March 07, 2005

Hollywood-Videogame links made serious and movies on PSP

Two pieces of news have popped up today relating games to movies. The first, from Variety through Coming Soon, concerns something more than just the odd videogame here and there. In a move which mirrors that of the Asian market, where a US company was started simply to source and adapt Asian movies for Hollywood, a new company has been created to not only identify games that can be adapted to movies, but also to come up with original ideas for videogames which can be made into both movies and games at the same time.

Video game writer/producers Flint Dille and John Zuur have signed a two-year first-look deal with Dimension Films, says Variety. The deal calls for Dille and Zuur to bring video game concepts and existing game properties to the studio that might be adapted into films through their Bureau of Film and Game company.

The arrangement is modeled on the duo's experience with Backwater, which they originally pitched to Dimension as a game. They're now co-executive producers on the Dimension movie.

Sounds interesting enough, and if they've got enough savvy in both worlds we might see some original work come through. That kind of rings true when you see some of the work they've already been responsible for. They wrote the script for the games The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, which was nominated in two BAFTA Games Awards categories - Best Action\Adventure and Best XBox - and Constantine. I've played Riddick and it's a very cool game and deserved to win, I've only played the demo of Constantine, and I wouldn't rate it that highly, but since they only wrote the script there might be something different to get out of the whole game rather than just a short demo.

They're currently working on a Sin City game, which does fill me with excitement. I'm so excited about the movie, I can just guess how the game is going to look and feel.

Check out the rest of the BAFTA Games and Interactive awards here.

The other piece of movie-gaming news comes from Rope of Silicon.

On top of the Sony Entertainment lineup that has already been announced for the Sony PSP handheld system due to hit North American shelves on March 24th Lions Gate is entering the game with a few movies for the device as well.

The Hollywood Reporter lets known that the Gate will initially release Saw, Open Water, The Punisher, Total Recall and Rambo: First Blood for the system along with seven other titles.

I'm not so sure about this, watching movies on a small handheld machine is just not my thing, however the quality is supposed to be really good and the studios seem to be lining up behind it to deliver quite a selection of movies.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 7, 2005 02:02 PM
