March 07, 2005

First pages of Rocky 6 available online

You guys better appreciate this post, I have one hand in a large bandage above my head after seriously slicing open my thumb while chopping some leek for tea!

Rocky 6 seems to be going ahead full steam at the moment, at least from Sylvester Stallone's point of view. Jo Blo carries news from a Stallone fan who received the first edition of SLY Magazine, Stallones official lifestyle magazine! What a read that will be...actually, I was being sarcastic there, but if you're into looking after your body and training at all, it just might be! Anyway, where were we? would you like to read the first 3 pages of Stallone's official screenplay to ROCKY 6? That's right, the man has included them in his mag, and will be following them up with more pages in issue #2

Check out JoBlo's site for the images and scans. Beware however, there are spoilers in the full screen scans linked from the page.

I've just read them and I have to say it captures the Rocky feel from the first few lines, and you know, it just might work.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 7, 2005 04:22 PM


"You guys better appreciate this post, I have one hand in a large bandage above my head after seriously slicing open my thumb while chopping some leek for tea!"

I find this more interesting, what happened??? LOL

I would like to watch Sly as Rocky than Rambo really.

Posted by: Simone at March 7, 2005 04:48 PM

You would not believe. Cutting a leek and the knife went straight in my thumb. Sharp chef knives too, went in about half way! Seriously considering an A&E; trip...still throbbing.


Posted by: Richard at March 7, 2005 05:14 PM

Tea???!? Real men drink coffee :-) j/k
But thanks for the news. This looks interesting. Hope this movie makes for another great drinking game. One time a fried of mine suggested we'd drinke everytime Sly changed facial expression while watching Rocky 2. We only had a few sips during the fights.

Posted by: Daysleeper at March 7, 2005 05:15 PM

Shut up, daysleeper. ;) :D Tea is good. Ah, nevermind, don't listen to me. :)

I don't have anything against Stallone or Rocky, but isn't 6 just too much. Even if the movie is to be good. :-/ Something new would be much better... But I guess by doing Rocky 6 they can be sure that they get their money back even if the movie is crappy. We'll see, we'll see...

Posted by: Raven at March 7, 2005 06:29 PM

"Seriously considering an A&E; trip...still throbbing". As a a nurse I'd advise it Rich, good reason to have not too much pressure at work whilst the bandage is on!


Yeah! V4V indeed, but hey this is a Rocky topic!

Just like the rest of 'em, Stallone doesnt wanna give it up eh?

Posted by: Simone at March 7, 2005 06:33 PM

I think that if Sly puts forward Rocky 6 it will be great! If you've seen that new reality tv show the contender you can see that even though hes 57 hes still got the body to do another rocky. Plus im only 14 years old and this would be the first and probably only tim id get to see rocky on the big screen. I own rocky 1-5 but its not the same.

Posted by: Justin at March 13, 2005 11:10 AM


Posted by: KIM at March 19, 2005 09:37 PM

hey i love all rocky movies...that is 1 to 4. i deny 5 ever existed becuse it was a crap street fight.. rocky trained a guy called tommy the machine gunn which was lame and the manager was desperatly trying to be don king but ive heard there will be no fights in this film its all about there poverty years later and the son turning into a heavy junkie an sly correcting everything again.... but i swear to god if he says one more time "im retired" then fights a big angry guy again il be pissed right off. grrrr.

Posted by: nick at March 31, 2005 08:19 PM

Are you sure theres going to be a rocky 6?

Posted by: Liam at April 4, 2005 11:35 PM

look i dont care what any one says rocky one through five was the sequal ever made and rocky two was the best movie every made any thing sly does is good all his other movies and the contender is really cool and i would prob cut my left ball off to see rocky 6

Posted by: marc at April 6, 2005 08:55 AM

Sylvester Stallone is a geniouse... he is my favourite actor and role model. I hope that he does make Rocky 6... I will be first in line.
I also hear he is making Rambo 4! I can not wait to see both of these movies.

Posted by: James at April 12, 2005 03:11 PM

im the champ, im the champ ill beat ya like i did last time. rocky 3 the best but i love them all would like to see mr. t again can't wait for rocky6

Posted by: todd at April 14, 2005 07:12 PM

bring on rocky 6. i cant wait to see it. it would be so cool if ivan drage was in it. but sly is to old to make another rambo.


