March 24, 2005

It's Official - Lindsay Lohan is Dumb

Lindsay_Lohan4.jpgYou know, I'm all for people speaking their minds. I really am. But with that freedom I would caution people not to say things that just make themselves look stupid. Take Lindsay Lohan for instance.

This little girl, who is an average actress at BEST (although even I admit she may have some potential to grow), has decided to take a subtle shot at actresses who could mop the floor with her. The good folks over at Contact Music give us this:

Teen star LINDSAY LOHAN has delivered a subtle dig at OSCAR winners CHARLIZE THERON, HALLE BERRY and NICOLE KIDMAN as part of a tirade about stars who get ugly just to win an ACADEMY AWARD. All three actresses won Best Actress honours for ditching the glamour to play a serial-killing lesbian (Theron, MONSTER), a desperate single mother (Berry, MONSTER'S BALL) and a suicidal writer (Kidman, THE HOURS) - but Lohan is far from impressed.

She says, "With movies now, it's very easy for a girl to dumb herself down or look ugly or be naked or be a lesbian or gain weight - those are the ones that win Oscars.

Hmmmm... perhaps someone should point out to Lohan that the performances those 3 women gave in those roles were AMAZING. Theron did not win best actress because she made herself ugly... but because it was hands down the best performance that year... same for Berry... Kidman was close, but she deserved to win at any rate. I guess Lohan believes Kathy Bates only won best actress for Misery because she's heavy.

Posted by John Campea at March 24, 2005 08:42 AM


She probably hasnt heard of method acting. Kids nowadays, tsk, tsk, tsk.

Posted by: Simone at March 24, 2005 08:59 AM

Truly a sad tale from such a self-centred diva wannabe who hasn't earned an adult place in Hollywood yet. Can anyone else smell the jealousy?

Posted by: Lilly at March 24, 2005 09:34 AM

John, I agree that was a pretty stupid thing to say. But in the defense of Lindsay she is a babe. A frick'n hottie, so I don't care what she says.

Posted by: Berf at March 24, 2005 10:01 AM

Oh sure Berf... sleep with her. Just hope she keeps her mouth shut :)

Posted by: John Campea at March 24, 2005 10:05 AM

If being ugly and dumb were the only things you needed to win an Oscar, then all she'd have to do is make herself ugly. She's got the dumb part down cold.

Posted by: Jose at March 24, 2005 10:21 AM

she's obviosly a kid, hollywood shouldn't make her out to be an adult, and people wouldn't think she's dumb. Anyway the dump comment got us talking about her. Way to go PR people!

Posted by: kelly tippett at March 24, 2005 12:49 PM

OK... where to begin... first, i have to say i'm relived it's finally legal for a 26 year old to say i want to sleep with her.
second, the kid has a slight point.
no slight to Miss Theron... and i don't think, just in context here , that it was a slam toward anyone, but it is getting to a point where you're likely to see a "glamourous" actress ugly herself down, or gain weight, or whatnot, just to get attention.

now, i have to slam the girl... she's slamming these actresses for getting shameless notariety for themselves, while she has a positively ATTROCIOUS album out now... this girl is a sellout, same as the others.

she just happens to be the hottest redhead since Jullianne Moore.

one final note... MONSTER kicked ass... Charleze reminded me of a sadistic Michael Keaton. And in my opinion, she's the only actress of the three that deserves defending.

Posted by: mogulus at March 24, 2005 03:41 PM

LOL I've been saying all that for years!! She forgot people playing characters who are retarded or handicapped as well!!

Posted by: adam at March 24, 2005 07:59 PM

Lindsay Lohan's a redhead? When did she fall into a bottle of Miss Clairol #129 w/ Red Highlights? If she's a redhead, then I'm sporting a spool of copper wire.

Posted by: Lilly at March 24, 2005 08:08 PM

it's true.. she shouldn't have said that. But as some already noticed.. She is so hot.. And if you're equipped right, there are ways to shut her up....

Posted by: Rutger Stevelmans at March 25, 2005 06:53 AM

You're talking about my fist, right, Rutger? I'm sure I can fit at least one of my fists or my boot into her mouth to shut her up.

Posted by: Lilly at March 25, 2005 11:21 AM

Oh Lilly, youre hilarious girl! LOL

Posted by: Simone at March 25, 2005 12:47 PM

rite for ur info Lindsay Lohan is one of the best actores around! Her singing is great! Her looks is fab! and her acting skills are perfect. Some of u in here slagging her of, u try and act like she dus. Ur pathetik all of u. She deserves every Oscar she gets! Shes a star!!!

