March 21, 2005

Bruce Willis wants Ben Affleck in Die Hard 4.0?!

BenAffleck.jpgNo, no, no, NO! If Die Hard 4.0 is to have any chance then it must, must, must not have Ben-I'm-an-awful-actor-Affleck, and believe me I want it to work, that's why I'm saying this. Don't do it!

Movieweb bring the story from the Shirley Oracle:

"Word is Affleck is in final talks to join Bruce Willis in the $130M blockbuster Die Hard 4. Willis, who reprises his role as singlette- adorned law-man John McClane in the film, has been beseeching for a project to work with now good friend Affleck, whom he co-starred with in 1998's Armageddon with, for several years - initially suggesting him for Tears of the Sun.

When Affleck was unable to do that movie they idea of them working together again was put on hold, until Willis was asked for some ideas on who he thought should play his son in Die Hard 4.

Looks like Affleck would be playing the role of Willis' son. I don't know about you but thinking about this I just can't imagine the two of them onscreen and it being anything less than a joke. What do you guys think, if not Affleck then who?

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 21, 2005 05:34 PM


I like him in his Kevin Smith roles; other than that, I am not too sure about him.

As far as it being a joke, just seeing Willis do anything these days (and always) seems like a joke. The only time I really thought Willis was doing an outstanding job was in Pulp Fiction. Other than that.. eh, he was funny in 5th Element?

Let them be father and son, maybe it will work.

Posted by: Ryan at March 21, 2005 05:49 PM

with affleck die hard 4 will die easily.

sorry for the lameness, but it's true in my opinion.

Posted by: jason at March 21, 2005 05:52 PM

My God you people are harsh. Yes, Ben hasn't had the best of rules, but saying he cannot act is pure bull-shit.

Watch Armageddon again.. They worked really well together in that film, I would THINK they would work well in this. But that's just how I see it.

I just hate condeming movies and their roles before I get to see them.

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at March 21, 2005 06:22 PM

Ben Affleck was terrible in "Jersey Girl". Didnt he get a Razzie nomination or did he win it? He did okay in "Sum For All Fears" though.

Posted by: Simone at March 21, 2005 06:39 PM

Well, as far as the son thing goes - I can see it, but i've been skeptical since they announced this whether or not it would be anygood. *crosses fingers*

Posted by: Smith at March 21, 2005 06:39 PM

I like it. I think it will be good and I'm sure that it will be successful. I hated Armageddon but I liked the teaming of Affleck and Willis.

Posted by: adam at March 21, 2005 07:21 PM

More important question: Is John McTiernan directing this one...he has had a string of failures in the past while (Rollerball anyone?).

Also, As mainstream films go, The Affleck is pretty bad in nearly everything he is in...with the exception of CHANGING LANES...that is a rock solid film with a fine script and some fine performances, especially from Sydney Pollack and Samuel L. Jackson. Affleck holds his own as well as a surprisingly good Amanda Peet.

Posted by: Triflic at March 21, 2005 09:00 PM

I think this headline should be corrected to: "Who Wants Die Hard 4.0??!"

Posted by: Franklin at March 22, 2005 12:40 AM

Didn't Ben say sometime last year that he had grown weary of starring in action flicks, and wanted to focus more on smaller comedic movies instead? I second the lack of personal interest in seeing another Die Hard movie.

Bruce Willis in Sin City = cool. Bruce Willis in another Die Hard sequel = not cool.

Posted by: Mark at March 22, 2005 01:27 AM

Oh my goodness my good people!

When he's not trying to be the next Jim Carey, Ben Afflack is a damn fine actor. Changing Lanes is a Hugely underrated film and his performance in it was amazing. He out acted (yes... I said it) Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting (not that I'm saying he's a better actor than Damon in general) and he was a great Jack Ryan in an ify script.

Gimme more Die Hard!


Posted by: John Campea at March 22, 2005 02:07 AM

Oh my god...Affleck is awful, I might give you Armageddon, but Changing Lanes was dire. It was so contrived and the plot so drawn out. Character decisions that just glared as stupid, reasoning out the window, and just shouting over shouting. I don't switch off many movies, and I was sorely tempted during that.

Give me more Die Hard, but not with him in.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 22, 2005 03:45 AM


Ok, now seriously, at least someone (John) has the same point of view as I do... I think that Ben Affleck is a pretty good actor, he's not great, but as John said he did have couple of very good performances. Plus, if you want to see bad acting, download the Fantastic Four trailer and enjoy, now that's what I call bad acting (if you can call that "acting" at all)... :D

Posted by: Raven at March 22, 2005 03:55 AM

Affleck is a so-so actor, I have seen most of his films and basically, he has no acting range, no depth, nothing. Maybe he will improve in time and if he doesnt, I am the least bothered person. I dont dislike him, I just want my actors to be able to ACT, that's what theyre there for.

Going back to this project, I have a few Q's.
What's the timeline of this movie if he has a 30 plus year old son? Surely John McClane has retired? Will Ben be like a rookie cop then asks Papa John to assist him in one of his "missions"?

Good grief, the more questions I have in my mind the worse I think this picture could get.

Posted by: Simone at March 22, 2005 05:11 AM


Posted by: CrzyDJM at March 22, 2005 07:07 AM

simone it's scary. that's exactly what i was thinking. he's good in the kevin smith films simply because he doesn't hav eto do much. i just can't see him as a leding man though. sum of all fears was ok, but nothing special by any stretch.

as for die hard 4, i can't see him as bruce's son. he's too old for it to work, unless they age bruce a fair bit. and then you can't take him serious in it either.

oh god! i really do hope they dont' so some weird (grandpa?) bruce is telling a story, with ben playing a younger him...

i suppose if ben plays a colleague it could be ok, but i think die hrd 3 did it mile sbetter than anything they could try now. bruce & samuel made it one of the best if not the, delayed sequel ever.

Posted by: Psych at March 22, 2005 07:23 AM

Eh. Lots of other better actors out there, but if you're a pal of Bruce Willis...what can we do, but make the best of it? This is absolutely going to be the last Willis "Die Hard," guaranteed. He is on the far edge of believability physically. My guess is that Willis is going to give Affleck a shot at a new franchise. Makes him his son, gets killed at the end of the movie, and hands over the Beretta to sonny boy.


Affleck is serviceable in action roles (see Sum of All Fears and Armageddon). Not sure if he will be able to pull off the one-liners like Willis, though. But to be fair, Affleck can't be worse than Schwarzenegger - and look how the Austrian Oak has done in his career.

It is called "suspension of disbelief," folks and if Stallone could make a career of mumbling to the camera, let's give Affleck a shot, hmm?

Posted by: chadt at March 22, 2005 01:28 PM

Ben Assface? Armageddon? What are you people talking about? Is it that dude they sing about in Team america :)

Posted by: Rutger Stevelmans at March 25, 2005 07:03 AM

Ben is still feeling the after effects of the J. Lo courtship. Bet he rebound's quicker than she will.

Posted by: jason at March 25, 2005 01:28 PM

wellllllll !!!

i want to seeee the movieeeeeee !!!

Posted by: RonY at March 29, 2005 03:18 PM

its about tim efor BEn to get in to a good movie. THe roles he has been playing anyone who played it, it would still be a flop. BEN you are sexy and congrats on ur child....

Posted by: JJJJamie at May 12, 2005 11:42 AM