Posted by: james at April 18, 2005 10:41 AM

The Rocky Series Has Changed My Life And Shown Me To Work Harder For What I Want

Posted by: Michael Roy at April 20, 2005 09:42 PM

I do hope stallone makes rocky 6 but as much as I liked seeing him fight drago I think he should fight mike tyson or vin diesel bringing back drago would kill the series or at least rocky 4 bringing back an oppenet of rocky's only worked with apollo creed.

Posted by: tom pappas at April 23, 2005 12:45 PM

rocky is the best bring on rocky 6!!!!!!!!!!
sly is fit xxxxxxxxx

Posted by: Emma at April 25, 2005 09:26 AM

Rocky is the best.
Rocky is the bestest.
i think Rocky 1,2,3,4,5 is good
i think Rocky 6 will be gooder.

That is all


Posted by: Italian_Stallion - Rocky's cousin at April 27, 2005 12:26 AM

Some of us are missing the point here. The first Rocky won academy awards, and rightfully so. That movie was amazing! From part 2 onward, much of the story was still very respectful. Saying that Stallone is too old is just pathetic. Look at the man's body. The guy is built like a 25 year old body builder! Rocky 6 and Rambo 4 will both be amazing. These characters represent the underdog in its most truest form!! Also, I would like to add something very important...Arnold S...... is a bum compared to the natural talent of Stallone. Has Arnold won any Oscars for making movies, os starring in them? The answer is NO...NO...No... Stallone rules!!!

Posted by: Jake Stewart at May 3, 2005 01:28 PM

how about bringing clubber lang back, but as rocky's trainer for rocky 6?

Posted by: jeff at May 6, 2005 07:46 PM

Rocky must do another film, featurin his son, winning the title, just dont dare kill him off!!!

Posted by: kerstie at May 15, 2005 06:59 PM

yes, Sly, bring it back, you may be the King of action thrilled movie sequels. If you get in shape.

Posted by: peter at May 16, 2005 01:53 AM

A yo! You bums are a bunch of Kuntucky fried Idiots. Yo- Clubber is no friend of mine and yo, My son ain't no junkie either. Yo! Tis betta be my last fight, cause I ain't getten any younga, " hey yo Poly, Wheres my Diaper Take it back- do, do, do,do -Take it Back

Posted by: Tom at May 23, 2005 11:49 PM

I Like Rocky 234 in my point of view rocky 1 is good course he knows realisticly in his heart he cant beat the champ but he sed it dont matter if i dont beat him as know as i can go to the distance and if i go that distance i wont be another bum from the neighbour hood course he had nothing in his life he wants to be remembered from that i point in his life and did sumthin extrodronary knock the champion down and went the distance to me it was all hearts to that film that is why it won its oscar but rocky 2,3, i like becourse rocky 2 Went the distance and became champion of the world rocky 3 was good course of clubber lang talk the rocky training the rocky them tune and the last rocky 3 fight which was exiting to watch Bill conti is a generious in the rocky music score rocky four was more of an action type like rambo it was good the music was like action packed film and the fake part is no can can get knock down three times and keeps on gettin knock down if that was real life the fight would have stop maybe not in the old days but it his but rocky is still and and icon and a peoples champion from the rocky films i learnt to go for it and grab life flying high now gonna fly fly fly der der der der der, rocky five to be honest wid u was just a complete of a joke it came down from a million to one shot to become champion of the world and then loose his procession and fights the Bum in the street Tommy the Gay gun i maybe in rocky 6 he becomes rich again and but it wont beat the past rocky films from 1,2,3,4 expecially number 2 im the bigges6 fan '' hey sucka balbora u finish ur washed im the baddest in the world u dont look so bad to me, what u say paper champion i beat u like a dog a dog, clubber do you except the rematch with balbora, i reject the challange course balbora is no challange but i be happy to beat up some more always say he was nuthin, Adrian i did it course your a tank your a greasy fast 200 pound italian tank though him run over him, im a tank im guna get him, this is it man, i know word by word course iam the biggest fan peace out i wish i star in rocky 6 anyways take it easy people rocky rocky rocky rocky nothing will ever beat the rocky films.

