This "underlying theme of an ordinary person facing extraordinary circumstances", is what drew Jimbo to it.

Apparently the screenplay was being written sometime ago, but there's been no news since. Well considering Cameron's love for water movies I think that there's a good chance he would go towards projects that are based underwater. However, that connection is thread like so perhaps this is just clever sales technique on Alba's part.

I think she's a fine actress, excellent in Dark Angel which was a great series, and has a great career ahead of her, Sin City just being around the corner too. What is the opinion on Alba's acting talents?

Posted by at March 25, 2005 10:30 AM


She's very decent. Her choice in movies and the script she's thrown aren't, however. You are only as good as the material you work with.

Posted by: Lilly at March 25, 2005 10:23 AM

I have never seen Alba in a full length feature, apart from her supporting role in "Never Been Kissed". I was disappointed that she was chosen to play Sue Storm in the FF film but this of course because I dont know much about her acting capabilities or whether she was up for the role.

I have nothing againt the young girl, maybe she will do a good job.

Posted by: Simone at March 25, 2005 12:46 PM

Does anyone else think that Fantastic 4 is gonna be a "summer" train wreck? you know....$50 mill opening weekend.....half of that the next....barely over $100? When I heard that Michael Chicklets was in it....I wanted it to be good but I dont have a good feeling.

Posted by: jason at March 25, 2005 04:14 PM

It's Chiklis, not Chicklet Jason. LOL

Well I dohave high hopes for FF due to Ioan Grufudd.

Posted by: Simone at March 25, 2005 07:04 PM

Too bad her acting ability isn't as on point as her Extreme good looks..

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 25, 2005 09:55 PM

I know how to spell...I went to a public skool! I just think this is a quick money grabbber...not a labor of someone's love

Posted by: jason at March 25, 2005 09:59 PM

Why do my comments keep being deleted..?

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 25, 2005 10:00 PM

Seriously, Alba's only talent is that she looks totally fuckable and has that vaguely ethnic look that appeals to a wide range of males.

I'm sorry, but we all know this is true. As far as her acting talent goes, she's the female Keanu.

Posted by: Franklin at March 25, 2005 10:14 PM

dark angel is over rated by nerds. the first season lacked a good start and a good end, and the second season was utter trash.

Posted by: bigwig at March 25, 2005 11:00 PM

you just know there's going to be a porn parody called "fantastic whore" starring an alba lookalike. mr. poontastic will have an elastic, super-stretchy penis (rendered in cheap but effective looking computer graphics), and sue whore's power will be that no matter what she wears, it turns invisible, so she's forever doomed to be naked.

shit, fuck this sounds hot. why am i not being hired to write, direct, edit, cast, produce and cater this? i could use the money now. :(

Posted by: scott at March 26, 2005 02:39 AM

@ scott


Though I think the pornified Mr. Fantastic should be called Mr. Fucktastic, and Dr. Doom becomes Dr. Poon.

Posted by: Franklin at March 26, 2005 03:50 AM

jessica alba's the new IT girl of hollywood!

Posted by: B A T M A N at March 28, 2005 04:31 AM

i just cant wait for that cute cheek to be in another movie.

Posted by: brian siambi at March 28, 2005 11:59 AM

Ok i first saw Jessica Alba On "Dark Angel " Which KICKS ASS!!! And i think she looked a lot hotter with brown hair. They should either repaly the shows or continue makeing tham.
Love Lots

Posted by: Jessica Fan at April 27, 2005 05:09 AM

Personally i think that jessica alba is a very talented actress and she makes me enjoy going to the movies. She was great in FF and Sin City. I can't wait until Into The Blue comes out.

Posted by: albafan24 at August 2, 2005 03:55 AM

I disagree with her starring in Fathom. I believe she does not have the tempermant. He can do better.

Posted by: :/ at August 12, 2005 04:09 AM