Posted by: Martin at March 31, 2005 06:33 PM

actores...her looks is fab...dus...pathetik? No wonder you enjoy Lindsay Lohan so much! Her ability to act is as bad as your spelling. Sorry I couldn't help myself with that one. :)

Posted by: Lau at April 1, 2005 11:58 PM

alot of you are f*cking retarted! Lindsay is NOT a f*cking kid she is 18 years old (going to be 19 on july 2nd)!!! i almost fully agree with what she said, except for one thing. all those stars dont have to get ugly they are already ugly!!

NICOLE KIDMAN - i have a theory that if you cut off all her hair she would look like a man!

CHARLIZE THERON - just plain ugly! an ugly f*cking slutty cow!

HALLE BERRY - Just about the ugliest thing with legs! girls with short hair are automaticaly ugly! how she was americas most irisistable women is a complete mystery to me! she has tits that sag further than my grandmas!! (just watch sowrdfish) if i lived in america id shoot myself in the face!

LINDSAY LOHAN - True hottie!! her acting, singing, dancing is just perfect. she has the hottest body and prettiest face and the most beautiful smile! she is still young but has the most potential out of anybody in hollywood right now. when she breaks away for her disney roles she will be winning awards like crazy! last year she won 4 awards at the 2004 teen choice awards! she released an album that went platinum in less than 3 weeks aswell! people who always concentrate on her partying shoud be asamed of themselves! she needs a break too! if all you do is read magazines you will see that they only concentrate on her partying! they fail to mention that when se was filming herbie fully loaded she was hospitalized for 5 days because of exaustion, or that right now on her new movie "just my luck" shes working 16 hours a day!
she is not getting any help from the media of her father who threatend to kill her. her deadbeat dad also wants half of the money that Lindsay pays her mom (her mom is her manager)! according to her dads lawyer that could be asmuch as $7,000,000! people should have alot more respect for her! once again she is the hottest girl in hollywood! any guy who can watch mean girls and still doesn't think shes hot are either dead or just EXTREAMLY GAY!!!!!

Posted by: someguy at April 2, 2005 12:12 PM

I think that you can think whatever u want but don't go dissing the stars for what they did! Sure maybe that is a little strange, but that doesn't mean that she's completely dumb!

Posted by: Taylor at April 13, 2005 07:08 AM

Whatever, i think she is way better than anyone. For instance hilary duff, what a little jealous girl, and ashlee simpson is ok but lindsay is better. all im trying to say is that lindsay lohan is TALENTED and HOTTTT!!!!!! what else do u need.

Posted by: Joanna at April 13, 2005 06:42 PM

all u guys r a bunch of low lives...Charlize Theron

Posted by: Silk City Ese at May 11, 2005 12:39 PM

she is a loser yayaya a big fat loser yayaya

Posted by: vickie at May 14, 2005 12:28 PM

I don't care what they say about u.U keep doing your thing.peace

Posted by: mark at May 29, 2005 10:40 PM

shut up lindsay got straight A in skool

Posted by: danielle at June 6, 2005 11:39 AM

Do you really think you're defending your favorite celebrity by acting like a retard in doing so?

The correct way to go about it would be: I disagree I think Lohan is a good actress.

The wrong way to go about it would be: 'shut up lindsay got straight A in skool'.

You're hurting her reputation not helping. ("Lindsay Lohan, she's the one who has no fans with simple English skills right?")

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 6, 2005 12:15 PM

first off who cares about how dumb, Lohan is?

the girls is gross looking. why oh why do people think these women are attractive: jolie, lohan, and paris effing hilton???

and yet i here more shit against Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie, and Jennifer Lopez? these women are in fact beautiful.

so. our lesson for tonight is:

jolie= heroin addicted looking, untalented, creepy vampire, VAGINA-faced, skank
lohan= skank with a nasty complexion...and horrible over-acting ability.
hilton= ET.

Posted by: debisis at September 24, 2005 11:16 PM

Has anyone seen her new hair? it's VERY short.

my name is jessica by the way. whoever wants to be my friend can be my friend. I LOVE TO DANCE!!!!!

Posted by: atticus at October 20, 2005 08:16 PM

Lindsay is simply here to appeal the to the younger crowds and had I been one of the women she is referring too...I would have curb stomped the bitch on national television. Lohan does not even compare in any way, shape, or form to the talent all 3 of those actresses. All she has played in is stupid teenage chick flicks that you young guys probably rent every weekend to spend the time mastubating in your basement all day long. Lohan has not given an award winning performance in any movie I have seen and if you want to talk about the 4 awards she won previously...TEEN CHOICE awards...hello...does that tell you something...TEENs!!! I used to think she was hot before she became and advocate for Anorexics-R-Us. And the only good thing about her album is the music video for that song that she talks about leaving her alone and her being tired of people talking about her.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 21, 2005 08:01 AM