Posted by: sadikur Rahman at May 27, 2005 06:57 AM

i would love for them to come out with a rocky 6 his movies r so inspirational i love them....there will never be any movie better than any of the ones he comes out with...and i know that if there is a rocky 6 to come out we will not be disappointed

Posted by: Dorien at May 29, 2005 01:14 PM

Rocky 6 is gonna kik ass no matter wat ne1 sez. Evry1 can say that Rocky 5 was shite but who of u can say that it wasnt good to see Rocky back in the saddle n kickin tommy's ass at the end was the best thing eva cos he had it comin. The first rocky jus showed that nothing is impossible which was then backed up by Rocky 2 wen he went the distance and knocked Apollo out. If u think about it Rocky has basically beaten evrything. He's beaten adversity, hes beaten the invincible and he's even beaten steroids in the form of Drago. Rockys the man no matter wat ne1 sez and he has taught me somthin. No matter what u think nothing is impossible. You will find a way.
Rocky 6 will b just as good even better. Can't wait!

Posted by: Stevo at June 16, 2005 07:14 AM

i think rocky 12345 r shit but rocky 6 is going 2 be good

Posted by: jonny at July 10, 2005 04:11 AM

tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck are u on lol

Posted by: kieran at July 19, 2005 05:20 PM

i want rocky 6 with syvlvester stallone

Posted by: ben matarazzo at August 2, 2005 11:58 PM

hey stevo!!!!!!!
if u dont like rocky 12345 then why the fuck do u think rocky 6 will be good!
u just have no taste atall and why r u even ln a rockys site if u dont like any of the following rocky dick ed!
get off here u make me sick!

Posted by: lindzi stallone smith at August 8, 2005 07:06 AM

ive been wating for this for a long time. ROCKY 6 finally. i was kind of hopig that he does somthing with his son in it, but what ever sly puts in it its going to be great.
rambo 4 wont be too bad either

Posted by: Tony85 at August 29, 2005 08:49 AM

I really doubt that any of the previous fighters are gonna be in the new Rocky 6...they are just way too old. Don't get me wrong! I love their's just highly unlikely especially if its just gonna be about his life not as a boxer. Besides Rocky never really developed enough of a relationship with the other characters other than Apollo to have them even to be brought back in 6.....why would they come back?

Posted by: Manuel at August 31, 2005 06:14 PM

rocky 4 is the best series out of them all it has to be, we need a rocky vs drago rematch with him going back to old school training and the running up the stairs but i think to say its the last rocky going to be made we need a dramatic ending maybe rock dying after the fight????

Posted by: markos at September 1, 2005 07:21 AM

hello sylvester i watch rocky 2 and 5 every day and im a big big fan of you would you plese be able to send me a photo of you to my email address

Posted by: thomas at September 12, 2005 10:01 AM

"yo andrian i did it" come on u 200 pound tank im exited to see u back on screen. i wish rocky must b fighting with all his opponents one by one in rocky 6. come on baby lets rock
stallone let me personally tell u taht i have been inspired by u and developing the same physic as u made when u saw tarzan and wanted a sleek and trim body.

Posted by: ishaan at September 14, 2005 12:53 AM

I Love Rocky!!! Make the movie..

Posted by: JD at September 25, 2005 11:22 PM

i hope they make a rocky 6 i just hope because the rockys 12345 areun real i hope they aint makin it up and i would love rockys son to be champ

Posted by: ali at September 26, 2005 01:38 PM

The Rocky series are the best movies to watch if you want to be inspired, after you watch those, you feel like you can do anything, but all in all... Rocky 6 better not be with Vin Diesel or else it will be ruined ... Jean-Claude VanDam is more Rocky-ish style and the same generation, even though he does kick boxing movies, what says he can't box in a ring with Stallone right?... Diesel is just too new style kind of actor and he's young to be in same ring with the Italian Stallion, big ass age difference... It wouldn't be a good match. I'm all for Rocky 6 and I hope this movie does good and is as awsome as all the other Rocky movies.

Posted by: Mathieu. M at October 1, 2005 10:01 PM

the rocky films have been my fave ever since i first saw them when i was five years old. rocky 4 is my absolute fave!
i think Rocky 6 will be just as amazing, though i wonder what the storyline will be!
i heard in an interview that mr t (clubber lang) is going to be in it and the plot is that Rocky will train his son, and clubber lang will be training someone else (apparently) Rocky can not possibly fight in rocky 6 as if you remember in rocky 5 he was told if he took a serious blow to the head it would result in brain damage.whatever the storyline is it will be fantastic.
i also heard in the interview that rocky 6 is coming out in December!
what a christmas present!!!!

