March 01, 2005

Halle Berry Totally Redeems Herself

Halle_Berry2.jpgNothing can redeem a celebrity (who has done something stupid or kind of become a joke) as quickly as making fun of themselves and showing the world they can be a good sport about themselves or their failures. At our core, we as a culture love to forgive our fallen heroes... but only when they admit they screwed up. The best example of this is the amazing William Shatner who totally revived his dead career by spending a few years voluntarily being the butt end of a lot of jokes and making good heated fun of himself and his image in certain movies and TV shows.

So along comes Halle Berry and the car wreck that is Catwoman. So what does Halle do? The good folks over at Reuters News give us this:

Berry was named worst actress of 2004 by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation for her performance in "Catwoman" and she showed up to accept her "Razzie" carrying the Oscar she won in 2002 for "Monster's Ball."

"They can't take this away from me, it's got my name on it!" she quipped. A raucous crowd cheered her on as she gave a stirring recreation of her Academy Award acceptance speech, including tears. She thanked everyone involved in "Catwoman," a film she said took her from the top of her profession to the bottom.

"I want to thank Warner Brothers for casting me in this piece of shit," she said as she dragged her agent on stage and warned him "next time read the script first."

It is rare for a Razzie winner to show up at the spoof awards held on the night before Oscars -- but Berry did, saying her mother taught her that to be "a good winner you had to be a good loser first." She received a standing ovation.

Bravo!!! By showing up to the Razzies, Berry showed not only a real sense of humor, but also a sense of class. With that one move, she instantly made me a fan of hers again... even more now.

Posted by John Campea at March 1, 2005 12:14 AM


That's funny and impressive considering. Let's just hope she gets (and selects) better scripts!

Posted by: Arethusa at March 1, 2005 01:18 AM

If anyone find a video clip of this please post the linke here!

Posted by: Al-xx at March 1, 2005 04:24 AM

Nice one Halle - we still love you.

While we're on the subject thank god that Jinx movie seems to be dead in the water.

Posted by: Mean Mr Mustard at March 1, 2005 06:43 AM

Hm... if the Razzie has her name on it..wouldn't it say...Razzi Berry...Ha sorry I found it to be somewhat amusing.

Posted by: Xun Shin at March 1, 2005 07:01 AM

You go girl!! Is that a lame thing to say? I don't care.

Posted by: ThS at March 1, 2005 07:15 AM

didn't she say a while back that she liked this catwoman moive? doesn't she read the scripts her angents send her before signing up either?
anyways, good on her for this.
(i found this movie to be fun anyways)

Posted by: louis at March 1, 2005 08:26 AM

Now I wanna buy the DVD!

Posted by: Simone at March 1, 2005 12:33 PM

I don't, but I do respect her for not being all snotty and accepting the fact that she was in a god-awful movie. That's pretty cool of her, so ok, I'll watch her next movie.

Posted by: tracy at March 1, 2005 01:10 PM

That's my girl! Showing that we all have to walk
through it, So hold your head high and put on your waders and show them how it's done.
job Well done

Posted by: Marco at March 3, 2005 01:04 AM

Ehr, Tracy, it was a joke on my part to say I will buy the DVD actually. *winks*

I admire Berry nonetheless for being such a good sport.

Posted by: Simone at March 3, 2005 06:39 AM has it:

Posted by: jeremy at September 7, 2005 08:28 PM

Good show, Jolly good show. And I applaud Shatner. He is one of my heroes for his comeback. His performance in Boston Legal is amazing, the whole show should be about him.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 03:03 PM