March 10, 2005

George Lucas On 60 Minutes This Sunday

I got an email from the folks over at CBS alreting me to the fact that George Lucas will be 0n 60 minutes this Sunday (March 13th). The stuff they're going to be talking about has be even more reved up than I was already. Here's an excerpt from the CBS site:

"I don't think I would take a 5- or a 6-year-old to this," says Lucas of "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." "It's way too strong."

Lucas is referring to violent scenes in the film and also to Anakin Skywalker's journey to the dark side in the climax of the 30-year-old series. "We're going to watch him make a pact with the devil," Lucas tells Stahl.

This new turn will include the former squeaky-clean Skywalker descending into Lucas' frightening vision of Hell, a mythical planet composed entirely of erupting volcanos. "Yes...the lava at the ends in Hell," reveals Lucas.

"[The film] is much more dark...more emotional. It's much more of a tragedy. My feeling is that it will probably be a PG-13, so it will be the first 'Star Wars' that's a PG-13." And that's fine with Lucas. "I could pull it back a little bit, but I don't really want to," he says.

It looks like Lucas has indeed been listening to his fan base over the last couple of years. Well... I know what I'll be doing Sunday night.

Posted by John Campea at March 10, 2005 04:42 PM


I actually sense a great disturbance in the FORCE.

It's not fair I wont get to watch it!!!! *cries*

Posted by: Simone at March 10, 2005 04:46 PM

if only episode one and two could have lived up to the hype. maybe three won't either. i'm not very positive about this. i guess i should be. it's hard to get excited when one of the greatest sagas was ripped out of my childhood by poor prequels.

if only david lynch had done return of the jedi then star wars wouldn't be what it is today.

hahahahahaha, i'm so negative today. why?

Posted by: jason at March 10, 2005 05:07 PM

negativity is catching...I had it yesterday!

I love ROTJ, but also Steven Spielberg was *this* close to directing it but that's a long story I don't have time to tell LOL.

These 60minute segments for the prequels have been great for ep 1&2, so I'm sure this one will be too.

Oh I just saw the FULL TRAILER* for ROTS and I must say it is the most incredible thing I've ever seen...besides my lovely wife, that is!


*it's a shaky cam version of it but I bowed to the dark side and watched it.

Did I say wow? You'll know what I mean when you see it.

Posted by: trysop at March 10, 2005 06:03 PM

Trysop! Where and how did you see the full trailer? I am so envious!!!!

Posted by: Simone at March 10, 2005 06:11 PM

Simone, check your email when you get a chance.


I would be evil and post it on my site to drive traffic to it but my admin would HATE me for the bandwidth abuse.

To stay on topic, I think the 60 minutes crew naming the segment 'Star Wars goes to Hell' sounds like that Friday the 13th movie. Kinda stange, isn't it? Sounds like just as many people (more) die in Star Wars, by various forms of slicing and dicing - maybe think of Anakin as 'Jason Vorheers'.

Actually, don't.

Posted by: trysop at March 10, 2005 06:29 PM

ROTS looks great. Really, really dark...but great. Maybe Lucas knew what he was doing with TPM? As for AOTC, other than the love story, it compares well with the OT.

Posted by: Chris at March 10, 2005 10:06 PM

just watched theOC (not because of the rots trailer, but because i like theOC, sorry) and saw the trailer. as with the previous star wars, my breath was literally ripped out of my lungs. i was breathless. my chest spazmed (if that is a word). but like i said, i did that when i saw the trailer for ep1 & 2 and ESPECIALLY when the fanfare started in the theatre. and as was ep1&2 in the theatre i was dissapointed. episode 1 was weak and episode2 had jerky camera movements that my eyes did not agree with (and it was weak). BUT I WAS BREATHLESS. emotional, yes. i don't know what to think. looks can be decieving.

Posted by: jason at March 10, 2005 10:51 PM

if you like really crappy video quality when you watch your star wars trailers, check this out

Posted by: bigwig at March 11, 2005 12:02 AM

"Simone, check your email when you get a chance. Shhh..."

David, youve got mail, and, May the FORCE be with ya! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 08:28 AM

are you kiddin me? i'm definitely bringing my 4 yr old son to watch it with me. i had him on my lap and we were both so excited, okay i was more excited than he was. i can't wait for cIII

Posted by: Movie Replicas at March 11, 2005 09:51 AM


Posted by: Marco at March 11, 2005 10:07 AM

LOL @ Movie Replicas

I will condone this behaviour, for a 4-year old he has great taste in movies!

This actually reminded me of what my sister who is based in the US told me when she went to watch "Attack of the Clones" 2 years ago. They were father and son and it was the father who loved Star Wars and the son digged Spiderman. The son was actually dising Star Wars and the father gets all riled up and was literally on Star Wars defense, *laughs* it must have been funny watching that scene. In this case, Movie Replicas and son both like the Star Wars movies. *winks*

The Force be with you!

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 10:10 AM

I live in Canada, and watched the O.C. for the ROTS trailer, and what do I get?? ATV simulcasts over the trailer after 3 seconds... GAH!!!!!!

Posted by: Glen at March 11, 2005 11:24 AM

My brother used the TiVo on for the OC (I personally can't stomach the show.) Later we sat down to watch it.

WOW! We all were taken back. Amazing. I got chills amd a mist of tears! It was everything I imagined while reading the breaking down of the trailer here on the movie blog.

Then - the last I'd say 20 seconds of the trailer were lost to us as the tv show (as many do now a days) ran over the 9pm schedule and the TiVo cut out. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Rip off. My sister-in-law who doesn't understand our fansicnation giggled. Lame.

I also have no desire to see Robots, so seeing the trailer on the big screen this weekend won't be happening. :(

Posted by: Meli at March 11, 2005 11:40 AM

"Amazing. I got chills amd a mist of tears! It was everything I imagined while reading the breaking down of the trailer here on the movie blog".

Ahhhhh Meli, I am with you there, exactly how I looked like in the wee hours of the morning trying to download, it was AWESOME!!!!

Posted by: Simone at March 11, 2005 12:34 PM

Star Wars is outdated Sci-Fi. It's like looking back at Buck Rogers from the 80's... Lame 2 dimensional storytelling.

There will be better stuff soon

Posted by: Rick at March 13, 2005 02:34 PM

Are you still single George?
I am independent, artistic, love life, home and family.
Listening to you made me realize there may be someone as set in my ways as I am and still be open to a relationship.
I've got a heart of gold, friends of over half my life, and a family who are my best friends.
Write if you are single and interested.
The best to you in all you do.
I believe that G-d appears in the syncranisity of the moment.
This may be one of them.
In peace,

Posted by: lisa at March 13, 2005 11:10 PM

How did the interview go? Anything exciting?

Posted by: Simone at March 14, 2005 01:47 PM