March 19, 2005

Ewan McGregor wants a Moulin Rouge 2

Ok, I'm still amazed by how many people out there have still not seen Moulin Rouge. It was a film that totally surprised me from start to finish. It was nothing like what I was expecting. It easily makes it into my top 20 favorite films of all time. The whole thing is just such a damn fine work of art... and your girlfriend will LOVE you for renting it with her... TRUST ME.

According to the good folks over at Moviehole, Ewan McGregor and I sort of think the same way, and he's looking to get a sequel made. I'm all for it!

According to ITV, the "Star Wars" actor - who does have a killer voice, now that I think of it - is trying to persuade movie bosses to do a sequel to his 2001 hit.

"I've never done anything like it. There's never been anything like it. The opportunity to sing and dance and be part of a company like that. It felt like we were in the circus", he says. "It was an extraordinary experience going to work every day - the colour, the music, the crazy Baz. It was fantastic. I'd do it all again tomorrow. I'd be quite happy to make Moulin Rouge! II."

I can't emphasize this enough... if you haven't seen Moulin Rouge... go get it tonight. I'd be in line to see it's sequel in a second! McGregor probably just wants an excuse to snuggle with Nicole Kidman again... and get paid for it. Lucky bastard.

Posted by John Campea at March 19, 2005 08:19 AM


Guilty! I havent seen this film either although I have the DVD in our collection, might take you up on that John and watch it tonight.

I have heard the Moulin Rouge soundtrack which I thought was okay. As for Ewan's other "gift", he will be in the West End's stage production of "Guys and Dolls", most likely reprising the screen role of Marlon Brando, so I am queueing up for that one this year!

Posted by: Simone at March 19, 2005 08:39 AM

Simone - definitely take time out to watch this movie very soon. It's fanastic! Vibrant and funny. Every performance given outstanding. When I saw it in the theater I sat with my mouth hanging open at the credits rolled.

Posted by: Meli at March 19, 2005 12:21 PM

Frankly, I hated MOULIN ROUGE with a passion.

Not because of the musical numbers (neat!), or the visuals (neat!), or the actors (Nicole Kidman - hot!)... but the necrophilia and misogynism of the plot completely put me off.

"Oooo, the lovely prostitute coughs up her lungs, it's so beauuutiful!"

"She has to die because she's a fallen Woman, it's so beauuuutiful!"

"Oooo! Look at me! I'm a Suffering Poet, and I'm making that dying prostitute's life Significant, because I'm a Poooet!"

"Look at me, I'm the Hooker With A Heart Of Gold! I exist only to prove the Suffering Poet is Deeeep and then I'll cough blood and die, and it's beauuutiful!"



Posted by: A.R.Yngve at March 19, 2005 04:10 PM

Meli, I will definitely watch this one of this weekends and go back to this post!

Posted by: Simone at March 19, 2005 05:00 PM

Hear! Hear!

I'm not a fan of musicals generally but when my sister kept telling me that "Moulin Rouge" was her favourite movie period decided I'd better take it out of the pile of "DVD's to be watched". It's fantastic and I feel bad I didn't go to see it when it was in theatres now.

How on earth "Chicago" won an oscar when "Moulin Rouge" didn't is totally incomprehensible to me.

Posted by: Ian Smith at March 20, 2005 06:33 AM

The only trick to enjoying Moulin Rouge! is to get through the very sloppy and incoherent first 20 minutes....It is so busy it can be off-putting...but after that, it is an excellent film.

Jim Broadbent + Like a Virgin = hilarious.

Posted by: Triflic at March 20, 2005 09:41 AM

(Sorry... Comment Edited for Spoilers)

Posted by: someone who's watched it at March 20, 2005 09:52 AM

I absolutely HATED Moulin Rouge (mainly because of Nicole Kidman), and couldn't finish it, even though I am a possible contender for world's biggest Ewan McGregor fan. Perhaps I will give it another try though, since I turned it off just shy of that 20 minute mark, Kurt. I'll try to ignore Ms. Kidman.

Posted by: Tracy at March 21, 2005 09:24 AM

I dont want to say anything that would spoil this beautiful and incredibly entertaining film. But if you have seen it, there is a sense of completion.

There really is no NEED for a sequel. This is a complete story, with no loose ends that make you want to see what happens next.

I think it would be like another Highlander movie. The story was told, things are finalized, and its beautiful. No need for more.

Sounds more like Ewan is looking for a new job now that the Star Wars gig is over. If he keeps himself busy, then he wont have to join the flock of forgotten actors who are forced to attend conventions as a source of income.

I dont see him having trouble getting work.

Posted by: Rodney at March 21, 2005 10:38 AM

I absolutley loved Moulin Rouge!! It was definatley the best movie i have ever seen!! I agree with Rodney...I dont think there is ANY need for a sequal. It would ruin the one in a kind movie where its NOT a happy ending!The music bugged my parents to death which, eventually led 2 them throwing it out. Which was just another reason for me to go to Target and buy it again. I personally think the movie would have been alot better if they had different characters.

Posted by: Hannah at March 31, 2005 02:26 PM

Moulin Rouge 2 just wouldn't make any sense, not with Nicole Kidman, anyways. She's dead. So either it would have to be about Ewan's character or some other character :/

Posted by: Kim at May 29, 2005 03:18 AM

loved it the bestmovie i have seen in all my life!

but the best part was ewan and his voice. i honestly

think that he should have been a singer(wow)!!!!!!

Posted by: kimmy at June 2, 2005 01:35 PM

i think moulin rouge 2 s great idea i watched moulin about 15-16 times and i always think second

Posted by: elif at June 12, 2005 11:07 AM

What about a prequel?

Posted by: Sam at July 15, 2005 06:20 AM

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh omg! i so love ewans voice. i mean it blew me away to here how wonderful hiz voice iz.nd nicole kidman nd her voice/ wow. when they both sang together, astonishing,wow all ten fingers up 4 the movie moulin rouge. i loved tht movie...itz in my favorite movies list. id say make a number two. plz do...

Posted by: Tiffany maxwell at August 2, 2005 12:21 AM

u have 2 c the film, ewan is so so so so so sexy in it, and it will make you cry every time u watch it, well it makes me cry all the time!!!!! ewan has a great voice and he makes u go week in the nees when he sings!!!!!! Ewan is the best actor ever and im crazy in love with him, and u will be when you watch moulin rouge or............................. Nora, nightwatch, brassed off, trainspotting , the island , starwars 1,2 and 3, a lifeless ordinary, rogue trader, big fish, down with love ect ect
but we all love him so much!!!!!!!

Posted by: mcgregors babe at September 4, 2005 10:27 AM