March 30, 2005

Jada Pinkett Smith wants Bad Girls

JadaPinkettSmith.jpgWho's got the bad idea board? Could you chalk one up on it for me?

Jada Pinkett Smith, wife of Will Smith, is voicing her desire to take the Bad Boys movies and convert them into an all female lead. Surprisingly she's talking about herself and Queen Latifah, which is quite fair since Latifah is becoming a bit of a joke nowadays. Ananova tell us:

The two leading ladies are working on a remake of Smith's comedy with Martin Lawrence - and they plan to call it Bas Girls.

According to quoting Jam! magazine Queen Latifah said: "Jada really wants to do the movie because we both know it's a great concept."

Oh dear lord. Latifah has been getting some bad press of late, and her recent roles haven't exactly been inspiring, and with Pinkett Smith being shadowed by Matrix (although Collateral was a saviour for her), there's not much pulling power except for the Smith and Lawrence names. Perhaps why Lawrence is getting involved.

Posted by at March 30, 2005 07:10 AM


Actually, I quite like this idea - it's certainly intriguing. Besides, anything's better than letting Martin Lawrence anywhere near a camera again.

Posted by: Mean Mr Mustard at March 30, 2005 10:45 AM

I like both Jada and Latifah, but I don't feel any excitement in regard to this idea. In fact, it makes me groan.
I always figured Jada would be smarter than to try and ride on the coat tails of her husband's fame. The woman has talent! She needs to put this idea to the waste side.

Posted by: Meli at March 30, 2005 03:48 PM

I can hear Will Smith rolling over in his grave 100 years from now already!

Posted by: andertoons at March 30, 2005 09:11 PM

this has suckage written on it on all levels.

Posted by: B A T M A N at March 30, 2005 11:47 PM

You would think that Queen Latifah would have had her pick of films after "Chicago"....Ok let the stuff go that is directly after that she already did....I mean she was taking what she could get at the time. But what are you thinking when it is a wise decision to do "Taxi" and Beauty Shop"? Imagine if Tom Hanks had gone back to films like "Bachelor Party" and Money Pit? Common......take it to the next level....your no longer looked at like a rapper that tried acting....YOU GOT YOUR SHOT AT A OSCAR? Take it to the next'll get your pay day's but remember what happened to Louis Gosset his Award and proceeded to do 50 "Iron Eagles" and that Raider Of the Lost ark Knock Off with Chuck Norris....what was that movies name? Any way.....sorry for the rant. On another note.....I'm looking forward to the day that Halle' Berry has to do Playboy to get work....rememeber right before Monster Ball....she had to go topless to get screen time! Watch Out Queeny! As far as Mrs. Will Smith......her job is once every other year and give it up to the Fresh Prince when he wants it and your golden!

Posted by: jason at April 1, 2005 01:55 PM

Hey there Jason

You raise an excellent point! I was saying the same thing about Queen L last year. She had a GOLDEN opportunity to go to the next level... instead she dropped the ball.

Posted by: John Campea at April 1, 2005 02:20 PM

Is it fair to say that she's a good actress that showed her talent in one movie and all the rest have been awful decisions?

Is it not closer to the truth to say that she got a good part in a good film with good actors and that lifted her up, but stood on her own she's not that great an actor?

That's my take on it.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 1, 2005 03:45 PM