[email protected]

Posted by: nikkie jayne at October 5, 2005 08:35 AM

Who the hell is going to go out and see this movie?
It's time for Rocky to die or retire. Check out the trailer from Rocky 6 below

Posted by: Markus at October 12, 2005 09:21 AM

rocky is the best, and a sixth one? that's great i can't wait to see this movie

Posted by: heber_11 at October 17, 2005 12:56 AM


Posted by: Unknown at October 18, 2005 03:41 AM

heaps of people only watch the other Rocky movies because they like number 4, hell i like number 4, number 6 sounds like a waste of time

Posted by: marttle at October 18, 2005 03:48 AM

I sat and watched rocky 5 last night and it brought all the memories back of what excellent films they all were,and ever since i seen number 5 ive always wanted and hoped they would bring Rocky 6 out and it finally looks like its happening,YES!!! what a film it will be and cannot wait!!!

Posted by: Graeme at October 18, 2005 06:46 AM

the 16th page of the script tells of Rocky 4 being a dream, and that appollo did not actually die. He is now Rocky's trainer!!!! WOW what a twist!!!!

Posted by: sly at October 18, 2005 06:49 PM

The Rocky movies cannot be beaten, it made me take up boxing that's how inspirational they are and the greatest quote is from roky 5 - ''''Get up ya son of a bitch cos Micky loves ya'' Rocky Rocky Rocky!!!!!!

Posted by: Chrisof at October 19, 2005 07:53 AM

Heya, I think its a boss idea there's gonna be a Rocky 6, he may be old but he's still got it;) Be gutted if they knock him off tho, fingers crossed they dont hey.

Posted by: Charlotte at October 20, 2005 03:11 PM

I think is going to be a good movie

Posted by: luis at October 20, 2005 05:47 PM

me to i want rocky 6 with him

Posted by: luis at October 20, 2005 05:49 PM


Posted by: luis at October 20, 2005 05:52 PM

i have to go

Posted by: luis at October 20, 2005 05:52 PM

i think this is going to be great!! the first movies are the best... they don't have tons of action, but they had topic, and that's what makes it worth

Posted by: Felipe at October 22, 2005 05:37 PM

there could be the son gos to boxing but he like turns bad and rocky dont wont him to fight so rocky fights him for his good but rocky would be too old

Posted by: james at October 24, 2005 06:14 AM

down with sly i dont know who he is rocky all the way stalone!!!!! rocky rocky rocky

Posted by: james at October 24, 2005 07:06 AM

that dream its like alien3 and 4 (im a mad fan) its a dream but thats crap all that work i think making it they knew it was real

Posted by: james at October 24, 2005 07:10 AM

i think that rocky is the best. i have bad depresion and every time i felt low i put it on and it would make me feal better because he proves that you can be a nuffin and become the greatest and i hope that number six makes me happy to. he has the eye of the tiger for sure

Posted by: james dorrington at October 24, 2005 03:52 PM

I think Rocky 6 will be great. What happens to his family?

Posted by: Andre at October 29, 2005 12:00 PM

I think Rocky 1-5 are five of the best movies ever made. They all contain alot of real-life type of drama in addition to inspiration. Alot of people don't like Rocky 5, and understandably so...though I think alot of people just don't understand the story. I think the basic idea in 5 was that Rocky didn't need money to be happy and that as long as he had his family everything was okay. Rocky thought Tommy Gunn was his friend and really took him in and gave him everything, but he didn't appreciate anything and left Rocky high and dry. Don't we all know somebody like that? Eventually Rocky realizes that Tommy is not the solution to his problems, rather, the source of his problems, and when he makes things right with his family that becomes more important to him than anything else in the world. It's a good story, perhaps some parts of the movie were not executed in the greatest fashion but it does get better with repeated viewings.

Now, as far as Rocky 6...where to go from here? Rocky retired permanently in Rocky 5 because of his brain he decides sixteen years later that he wants to compete? How will he become medically cleared? I'm curious how they're going to go with this. Stallone may be 60 but he sure looks damn good for 60. Really, if the movie's story can come across as effective, then what does it matter the age of the lead actor? I sure hope I look as good as Sylvester Stallone when I'm 60. Anyway are we going to see Rocky's son step into the ring? Whatever direction they take with 6, I hope they keep consistent with the rest of the movies. In the beginning they need to show what happened at the end of Rocky 5, A) Since all the other movies do that, B) For continuity purposes, C) Because they have to :)

Also I hope they can get Bill Conti to do the soundtrack, or Vince DiCola...

Posted by: Vic at October 29, 2005 10:22 PM